词语大全 自取灭亡造句_自取灭亡中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 自取灭亡造句_自取灭亡中英文解释和造句
自取灭亡 zì qǔ miè wáng
欺诈偶尔能得逞,然而终将自取灭亡。 Trickery succeeds sometimes, but it always mits suicide.
蜥怪是勇猛的战士,但不会自取灭亡; Basilisks are ferocious fighters but not suicidal;
如果你泯灭了自己的人性,你将自取灭亡!!! If you eat humanity, you will die! ! !
授绳与愚,愚能自缚。任由愚人自为,他将自取灭亡。 Give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself.
加利福尼亚警方称这是“家庭之间自取灭亡的谋杀”。 Californian police are calling it a “family on family, murder suicide.”
人若听任冲动与欲望行事,毫无疑问,只会自取灭亡。 Man, left to his own impulses and desires, will undoubtedly destroy himself.
人类将再度自取灭亡,这一次是亡于大文明之间的冲突。 Humankind will again be at its own throat, this time in a confrontation of great civilizations.
这不是我的拳造成的,而是你过去罪孽深重,自取灭亡… It is not my fist, but your past sins that will kill you…
自作孽不可活。即使好人无所事事,邪恶必将自取灭亡。 The Evil will be defeated even when good men dont do anything.
换言之,如果特里会走,那是因为切尔西决定自取灭亡。 But that’s like saying that Terry would leave if Chelsea decided to go backwards.
这个自取灭亡的制度把无限的权力给了极端利己主义者。 The self-defeating system gives limitless power to egomaniacs.
但当不义者在愤怒中背弃了智慧,遂怒杀兄弟而自取灭亡。 When a violent man turning in anger strayed from Wisdom, he perished in his fratricidal fury.
民族神一旦不能保卫本民族的独立和自主,就会自取灭亡。 Furthermore, nationalism often launches war against other nations under the guise of defending ones motherland.
我猜,我这应该叫自取灭亡吧,居然叫自己的眼泪给淹死了! I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears!
不要因生活堕落而自招丧亡,也不要因你们双手的作为而自取灭亡。 Court not death by your erring way of life, nor draw to yourselves destruction by the works of your hands.
不要因生活堕落而自招丧亡,也不要因你们双手的作为而自取灭亡。 Do not bring about your own death by your wrong way of living. And do not let the work of your hands destroy you.
23:13),若没有上帝的帮助,想攻击非利士人无异自取灭亡。 13), an attack upon the Philistines without the help of the Lord would be futile.
只有保持生态平衡,人类才能生生不息,世世代代,否则只有自取灭亡。 As long as keeping ecological balance, we human will get down to generations, or else destroy ourselves.
就象飞蛾扑火,自取灭亡一样,所有这些军队都全速地冲入您的各个口中仅仅是为了毁灭。 As moths with great speed enter into a blazing fire to perish; similarly all these armies with great speed are entering into Your mouths only to perish.
从理论上讲,最好的防御就是进攻,但倘若刘伯承贸然向日军发动进攻,那无异是以卵击石,自取灭亡。 If he elected to attack the Japanese, on the theory that the best defense is an offense, he courted almost certain defeat and annihilation.
八月他在斯摩棱斯克一心只想如何推进,可是我们现在却看出,这种继续推进对他来说显然是自取灭亡的。 In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further, though, as we see now, that advance meant inevitable ruin.
希特勒犯了错误,把胜利拱手让给罗斯福。正如滑铁卢一战,与其说威灵顿获胜,不如说拿破仑自取灭亡。 Hitler’s mistake gave Roosevelt the victory; just as at Waterloo it was less Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost.
这就是全国性的恐惧和挫折感,这种感觉可能导致国家自取灭亡,导致我们美国人所珍视的一切走上穷途末路。 It is a national feeling of fear and frustration that could result in national suicide and the end of everything that we Americans hold dear.
我很高兴能在片中饰演两个角色,一个是完全疯狂甚至想要自取灭亡,而另一个则很阳光,热爱生活,完全不同。 I very happy can play two roles in the piece, one is pletely crazy even wants to court destruction, but another very much sunlight, deeply loves the life, is pletely different.
是的,神可以抹去恐怖主义者选择意愿的能力,将祂的意旨灌输到他们的脑中,从而使他们不能完成自取灭亡的行径。 Yes, God could have kept the terrorists from pleting their suicidal missions by removing their ability to choose their own will instead of his.
但我这个人真是命里注定自取灭亡,竟然抵御不了这种提议的诱惑,就像我当初一心要周游世界而不听父亲的忠告一样。 But I that was born to be my own destroyer, could no more resist the offer than I could restrain my first rambling designs, when my father’s good counsel was lost upon me.
她说这个男孩与卡萨布兰卡自杀爆炸案的嫌犯是同乡,然而现在的情形是,这个小伙子有理由好好地过日子而非自取灭亡。 She said this boy came from the same neighborhood as the Casablanca suicide bombers, but that perhaps now, the youth had a reason to live rather than a reason to die.
她还说,当那些浆果在鸟腹里被消化时,其汁液可能仍处于继续发酵的过程中,这使得燕雀们变得晕头转向,最终扑向玻璃自取灭亡。 She said the juice probably continued to ferment as the birds digested the berries, causing them to bee disoriented and fly into the panes.
在中世纪的欧洲,同性性接触要不是相反的理由也是想象不到的,这种相反的理由是:它曾经受到如此严厉的责难和起诉,以至于对于任何支持同性性接触的人来说无异于自取灭亡。 It was also unthinkable in medieval Europe, but for the opposite reason: Homosexual contacts were so severely condemned and prosecuted that it would have been suicidal for anyone to defend them.
一项新研究表明:在实验室里,当白血病细胞接触到一种葡萄籽提取物时,不下四分之三的白血病细胞在24小时之内死掉;这些白血病细胞自取灭亡,非常有效,而其他细胞却安然无恙。 More than three-quarters of laboratory leukemia cells exposed to an extract from grape seeds died within 24 hours, effectively killing themselves while leaving other cells unharmed, a new study shows.
词语大全 咎由自取造句_咎由自取中英文解释和造句
咎由自取 jiù yóu zì qǔ
自取其咎 zìqǔqíjiù自取其咎的意思和解释:自己造成灾祸或自己找罪受。自取其咎的出处自取其咎的例子自取其咎造句赐于一套无上权威的规定给于这些父母是自取其咎的行为。Tocon
自取其咎 zìqǔqíjiù自取其咎的意思和解释:自己造成灾祸或自己找罪受。自取其咎的出处自取其咎的例子自取其咎造句赐于一套无上权威的规定给于这些父母是自取其咎的行为。Tocon
咎由自取 jiùyóuzìqǔ咎由自取的意思和解释:灾祸或罪过是自己招来的。指自作自受。咎由自取的出处《三国志·刘封等传评》:“览其举措,迹其规矩,招祸取咎,无不自己也。”咎由自
咎由自取 jiùyóuzìqǔ咎由自取的意思和解释:灾祸或罪过是自己招来的。指自作自受。咎由自取的出处《三国志·刘封等传评》:“览其举措,迹其规矩,招祸取咎,无不自己也。”咎由自
存亡安危 cúnwángānwēi存亡安危的意思和解释:使将要灭亡的保存下来,使极其危险的安定下来。形容在关键时刻起了决定作用。存亡安危的出处《荀子·王制》:“功名之所就,存亡安
存亡安危 cúnwángānwēi存亡安危的意思和解释:使将要灭亡的保存下来,使极其危险的安定下来。形容在关键时刻起了决定作用。存亡安危的出处《荀子·王制》:“功名之所就,存亡安
寿终正寝 shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn寿终正寝的意思和解释:寿终:年纪很大才死;正寝:旧式住宅的正房。原指老死在家里。现比喻事物的灭亡。寿终正寝的出处明·许仲琳《封神演义》
寿终正寝 shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn寿终正寝的意思和解释:寿终:年纪很大才死;正寝:旧式住宅的正房。原指老死在家里。现比喻事物的灭亡。寿终正寝的出处明·许仲琳《封神演义》
存亡绝续 cúnwángjuéxù存亡绝续的意思和解释:绝:完结;续:延续。事物处在生存或灭亡、断绝或延续的关键时刻。形容局势万分危急。存亡绝续的出处存亡绝续的例子这六十年中,算
存亡绝续 cúnwángjuéxù存亡绝续的意思和解释:绝:完结;续:延续。事物处在生存或灭亡、断绝或延续的关键时刻。形容局势万分危急。存亡绝续的出处存亡绝续的例子这六十年中,算