词语大全 自觉自愿造句_自觉自愿中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:走路不怕上高山,撑船不怕过险滩。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自觉自愿造句_自觉自愿中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 自觉自愿造句_自觉自愿中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 改过自新造句_改过自新中英文解释和造句

词语大全 自觉自愿造句_自觉自愿中英文解释和造句

自觉自愿  zì jué zì yuàn







  • 学习自觉自愿的行为。 Learning is a behavior which calls for readiness and willingness.

  • 迈克:噢妈妈说这个周末自觉自愿关在家里。 Mike: Well Mom was just saying before you got here, how she was grounding herself for this weekend.

  • 实时学习,自觉自愿。 To learn over time, on their own.

  • 欣的妈妈,霍纳,说这些课程都是他自觉自愿的。 Xin’s mother, Huo Na, said all these courses were up to his will.

  • 越是主人不在的情况下,我们越是自觉自愿地赶工。 The owner is not the case, we are voluntarily to meet deadlines.

  • 而这一成本当然不能长期由极少数个人自觉自愿地承担。 And the long-term costs by a handful of individuals can not voluntarily assume.

  • 爱国行为是自觉自愿的、具有利他性的、具体的社会行为。 The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society.

  • 我国的知识分子绝大多数是自觉自愿地为社会主义服务的。 The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition .

  • 二是有人要买,买这种东西必须出于一种需要,自觉自愿,有偿获得; Second, some people want to buy such things must be out of the need to voluntarily, paid access;

  • 像斯诺这样自觉自愿、落落大方地投身于本职工作的新闻记者是不多的。 Snow was the rare journalist who consciously and generously placed himself in his work.

  • 教会没有资金无法运转,但它们应该是自觉自愿的奉献,不是强迫支付。 The munity cannot work without funds, but these should always be freewill offerings, not pulsory payments.

  • 简而言之,一种更大程度上依靠各国自觉自愿的方法在减排方面不会很成功。 Put simply, a more voluntary approach may be less successful in reducing emissions.

  • 即使行政机关自觉自愿地准许反对方当事人进行反驳,它依靠官方通知的努力也可能受挫。 Even where an agency is willing to allow rebuttal from an opposing party, its efforts to rely on official notice may fail.

  • 这样他的进步很快,处于自觉自愿和坚强意志,他很快在算术上就名列前茅。请批评指正。 Thus his progress was rapid, and, with a willing heart and mind, he soon became well advanced in arithmetic.

  • 因此,要想使村民乐于这些公益性事务,自觉自愿地从腰包里掏钱,就必须充分做好协商工作。 Accordingly, want to make the villager is happy these monweal sex general affairs, voluntarily ground draws out money from pocket, must have done adequately arrange the job.

  • 剂量范围的研究只能在自愿者身上进行,他们一贯内了解试验的含义,并自觉自愿地接受试验。 Dose-ranging study should only be performed in volunteers who are informed about the implications of the test, and who live their consent freely.

  • 你们为了一个共同的目的,是如此自觉自愿地彼此合作,相互关心,而这正是此次远行所必备的精神。 You’ve all been so eager and willing to help and to cooperate with one another. That’s the right spirit with which to begin your trip.

  • 对于影片中的情侣,没有好莱坞式的结局,只有对他们所选择的命运自觉自愿的接纳、承受与效忠 。 There is no Hollywood happy endings for these couples, only acceptance of the fates they have consciously and willingly chosen and mitted themselves to.

  • 并要求他们用于正确的用途——买小收集品,娱乐或去逛商场——让他们有一个自觉自愿存钱的意向。 And requiring them to pay for certain purchases — collectibles, entertainment, trips to the mall — gives them an automatic incentive to save.

  • 你们为了一个共同的目的,是如此自觉自愿地彼此合作,互相关心,而这正是此次远行所必备的精神。 You’ve all been so eager and willing to help and to cooperate with one another. That’s the right spirit with which to begin your trip.

  • 他们三个中间有两个总是自觉自愿地留在那儿听牧师布道,而另外一个因为更重要原因也是每次都留下来。 Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too — for stronger reasons.

  • 星期天的上午,我自觉自愿地穿上西服,打上领带,踏上新鞋,手持选举证,领着妻子,径直奔向选举站。 On Sunday morning, without being asked, I put on my suit, my tie and my new shoes, took my card for voting. Arm in arm with my wife, I strode to the poll station straightaway.

  • 要懂得尊重民工的辛勤劳动, 他们得到了尊重, 他们就会自觉自愿的按照要求保护好包装, 摆放好地方的。 To learn to respect the hard work of migrant workers, who were respected, they will voluntarily in accordance with the requirements protect the packaging, placed in a good place.

  • 通过研究提出自发自主、自由自在、自娱自乐、自觉自愿、自信自豪是幼儿成长进程中显现出的特有的游戏的自主性质。 Though research, they promoted that spontaneous, freedom, the free of entertainment, voluntary, confidence and proud are the unique character in the growing process of children.

  • 四川省民政厅的一位发言人指出,人们的收养热情仍然很高,但收养完全是出于自觉自愿,收养与否人们可以自己选择。 ‘There is still high interest in adoption. But adoption is all free-willed. People can choose to do it or not, ‘ said a spokesman for the Sichuan civil-affairs bureau.

  • "你们要做我的见证"–这是指自觉自愿,不妥协,未被玷污的对主耶稣的忠心,无论祂把我们放在哪里都使祂心满意足。 “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me” – that means a life of unsullied, unpromising and unbribed devotion to the Lord Jesus, a satisfaction to Him wherever He places us.

  • 然而,一个靠自觉自愿、没有任何约束力的体系或许会导致各国争当末位的情形的出现,会令各国对自己主动做出的承诺食言。 A voluntary, non-binding system may instead promote an unfortunate race-to-the-bottom scenario, where nations renege on the voluntary mitments they make.

  • 任何参加共产经济建设的人,不论是投资者、劳动者还是共享者,都是为了参加人类这项伟大的创世事业,是自觉自愿的人生追求。 Whoever takes part in the Communist economic construction, whether an investor, a laborer or a sharer, is for the great human cause of world-creation, and it is a conscious and willing life pursuit.

  • 以色列一位积极推进和平的资深人士说,在哈马斯的立场是否等于含蓄承认以色列这个问题上纠缠不休,揭示了一个简单的问题,是否自觉自愿。 The nitpicking over whether Hamas’s position amounts to an implicit recognition of Israel, says Galia Golan, a veteran Israeli peace activist, veils a simple question of willingness.

  • 发挥大众传播媒介对女性和女性体育运动的积极导向作用,给予妇女积极、公正的报道,营造全体女性自觉自愿科学健身的良好氛围,使女性形成良好的体育生活方式; Give the woman the fair report, build the female voluntarily science healthy body the good atmosphere, cause the female to form the good sports life style .

  • 自觉自愿造句相关


    词语大全 改过自新造句_改过自新中英文解释和造句

    改过自新  gǎi guò zì xīn








  • “囚犯”被判往劳工营改过自新。 The prisoner was sent to a labor camp for correction.

  • 那个懒惰的学生许诺改过自新。 The lazy student promised to reform.

  • 如不改过自新,你是没有好前途的。 If you do not mend(amend)your ways, you’ll never have a bright future.

  • 重生的信徒;改过自新的罪人。 a born-again Christian; a converted sinner.

  • 他答应改过自新,重新做人。 He promised to mend his ways.

  • 凡有益改过自新者,必须首先改革社会。 He who will reform himself must first reform society.

  • 明性只教育他一通,劝他改过自新了事。 Education out of his only pass, advised him to just turn over a new leaf.

  • 注意,研究表明罪犯不会真正改过自新的。 Listen, studies show that criminals are never really rehabilitated.

  • 罪犯表示愿意改过自新,所以被假释出狱了。 The criminal promised to reform himself, so he was released on parole .

  • 他保证他将改过自新。 He pledged that he would mend his ways.

  • 她一经改过自新,便对过去的生活毫不留恋。 Having turned over a new leaf, she did not yearn for the past in the least.

  • 你需要藉著耶稣得蒙赦免,你需要改过自新。 You need forgiveness through Jesus. You need to clean up your walk.

  • 学校为此成立了一个特别小组,以帮助她改过自新。 A special group has been set up in the school to help her.

  • 我们中的大部分人在改过自新的时候总是意志薄弱。 Most of us use weak threads when we mend our ways.

  • 好吧,我希望你得到一个教训而且改过自新,小姐。 Well, I hope you’ve learned a lesson and reformed your ways, young lady.

  • 欺骗我的人我不会杀他,我会给他一个改过自新的机会。 I won’t kill who cheats me. I will give him a new chance to mend his new way.

  • 你想啊,翻过来就是一片新叶子了,还不叫改过自新么? ex: I have turned over a new leaf. I’m a changed man.

  • 善后辅导的主要目的,在于帮助释囚改过自新并重返社会。 After-care services aim at facilitating the ex-offenders’ rehabilitation and reintegration into the society.

  • 这孩子的第一个冲动的念头就是谢天谢地,准备改过自新。 The boy’s first impulse was to be grateful, and reform .

  • 这样很容易让人联想到改过自新,就好像是一个春季联盟。 So it is easy to imagine this idiom, which indicates renewal, as having a springtime association.

  • 对父母的指责,我要顺从承受,并且还要努力地改过自新。 When my parents reproach me , I will obey and accept their scolding. I will try hard to change and improve myself, to start anew.

  • 哈利已经完全改过[是个改过自新]的人,他已经不吸毒了。 Harry has pletely reformed/is a pletely reformed character now. He’s stopped taking drugs.

  • 花在驱逐这些性侵犯者身上的钱并不能用在帮他们改过自新上。 Money spent on evicting sex offenders cannot be spent on treating them.

  • 事实上他并不想改过自新,这使对赌徒的心理治疗几乎不可能进行。 The fact that he does not wish to be cured makes psychological treatment of the gambling addict almost impossible.

  • 他们刑满出狱后改过自新、变得理智、重新做人的可能性是微乎其微的。 There is little chance of them emerging from imprisonment as better and wiser individuals.

  • 在该案件的少年者,程序应如会顾及他们的年龄和是否可取,促进他们改过自新。 In the case of juvenile persons, the procedure shall be such as will take account of their age and the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation.

  • 魔法师使用法术将〔布莱福得〕带进三个梦幻奇境,让他深受教训后,改过自新成为一个好孩子。 The magician use white magic to bring “Blackford” to three wonderlands where he was taught by lessons deeply and reformed himself to bee a good boy.

  • 其目的是修复因犯罪人的犯罪行为而破坏的加害者和被害者的和睦关系,并使罪犯因此而改过自新、复归社会。 The purpose is to repair the broken relation of offender and the victim because of the criminal offence, and, therefore, make the criminal return to the society.

  • “我们对待体内的微生物的方式是可怕的,”他不开玩笑地说,“人们仍然认为只有好的细菌是改过自新的。” “It’s awful the way we treat our microbes, ” he says, not intending a joke; “people still think the only good microbe is a dead one.

  • “诚心诚意地忏悔你的罪业并改过自新。”潘舍卡法师说:“把贪、瞋从自心中连根拔除,并且让心中充满对众生的慈悲。” “Sincerely repent of your offenses and reform, ” Panthaka said. “Root out the greed and hatred from your heart, and fill it instead with thoughts of kindness for all beings. ”

  • 改过自新造句相关



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