词语大全 自知之明造句_自知之明中英文解释和造句
Posted 智慧
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词语大全 自知之明造句_自知之明中英文解释和造句
自知之明 zì zhī zhī míng
能有自知之明就是真正的进步。 To know one’s self is true progress.
自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢。 To know **elf is wisdom, to forget **elf is folly.
人生最难是自知。人贵有自知之明。 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.
能有自知之明就是真正的进步。 To know oneself is true progress.
有自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢。 To know oneself is wisdom, to forget oneself is folly.
自知之明是自我改善的开始。 Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.
聪明的人有自知之明。 A wise man knows his own limitations.
你很有自知之明。 You are very self-knowledge.
人须有自知之明! A man must know his own limitations!
有自知之明的杜鹃,是会突出半个身子在大钟外面的。 The cuckoo who is on to himself is halfway out of the clock.
最难能可贵的是她良知泯灭之前还有一点点自知之明。 The most valuable is her conscience, devoid of self-knowledge until there is a little bit.
‘不错啊。只是没有你们那么辉煌。’她有自知之明。 ‘As good as usual, but not as wonderful as yours, ‘ Molly is of self-knowledge.
很明显,尽管具有自知之明是件好事,但过度自谦则是有害的。 It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.
雷德洛全家透出一种将将就就的生活态度,且贵在有自知之明。 A make-do and mend attitude runs throughout and the Laidlaw trait of knowing one’s place is of the utmost importance.
他的羞涩除了性格的原因之外,也是一种很有自知之明的内敛。 His shyness is part of his character and also part of a self-awareness that is very subtle.
我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明(我知道自己的能力不很强)。 I have no illusions about my ability, ie I know that I am not very able.
假如你的超过1000字,这是因为你的自知之明很差,这就是你的问题。 If you are going over 1000 words, it’s because your self-knowledge is really bad, so that is your problem.
我还有些自知之明,我知道拉尔夫是不需要我的安慰的,我们没有共同的语言。 I should never presume to candole with Mr Ralph; we’ve not on those terms.
智慧的人却不会,即使他并不聪明,却有着强烈的自知之明与明辨事非的准则。 Contrarily, with strong sense of self-knowledge and of distinguishing right from wrong, wise ones never have the embarrassment of being too smart, even if they are not intelligent at all.
凯文:“这样的话,自知之明,而不是自我中心主义,对应聘者是很有帮助的吗?” Kevin: “So , candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?”
在你尝试了解其他人和盼望其他人明白你之前先使自己成为一个优秀的且有自知之明的人。 Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
有自知之明者知道如何加强他们的薄弱之处;而聪明的人能战胜一切困难,乃至征服他们的命运。 He that knows himself knows how to strengthen his weakness, and the wise person conquers everything, even the stars in their courses.
最艰深难懂的学问都是自知之明的,这些学问通常都是独立发展起来的而非通过和其他学科的交流。 The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others.
最艰深难懂的学问都是自知之明的,这些学问通常都是独立发展起来的而非通过和其他学科的交流。 The most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others. 【200】
因为我有自知之明,我知道自己在做什么,所以不会出乱子、不会出轨、不会失控、更不会自寻烦恼。 I know what I am doing, so I don’t do wrong, or do out of control or make mistakes.
因为我有自知之明,我知道自己在做什么,所以不会出乱子、不会出轨、不会失控、更不会自寻烦恼。 2I know what I am doing, so I don’t do wrong, or do out of control or make mistakes.
在最后阶段,要善于学会全面接受真实的自我,“人贵有自知之明”,正确的自我评价,可以使人获得充分的自信。 In the final phase, to learn to be good all-round acceptance of the true self, “there are people in your self-knowledge, ” the right of self-evaluation, it can be fully self-confidence.
它通过限制具有吸引力的高职位的数量来诱惑每一名员工,甚至是最有自知之明的员工也会为之动心,想方设法地得到提升。 By limiting prestige to those few rungs high up on the ladder, it tempts every employee, even the most self-aware, to try clamber onto next rung.
他认为,要做到文化自觉,一是对自己的文化要有“自知之明”,二是在处理不同民族文化的关系问题时要树立“和而不同”的文化观。 He argued that in order to reach “cultural conscious”, firstly, we should have self-knowledge to our own culture; secondly, we must establish the cultural view of “harmony but difference”.
撒野的时候,我想我是有自知之明的,因为我知道我会踢疼艾菈保母,而闹完脾气我会感到抱歉、痛惜和遗憾。但是,我不记得这种良善的感情那一次曾经让我自制; I think I knew when I was naughty, for I knew that it hurt Ella, my nurse, to kick her, and when my fit of temper was over I had a feeling akin to regret.
词语大全 冷暖自知造句_冷暖自知中英文解释和造句
冷暖自知 lěng nuǎn zì zhī
正所谓“如鱼饮水,冷暖自知”。 Is the so-called “fish such as drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi.”
英文“冷暖自知”怎么说? To know whether it is cold or warm by oneself.
如人饮水,冷暖自知,要相信自我感觉。 If the person waters, changes in temperature knows oneself, want to believe find oneself.
那就让冷暖自知的心成为自己永远的包袱。 Then let articulate the heart bee ever albatross.
至于哪个更合适自己,就如人饮水,冷暖自知了。 As to which more appropriate oneself, water like the person, changes in temperature from cicada.
幸福如同尿裤子,每个人都看见,但冷暖仅自知。 Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.
它的隐秘程度犹如禅宗所说:如人饮水,冷暖自知。 The degree of its mystery is as said in Zen – By drinking water, one knows hot and cold.
冷暖自知啊—事情并不总是象我们想的轨迹去运行的。 Hot is Hot and Cold is Cold – things don’t always work the way we think they might.
如人饮水冷暖自知,陈水扁一家人很明了洗钱案的严重性。 Lengnuanzizhi people such as drinking water, Chen Shui-bian’s family is aware of the seriousness of the money-laundering case.
至于其他互联网企业是否也到了冬天,如鱼饮水,冷暖自知。 As for other Internet panies also to the winter, the fish such as drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi.
修行要靠自己去行,才会有真实的领悟,所谓“如人饮水,冷暖自知。” In order to attain true prehension of the Dharma, you must practice yourself. Just as they say, “He who drank it knows whether the water was cold or warm.”
是一个极端容易、又无比困难回答的问题,因为,自我的状态,从来都是如人饮水、冷暖自知。 is a deceptively simple yet difficult question to answer, as only the individual knows exactly how he feels.
主持人:很多人会记起格林斯潘的话,这是百年一遇的经济危机,腾讯在其中应该是冷暖自知,现在我们感觉到是“冷”还是“暖”? Moderator: Many people will remember Greenspan’s words, this is a once-in of the economic crisis, in which Tencent Lengnuanzizhi should be, and now we feel that it is “cold” or “warm”?
主持人: 很多人会记起格林斯潘的话,这是百年一遇的经济危机,腾讯在其中应该是冷暖自知,现在我们感觉到是“冷”还是“暖”? Moderator: Many people will remember Greenspan’s words, this is a once-in of the economic crisis, in which Tencent Lengnuanzizhi should be, and now we feel that it is “cold” or “warm”?
还是很怀念在学校的日子,四年,用一份坚持到底的真心从冷暖自知走到拥有一个充满爱的神的家园,各中滋味唯有自己领会,一个辛酸并快乐着的成长过程。 It is my birthday that ing, my last birthday in college. I never think I gonna have a party with my friends at Huqiao. Truly, for the most time, I was not happy during those days at Huaqiao.
冷暖自知 lěngnuǎnzìzhī冷暖自知的意思和解释:水的冷暖,饮者自知。佛教禅宗用以比喻自己证悟的境界。也比喻学习心得深浅,只有自己知道。冷暖自知的出处唐·善无畏《大日经疏
冷暖自知 lěngnuǎnzìzhī冷暖自知的意思和解释:水的冷暖,饮者自知。佛教禅宗用以比喻自己证悟的境界。也比喻学习心得深浅,只有自己知道。冷暖自知的出处唐·善无畏《大日经疏
冷暖自知 lěngnuǎnzìzhī冷暖自知的意思和解释:水的冷暖,饮者自知。佛教禅宗用以比喻自己证悟的境界。也比喻学习心得深浅,只有自己知道。冷暖自知的出处唐·善无畏《大日经疏
冷暖自知 lěngnuǎnzìzhī冷暖自知的意思和解释:水的冷暖,饮者自知。佛教禅宗用以比喻自己证悟的境界。也比喻学习心得深浅,只有自己知道。冷暖自知的出处唐·善无畏《大日经疏
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