词语大全 自作自受造句_自作自受中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:读和写是学生最必要的两种学习方法,也是通向周围世界的两扇窗口。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自作自受造句_自作自受中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 自作自受造句_自作自受中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 自作聪明造句_自作聪明中英文解释和造句

词语大全 自作自受造句_自作自受中英文解释和造句

自作自受  zì zuò zì shòu








  • 自作自受,你又没有按时交报告。 You asked for it! You didnt finish your report on time again.

  • 自酿苦酒自己喝,自作自受。 Drink as you have brewed.

  • 我们现在在中东看到的是自作自受综合症。 What we’re seeing in the Middle East is the Boomerang Syndrome.

  • 自作自受;自已铺的床自己躺;自食其果。 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

  • 汤姆考试作弊被抓住了。他这是自作自受。 Tom was caught cheating in the exam and he had to stew in his own juice.

  • 但人们总是自作自受。 But people get what they deserve.

  • 宙斯:何苦这样呢?我的孩子。这是你自作自受。 Zeus : It did not have to be this way my son. This path is of your choosing.

  • 过去我曾帮助过他,但这次我只能让他自作自受了。 I’ve helped him before but this time I’m leaving him to stew in his own juicc.

  • 费克斯被打翻了,他一句话也没说,这是他自作自受自遭殃。 Fix, who found himself on the floor, did not utter a word. He had only received his deserts.

  • 因为他不诚实,他所有的朋友都拒绝帮助他,他只好自作自受。 All his friends refused to help him because of his dishonesty and so he was left to stew in his own juice.

  • 无论如何,我觉得那个旅客有点自作自受,永远也不应该演戏。 Anyhow, to my mind, the man was asking for trouble; one shouldn’t play fool tricks of that sort.

  • 龚:现代人无时无刻都在工作、被打扰和被监看,其实是自作自受。 Gong: Present-day people work, are disturbed and monitored all the time. They are merely suffering from their own actions.

  • 我曾经告诫过你不要拿那些苹果。现在被抓住了,你只能自作自受了。 I warned you not to steal those apples. Now you got caught, and you can stew in your own juice.

  • 基于对这一变化的警觉,出版商们正在努力解决他们自作自受造成的恶果。 Alert to such shifts, publishers are trying to undo a mess that is largely of their own making.

  • 毫无疑问莎朗斯通在这次嘎纳电影节上制造的尴尬局面完全就是她自作自受。 THERE is no denying that the high-heeled foot in Sharon Stone’s mouth at the Cannes Film Festival belongs to the actress herself.

  • 多年来的宴会上,谢不知道杀了多少只鸟,得了这样的怪病,是他自作自受。 Over years of feasting, Xie had killed so many birds that he called down this strange ailment on himself.

  • 上次她把钱用完后我借钱给她,但她挥霍浪费。所以这次我让她自作自受了。 The last time I lent her money after she had spent all her won she just wasted it. So this time I let her stew in her own juice.

  • 你这不是自作自受吗?因为上主你的天主在路上引导你的时候,你竟离弃了他。 Has not the forsaking of the LORD, your God, done this to you?

  • 粮价的上升也是美国对乙醇燃料不计后果地实行补贴所带来的自作自受的后果。 But the rise in prices is also the self-inflicted result of Americas reckless ethanol subsidies.

  • 另外,恶作剧要在中午前执行——不然,根据传统,你会带给自己厄运,反而会自作自受! Also, carry out the trick before noon—otherwise, according to tradition, you’ll bring yourself bad luck, and then the joke will be on you!

  • 艾弗知道再次超支他会与银行有麻烦的;过去我曾帮助过他,但这次我只能让他自作自受了。 Ivor knew he’d be in trouble with the bank if he overspent again; I’ve helped him before but this time I’m leaving him to stew in his own juicc.

  • 爸爸肯定认为我自作自受,好好地呆在家里多好,找个实习也很方便,偏要跑到广州去受罪。 Dad must thing I am having only myself to thank. Why not stay at home and have a good time, and find a good internship?Instead I ran back to Guangzhou and endure hardships.

  • 明天有一个临时测验,但是我很长时间没有学习了,我想这次肯定考不过了,得自作自受了。 There’s a pop quiz tomorrow and I haven’t studied for a long time. So I think I’ll have to face the music this time.

  • 就人类而言,母亲生病,孩子就会受苦;既然我们造成了地球上的生态失衡,就得自作自受。 In humans, if the mother is ailing, the child suffers. We are the cause of the ailing planet and we are the victims.

  • 因失恋而痛苦,因别人“插足”于自己与心上人之间而图报复,是最没有出息、最自作自受的了。 Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spumed love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “e between” oneself and a beloved.

  • 因失恋而痛苦,因别人“插足”于自己与心上人之间而图报复,是最没有出息、最自作自受的乐。 Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, thevengefulfeeling that someone else has " e between" oneself and a beloved.

  • 现在,你那住在山地的人民,若没有轻视我,我也不会举起我的戈矛攻击他们,这是他们自作自受。 Nor would I have raised my spear against your people who dwell in the mountain region, had they not despised me and brought this upon themselves.

  • 因失恋而痛苦,因别人“插足”于自己与心上人之间而图报复,是最没有出息、最自作自受的做法。 Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “e between” oneself and a beloved.

  • 也许会的,也许不会的,因为这都是因缘,也可以说是自作自受,有因才会有果,你不种因哪有果呢? May and may not, because it is destiny, it can be said to ourselves, there are due to have a fruit, you are not a result of how types of fruit do?

  • 以前我告诉过你要努力工作,但你总是当耳边风,你这是自作自受。今日作业:用今天所学的词组造句。 I once told you to work hard, but you always turned a deaf ears to me. It serves you right.

  • 自作自受造句相关


    词语大全 自作聪明造句_自作聪明中英文解释和造句

    自作聪明  zì zuò cōng míng







  • 真不幸,自作聪明的家伙。我有数据。 Unfortunately for you, smart-alec, I Got the Data.

  • 所以不要自作聪明,说不受戒是好的。 Therefore, don’t get smart and say, “It’s good not to receive the precepts.”

  • 真的?-是。-就像是一个自作聪明的人? Really? -Yeah. -Like a wise guy?

  • 深沉庄重的猫头鹰也会轻视那些自作聪明的人。 Can grave and formal pass for wise, When Men the solemn owl despise?

  • 要是主动做了没让我做的事情,那是在自作聪明。 When I do something without being told, I am trying to be smart.

  • 你是否见过自作聪明的人?寄望于愚人比寄望于他更好。 Hast thou seen a man wise in his own conceit? there shall be more hope of a fool than of him.

  • 业余选手常常自作聪明地去找顶或底——超级难的工作。 Amateurs often outsmart themselves by trying to pick the end of a trend – a notoriously hard task.

  • 你是否见过自作聪明的人?寄望于愚人比寄望于他更好。 See that man who thinks himself wise? There is more hope for a fool!

  • “不用说这确实是个自作聪明的议论。习惯了就好。”他说。 “Not without saying something that’s really a [smart-aleck] ment and then getting fined for it, ” he said.

  • 掩耳盗钟“后来变成”掩耳盗铃“,用来讽刺自作聪明,自己欺骗自己。 This is just like a thief covering his ears when stealing a bell.

  • 黑手作为战士极其强大,可自作聪明这一点却令其轻易地被制在鼓掌之间。 Blackhand had been an extremely powerful fighter but had thought himself clever and thus had been easily controlled.

  • 就是说,我们要谨慎,既不要轻易接受 俗套的 看法,又不要太自作聪明。 Meaning, we should be careful about accepting conventional wisdom as, well, being wise.

  • 看上去有男子汉气概和把脸弄得脏得像个自作聪明的傻瓜一样之间是有明显界限的。 There’s a fine line between looking manly and looking like a doofus with dirt on his face.

  • 因为它违反了经典《程序设计式样原理》的第一条法则:写代码要清晰-不要自作聪明。 This code violates rule 1 from the classic work The Elements of Programming Style: Write clearly – don’t be too clever.

  • 故对这种看着像懂但是不懂,对演讲技巧一窍不通而又自作聪明的人来讲,教起来只会更费劲。 It looked like about this do not understand, however, the smart aleck speech skills and know nothing about the people, are bound to be more effort teaching.

  • 我要说的话无疑会遭到在派对上自作聪明的人的反对。但我最终会胜利的,因为我有数据支持。 This is where I say something that a smart-alec at a party would no doubt disagree with, and then I triumph by having data to back it up.

  • 如果资源是公共的,一般总逃不过“公地悲剧”,谁都自作聪明地先下手为强,结果害人害已。 ” If the resources of the public in general can not escape the general “Tragedy of the Commons”, one smart aleck preemptive manner, the results have been victims of harm.

  • 你知道,一定会有人称这整本书是个亵渎。尤其是,如果你继续以这样一个自作聪明的家伙的样子出现的话。 You know, don’t You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy.

  • 在一连串的“寒冬论”、“崩盘论”的喧嚣里,楼市安然走过2002年,倒让“自作聪明”者屡屡跌丢了眼镜。 in a series of “cold theory, ” “collapse theory” person, property safely through 2002, Daorang “consider themselves clever” people have lost or glasses.

  • 他把税单向桌上重重地一摔,叫道:“好啊,你们跟我添乱,我可没时间跟你们这些自作聪明的人纠缠,尤其是外国人。 He banged his ine tax form and yelled, “Well, you’re not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who e around, especially foreigners.”

  • 现在还有些自作聪明的人在争论冷战主要是长期的误解所致,还是不同意识形态之间的竞争,还是一种强国之间对抗行为。 Wise heads still argue about whether the cold war was principally a long misunderstanding, a contest of ideals or a power rivalry.

  • 所以无上瑜伽的口诀是“空,不要有自己的动作,童言无忌”。其要求就是要瑜伽行者不要自作聪明的去影响瑜伽的课程。 Hence, the pithy formula of utmost yoga is “empty, no your own actions and ignorance as child’s babble”, which requires a yoga-practicer doesn’t think himself clever to affect the course of yoga.

  • 人类自己衍生出新的知识,从而抛弃掉部份德的智慧,自作聪明地按照自己的知识去生活,去渡过这一个不知其所以然的一生。 Anything but mankind has no derived knowledge. Mankind deserts a part of wisdom of Virtue and flatters himself wise to live an ambiguous life by his own knowledge.

  • 那些在练功中走火入魔,不能涤除玄览而出问题的,大都是自作聪明的运用意志力,或试图以想像力去进行控制,以引导气而发生的。 Since those people think them clever and use consciousness or imagination to control or guide Qi, they eventually go in evil way in practice and can’t wipe and cleanse the vision of the mystery.

  • 但是另一方面,这部影片被一个过于走红的角色所喧宾夺主,也由于笨拙地将戏剧故事的基调转换为一个自作聪明的政治喜剧所糟蹋。 At its worst, it is submerged by an over-populated cast of characters and a tone which shifts awkwardly between dramatic storytelling and smartass political edy.

  • 我们的媒体不要再跟着市场后面自作聪明了,还是赶紧想想如何用自己的报道促进房地产市场的冬天快点过去或至少来得不太寒冷吧! our media not to follow the market behind consider themselves clever, or about how quickly the real estate market with their own reports for the winter cold quickly in the past or at least more less!

  • 罗伯特•穆加贝毁了他的国家,他自作聪明,无情地而又狂热地盲信有人要倾覆他的政权,并把他送去受审,因为他无数次地不尊重人权。 He has ruined his country. He has the ruthless, delusional fanaticism of a clever man who is frightened of being toppled—and perhaps put on trial for his copious human-rights abuses.

  • “你这个女人可别自作聪明以为可以耍得了我。或许你在女人里算是聪明的,可要是你想逃出我的手掌心可没那么容易!”老卡斯卡利安狠狠地说道。 Don’t think you can fool me, woman. You may be cleverer than most of your sex, but you won’t escape me, if that’s your thought!

  • “你这个女人可别自作聪明以为可以耍得了我。或许你在女人里算是聪明的,可要是你想逃出我的手掌心可没那么容易!”老卡斯卡利安狠狠地说道。 Don’t think you can fool me, woman. You may be cleverer than most of your ***, but you won’t escape me, if that’s your thought!

  • 也许他不讲信誉?也许给我的是错号?他的手对我的触摸是我的幻觉?我想我是不是自作聪明?我想我已经明白这一切了。现在我唯一的希望是维护尊严,不再发送第二个短信:; Maybe I have the wrong number?Did I imagine the hand-brushing thing?I thought I was so clever. I thought I had it all figured out. Now my only hope of dignity was not to send a second text;

  • 自作聪明造句相关



    词语大全 自作聪明造句_自作聪明中英文解释和造句

    自作聪明  zìzuòcōngmíng自作聪明的意思和解释:自以为聪明而乱作主张。指过高地估计自己,主观地办事。自作聪明的出处《尚书·蔡仲之命》:“无作聪明,乱旧章。”宋·洪迈《容

    词语大全 自作聪明造句_自作聪明中英文解释和造句

    自作聪明  zìzuòcōngmíng自作聪明的意思和解释:自以为聪明而乱作主张。指过高地估计自己,主观地办事。自作聪明的出处《尚书·蔡仲之命》:“无作聪明,乱旧章。”宋·洪迈《容

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    自作解人  zìzuòjiěrén自作解人的意思和解释:指不明真意而乱发议论的人。自作解人的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·文学》:“非但能言人不可得,正索解人亦不得。”自作解人的例

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    词语大全 自业自得造句_自业自得中英文解释和造句

    自业自得  zìyèzìdé自业自得的意思和解释:业:造作;得:获得,取得。佛家语,指自作自受。自业自得的出处《正法念经》:“自业自得果,众生皆如是。”自业自得的例子自业自得造句自

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    咎由自取  jiùyóuzìqǔ咎由自取的意思和解释:灾祸或罪过是自己招来的。指自作自受。咎由自取的出处《三国志·刘封等传评》:“览其举措,迹其规矩,招祸取咎,无不自己也。”咎由自

    词语大全 咎由自取造句_咎由自取中英文解释和造句

    咎由自取  jiùyóuzìqǔ咎由自取的意思和解释:灾祸或罪过是自己招来的。指自作自受。咎由自取的出处《三国志·刘封等传评》:“览其举措,迹其规矩,招祸取咎,无不自己也。”咎由自

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    擅作威福  shànzuòwēifú擅作威福的意思和解释:擅:自作主张。滥用职权,作威作福。擅作威福的出处元·无名氏《连环计》第一折:“方今汉朝献帝在位,被那董卓专权,擅作威福,生

    词语大全 擅作威福造句_擅作威福中英文解释和造句

    擅作威福  shànzuòwēifú擅作威福的意思和解释:擅:自作主张。滥用职权,作威作福。擅作威福的出处元·无名氏《连环计》第一折:“方今汉朝献帝在位,被那董卓专权,擅作威福,生

    词语大全 天高皇帝远造句_天高皇帝远中英文解释和造句

    天高皇帝远  tiāngāohuángdìyuǎn天高皇帝远的意思和解释:原指偏僻的地方,中央的权力达不到。现泛指机构离开领导机关远,遇事自作主张,不受约束。天高皇帝远的出处明·黄