词语大全 舍本逐末造句_舍本逐末中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:你可以忘掉失败,但不能忘掉教训;你可以忘掉昨天,但不能忘记历史。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 舍本逐末造句_舍本逐末中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 舍本逐末造句_舍本逐末中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 舍本求末造句_舍本求末中英文解释和造句

词语大全 舍本逐末造句_舍本逐末中英文解释和造句

舍本逐末  shě běn zhú mò








  • 他告诉记者,这是舍本逐末。 He told reporters that this is simply.

  • 勿抓影子而失去实质;不要舍本逐末。 Catch not at shadow and lose the substance.

  • 勿竭泽而渔。勿杀鸡取卵。勿舍本逐末。 Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.

  • 勿抓影子而失去实际(不要舍本逐末)。 Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.

  • 这种观点固然有一定道理,但未免有点“舍本逐末”了。 This point of view certainly has some truth, but rather a red herring, “.”

  • 这种忽视人性化而去强求外表的美观,是舍本逐末的做法。 Such neglect humanization left the aesthetic appearance of demand is simply the practice.

  • 如果执著于“碗”的形式,而耽误了救度众生,那不成舍本逐末了吗? If my attachment to the form of the bowl delays my efforts to save beings, what perfect form can make up for such big losses?

  • 教育是人的根本,若把这根本问题忽略了,那就叫舍本逐末,舍近求远。 Education is the foundation for everyone, if we neglect this basic issue, we will be “renouncing the essential while pursuing the trivia, ignoring what is near and seeking what is far away.”

  • 所以,只顾一味地治疗贫血而忽视治疗引起贫血的基本疾病,那真是舍本逐末。 So, treat anaemia blindly merely and ignore cure to cause anaemic basic disease, that is attend to trifles and neglect the essentials really.

  • 无论导弹防御计划有什么样的优点,因此而忽略对其他威胁的反恐措施,只是舍本逐末。 The missile-shield programme, whatever its merits, must not militate against efforts to improve security against other kinds of threat.

  • 假想一下,如果成天在虚拟的网络游戏中流连忘返,舍本逐末,那么成功会垂青于你吗? Scenario, if the network all day long in a virtual game away, the cart before the horse, then success will tend to you?

  • 娱网棋牌官方网站而全部去黄去黑的“护肤方草莓网真假法”,都只是调停,不走舍本逐末。 Entertainment network and all chess official website to yellow to black, “true or false skin side Strawberry Net Law”, which are merely mediate, do not take the forest for the trees.

  • 而且,忽视楼市健康发展的深层原因,把京城楼市所谓的“刚性需求”归因于外地人,是舍本逐末。 Moreover, ignoring the deep-seated reasons for the healthy development of the property market, the capital market so-called “hard needs” attributed to the outside is simply.

  • 可是在基督徒中却普遍存在这样的印象,认为无需谈论这些行为领域,免得我们被看为“舍本逐末”。 Yet the impression is quite general among Christians that little needs to be said about these areas of conduct lest we be found “majoring in minors.”

  • 改变制度,让地方上的经济与环保部门形成制衡,促进地方的公众参与才是关键,只是搞一些培训无异于舍本逐末。 The key points lie in the alteration of the system, forcing a balance between the local economy department and environmental protection department, and promoting participation of locals.

  • 房地产的本质是不动产、耐用品,经15年分期付款才买到,可能使用30-50年,所以北京的房地产炒作是舍本逐末的行为。 Is the essence of real property, durable goods, after 15 years of instalments to buy, the possible use of 30-50 years, the Beijing real estate speculation is simply the act.

  • 舍本逐末造句相关


    词语大全 舍本求末造句_舍本求末中英文解释和造句

    舍本求末  shě běn qiú mò








  • 刚才忘记所有舍本求末的负担,您已在您的想法。 Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind.

  • 的服务理念维护市场,拒绝舍本求末的损害顾客行为; The service idea maintains the market, the rejection attend to trifles to the neglect of essentials harm customer behavior;

  • 这实际上是舍本求末,没有抓住要害,断定解决不了问题。 This is actually care for the present, not to grasp the vital parts, that can not solve the problem.

  • 慢性乙肝患者一定要到正规医疗机构接受乙肝抗病毒治疗,切不可舍本求末,贻误病情。 Chronic hepatitis B patients always have to have a regular medical institutions to accept the treatment of hepatitis B virus, can not care for this at the end of delaying the disease.

  • 离开这一根本的自然法则而外求探索与研究生命和健康,都是一种舍本求末的方法,最终都必然会一事无成。 If you want to explore life and health without this basic law of nature, you can get only details but you will lose the core and achieve nothing eventually.

  • 因此它不是奇怪,当我的女朋友跟我吵架,为一些种舍本求末,几乎可容纳我的愤怒,我喊了她与这可怕的声音,她哑巴。 So it’s not strange when my girl friend quarreled with me for some kind of trifles, scarcely able to hold my anger, I shouted at her with the terrible voice which struck her dumb.

  • 舍本求末造句相关



    词语大全 舍本求末造句_舍本求末中英文解释和造句

    舍本求末  shěběnqiúmò舍本求末的意思和解释:舍:舍弃;求:追求。抛弃根本的、主要的,而去追求枝节的、次要的。比喻不抓根本环节,而只在枝节问题上下功夫。舍本求末的出处《吕

    词语大全 舍本求末造句_舍本求末中英文解释和造句

    舍本求末  shěběnqiúmò舍本求末的意思和解释:舍:舍弃;求:追求。抛弃根本的、主要的,而去追求枝节的、次要的。比喻不抓根本环节,而只在枝节问题上下功夫。舍本求末的出处《吕

    词语大全 舍本逐末造句

    舍本逐末造句  一:咱们做任何事情都要认真斟酌,不好做出舍本逐末的事情。  二:明智的人都不会做舍本逐末的荒唐事情。  三:他做事情总是舍本逐末,抛开重要的事情不管,专门挑选简单的事情做。  四:平时

    词语大全 舍本逐末造句

    舍本逐末造句  一:咱们做任何事情都要认真斟酌,不好做出舍本逐末的事情。  二:明智的人都不会做舍本逐末的荒唐事情。  三:他做事情总是舍本逐末,抛开重要的事情不管,专门挑选简单的事情做。  四:平时

    词语大全 损本逐末是什么意思及造句 成语大全


    词语大全 舍本逐末的意思_成语“舍本逐末”是什么意思


    词语大全 捐本逐末的意思_成语“捐本逐末”是什么意思


    词语大全 捐本逐末的意思_成语“捐本逐末”是什么意思


    词语大全 捐本逐末的意思_成语“捐本逐末”是什么意思


    词语大全 捐本逐末的意思_成语“捐本逐末”是什么意思
