词语大全 自食其言造句_自食其言中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 自食其言造句_自食其言中英文解释和造句
自食其言 zì shí qí yán
你答应过要帮忙的,你不应该自食其言。 You promised to help — you must n’t back out now.
保持言语温和,说不定明天你就自食其言。 Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them.
可是,西方发达国家就是自食其言,无动于衷。 But, the Western developed country is self-supporting its word, aloof.
Google公司正齐心协力,就是为了“自食其言”。 The pany is making a concerted effort to do just that.
4点钟——又一次——他们自食其言。幸好现在终于踏实了。 awarding him the presidency, and retracted it again at 4a. m… Fortunately , they are quiet now.
以“别干坏事”自诫的Google公司,用不着自食其言,能在中国做成生意吗? Can Google—with its motto “don’t be evil”—do business in China without betraying its soul?
微软强硬地表示不会主动抬高收购价,不过之后却自食其言,把收购价从每股31美元提高到了33美元。 Microsoft vowed it wouldn’t bid against itself, and then did just that, raising its bid from $31 a share to $33.
尽管有许许多多种族歧视的口号和不断出现的红黑色“万”字旗,但是,欧文斯以4枚金牌的成绩让希特勒自食其言。 Despite the endless racial epithets and the constant presence of the red and black swastika, Owens made Hitler eat his words with four gold medals.
这个人说:“麦克,这回我不得不自食其言了.我真是感到非常难为情.我估计上个星期能收到一笔钱,但是没有到.不过,我肯定是在邮寄的路上.所以星期六之前我会把钱还给你的。” Michael, I’m really embarrassed that I have to eat my own words. The money I expected to receive last week didn’t arrive. But I’m sure it’s in the mail sol can pay you back before Saturday.
词语大全 自食其果造句_自食其果中英文解释和造句
自食其果 zì shí qí guǒ
邪恶的愿望,如鸡,要自食其果。 Evil wishes, like chickens, e home to roost.
她的恶劣行为必将使她自食其果。 Her evil ways will certainly catch up with her.
他担心为这个愚蠢举动而自食其果。 He feared that he would smart for this foolishness.
迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。 Dick fell a prey to his ambition.
放下我,不然你将自食其果! Put me down, or you will suffer the consequences!
这是她犯错得到的惩罚,她要自食其果。 This was her punishment for having made a mistake.
卡罗尔:能做到,很简单,我是自食其果。 Carol: Sure you can. It’s easy. I’m a slime bucket.
自己铺的床自己躺;自作自受,自食其果。 As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
贪婪者常常自食其果。 Greed often overreaches itself.
现在你们将自食其果。 Now you are facing the consequences.
金融公司炒高了资产价格,就应该自食其果。 Financial asset prices through improper means, they should suffer.
因此,你们要自食其果,自己的行为要伤害自己。 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, And be filled with their own devices.
不,流言是循环的,是有因果的,就像自食其果。 No, gossip is cyclical and karmic, like a boomerang.
真是自食其果。 What a boomerang it is .
我们称之为自食其果,因为这个经历确实非常痛苦。 We call that getting a taste of one’s own medicine, because the experience can be very bitter indeed.
自己扑的床,自己躺。意译:自作自受。自食其果。 As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
要保持言语的轻柔和温顺,或许你明天就会自食其果。 Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them.
神可以做的是让人类自食其果,从中汲取教训以致恢复平衡。 God helps by facing man with the results of his actions and demanding that the balance should be restored.
神可以做的是让人类自食其果,从中汲取教训以致恢复平衡。 Karma is the law that works for righteousness; it is the healing hand of God.
我们得到的是一些债务,这些债务会在某一天让我们自食其果。 we’ve got debt that some day is going to e and bite us on the leg.
给东欧国家带去坏消息的人们,一旦忘记了这一点,将会自食其果。 Anyone with bad news for eastern Europe forgets that at his peril.
我觉得这是他们一个非常糟糕的决定,而且他们最终将会自食其果。 I think it was really a bad decision of them and it’s going to bite them in the ass.
这是一种想直接证悟的宗教,妄图攀援绝壁的人必将烦恼重重,自食其果。 This is direct religion, which is full of anxiety and responsibility for him who attempts its steep cliffs.
希丁克……他失去了自己的勇气,面对意大利悠久的传统……他终于自食其果。 Hiddink … lost all his courage faced with Italian history and traditions … He finally reaped fruits which he had sown!
如果新股发行最低流通比例在25%以上,那么,市场炒作者很可能自食其果。 Issuing new shares if the minimum flow ratio of more than 25%, then, the market speculators are likely to suffer.
号召、说服全世界的人们,不要再破坏地球了,破坏地球会自食其果,非常后怕。 To summon and persuade the people in the world not to destroy the earth or they will pay for it.
博尔顿一直以来都我认为最糟糕的球队之一,但是我们送了两球给他们,差点还自己自食其果。 Bolton were one of the worst teams I’ve seen for a long time but we gifted them two goals and nearly paid the price.
他能自食其果,他的庇护对我们是诅咒,我很高兴看到他怀疑我们,这头黑驴,事实就是如此! He can eat his own words. Having his blessing would be a curse for us. I’m glad he’s doubting us. That jackass. literally.
盈馀国家坚持要维持原状,但它们拒绝接受以下观点:一旦它们的客户破产,它们对出口顺差的依赖必定会令它们自食其果。 Surplus countries insist on continuing just as before. But they refuse to accept that their reliance on export surpluses must rebound upon themselves, once their customers go broke.
让我也品尝一下失败的苦果。当我决策失误而自食其果时,望您仍能在一旁支持我。让我知道,尽管您不赞成我的做法,但您还是爱我的。 Give me the freedom to fail. When I make a bad decision and suffer the consequences, stand by me. Let me know you still love me , although you disapprove of what I did.
自食其果 zìshíqíguǒ自食其果的意思和解释:指自己做了坏事,自己受到损害或惩罚。自食其果的出处自食其果的例子玩火者只会~。自食其果造句邪恶的愿望,如鸡,要自食其果。Evi
自食其果 zìshíqíguǒ自食其果的意思和解释:指自己做了坏事,自己受到损害或惩罚。自食其果的出处自食其果的例子玩火者只会~。自食其果造句邪恶的愿望,如鸡,要自食其果。Evi
自食其恶果 zìshíqíèguǒ自食其恶果的意思和解释:指自己做了坏事,自己受到损害或惩罚。自食其恶果的出处自食其恶果的例子玩火者只会~。自食其恶果造句如果是这样,中国可能因为
自食其恶果 zìshíqíèguǒ自食其恶果的意思和解释:指自己做了坏事,自己受到损害或惩罚。自食其恶果的出处自食其恶果的例子玩火者只会~。自食其恶果造句如果是这样,中国可能因为
自食其力 zìshíqílì自食其力的意思和解释:依靠自己的劳动所得来生活。自食其力的出处《礼记·礼器》:“食力无数。”陈浩集说:“食力,自食其力之人。”自食其力的例子居贫,~,
自食其力 zìshíqílì自食其力的意思和解释:依靠自己的劳动所得来生活。自食其力的出处《礼记·礼器》:“食力无数。”陈浩集说:“食力,自食其力之人。”自食其力的例子居贫,~,
听其言而观其行 tīngqíyánérguānqíxíng听其言而观其行的意思和解释:听了他的话,还要看他的行动。指不要只听言论,还要看实际行动。听其言而观其行的出处《论语·公冶
听其言而观其行 tīngqíyánérguānqíxíng听其言而观其行的意思和解释:听了他的话,还要看他的行动。指不要只听言论,还要看实际行动。听其言而观其行的出处《论语·公冶
词语大全 自食其果造句 自食其果の例文 "自食其果"是什麼意思
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