词语大全 花香鸟语造句_花香鸟语中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 花香鸟语造句_花香鸟语中英文解释和造句
花香鸟语 huā xiāng niǎo yǔ
北大清华少年心,花香鸟语春天事。 Peking University, Tsinghua juvenile heart, things spring.
绿色校园鸟语花香,环保成果你我共享。 Green campus niaoyuhuaxiang, environmental achievements you and I share.
在鸟语花香的美丽花园里。 In the beautiful gardens full of flowers.
绿色校园鸟语花香,环保成果你我共享。 The green campus fine spring day, the environmental protection achievement you I share.
沉醉在鸟语花香的暖风中。 Addicted to the warm air with fragrance of flowers and bird songs.
春光明媚鸟语花香。 Spring is gay with flower and song.
春天,这个疗养院是个充满了鸟语花香的好地方。 In spring this convalescent hospital is a good place, with singing birds and fragrant flowers.
30多万株白杨和垂柳,让村域绿树成荫,花香鸟语。 More than 30 Topol 10, 000 and weeping willow, tree-lined village domain, Huaxiangniaoyu.
由于内门乡缺乏工厂、公司之设立,空气清新、鸟语花香。 Neimen who lack factory and pany is not an industrial area , so the air is clean pare to the city life.
四周绿树成荫,花香鸟语不绝于耳,为您提供了良好的休息环境。 Around the tree-lined, Huaxiangniaoyu prevalent, to provide you with a good rest of the environment.
雍和家园紧邻十五亩天然森林――洗心林,花香鸟语,树木葱茏。 Yonghuojieyuan immediate 15 acres of natural forest — washing heart Lin, Huaxiangdiaoyu, verdant trees.
整个植物园翠荫遮盖,绿草如茵,花香鸟语,完全不像是在闹市区。 Chui Yin covered the entire Botanical Garden, green grass andhua xiang liao yu , nothing like in the downtown.
院内环境优雅,鸟语花香,如同一颗明珠,镶嵌于美丽的西子湖畔。 Hospital environment elegant, flowers, like a pearl inlaid in the beautiful West Lake.
在这阳光灿烂、鸟语花香的五月,我们每个人却黯然伤神、悲痛万分。 In this bright and sunny, the flowers in May, each of us but sadly La Tortura, great grief.
靠在藤椅上,读一本自己喜欢的书,伴着窗外的鸟语花香,悠闲自得。 Lean on cany chair, read a book that oneself like, acpanying the charactizing a fine spring day outside the window, carefree contented.
这里山花古松遮掩著悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意昂然,一派秀丽景色。 Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice, with birds singing among them, form a beautiful scene full of life and vitality.
园内林木繁茂,果林相间,绿草如茵,迭翠流红,溪流淙淙,鸟语花香。 Lush trees in the park, fruit trees and white, green grass and red Diego Tsui flow, stream water features, Jade.
农家院坐拥在半山腰,这里三季有花,四季有景,山清水秀,鸟语花香。 Peasant homes sitting in the middle, where three quarters of a flower, a Four Seasons King, a beautiful Niaoyuhuaxiang.
沿山沟蜿蜒而进,一路是苍山对峙,花香鸟语,一路山清水秀,树荣草茂。 Meandering along the valley and into the way the Cangshan confrontationhua xiang diao yu , the way a beautiful, Shu-Rong Mao grass.
石级攀援,曲径通幽,清风徐拂,香烟缭绕,茂林筛影,花香鸟语,令人陶醉。 rock climbing class, its winding streets, Xu Fu breeze, the wind around cigarettes, Lam video screen, Huaxiangniaoyu is intoxicated.
长80余米,宽约30米,池周青山绿翠,花香鸟语,池水清澈见底,碧蓝如镜。 More than 80 meters long, 30 meters wide, Chui Chi-week Green Castle, Huaxiangniaoyu, clear water bottom, such as the blue mirror.
四周翠竹葱笼,绿树成荫,花香鸟语,空气清新,山野风光和人工景观巧妙融合。 Tsui Chuk around Conglong, tree-lined, Huaxiangniaoyu, fresh air, wild scenery and landscape of ingenious fusion.
这般明朗的早晨常常总会把思嘉引到窗口,倚在窗棂上领略塔拉农场的花香鸟语。 Such a glowing morning usually called Scarlett to the window, to lean arms on the broad sill and drink in the scents and sounds of Tara.
洞外山势雄伟,森林茂密,风景秀丽,气候宜人,花香鸟语,被列为国家森林公园。 Outside majestic mountains, lush forests, beautiful scenery and pleasant climatehua xiang miao yu , was classified as a National Forest Park.
乘船至岛上,小岛路径曲幽,芳草袭人,花香鸟语,一片天籁之音,使人想起蓬莱仙岛。 To the island by boat, a small island path quiet music, light fragrant grass, Huaxiangniaoyu, a Tianlaizhiyin, reminiscent of the fairy islands of Penglai.
山顶和山坡上各种山花盛开,五颜六彩,蝴蝶翩飞,蜜蜂繁忙,真是鸟语花香,美不胜收。 Peak and the slopes of the various Yamahana in full bloom, five six-Yen Choi, 翩fei butterflies, bees busy, really flowers, too beautiful to behold.
绿树成荫、草色青青、溪流涓涓、鸟语花香的秦非子牧马场、三皇谷森林公园等,令人心旷神怡。 Tree, grass green color, trickling streams, the Qin Dynasty Jade Feizi Wrangler field, such as the San Juan Valley Forest Park, it is refreshing.
园内湖光山色,参天树木,绿草如茵,繁花似锦,鸟语花香,多种棕榈科植物营造了热带风情景象。 Park Huguangshanse, towering trees, green grass and Fanhuasijin, Niaoyuhuaxiang, a variety of palm plants to create a tropical scene.
每到夏季,草原上绿草如茵,鸟语花香,天上白云悠悠,地下牛羊点点,自古有“天闲刍牧之场”的美称。 Every summer, the grassland on the green grass, flowers, long white clouds the sky, the ground floor of small cattle and sheep, since ancient times, the “days of free grazing hay field, ” the name.
奇峰异石,碧湖清溪,花香鸟语,清气扑鼻,天水交相辉映,犹如仙境,无怪乎太上老君要选这个地方炼丹。 Qifengyidan, Bik Woo stream, Huaxiangniaoyu, gas-Pubi, Tianshui, making the other more beautiful, like a fairyland, no wonder Taishanglaojun to choose this place Liandan.
词语大全 鸟语花香的意思_成语“鸟语花香”是什么意思
成 语 | 鸟语花香 |
成语读音 | niǎo yǔ huā xiāng |
成语解释 | 鸟鸣叫,花喷香。形容春天的美好景象。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作定语、宾语;形容春天的美好景象。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 宋·吕本中《庵居》诗:“鸟语花香变夕阴,稍闲复恐病相寻。” |
成语例句 | 梁遇春《又是一年春草绿》:“我是没有过这么一度的~,我的生涯好比没有绿洲的空旷沙漠。” |
近 义 词 | 山清水秀 |
反 义 词 | 穷乡僻壤 |
英文翻译 | birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance <characterizing a fine spring day> |
俄文翻译 | пение птиц и аромáт цветов |
日文翻译 | 鸟がさえずり花がかおる(春の景色) |
其他语言 | <法>chant des oiseaux et parfum des fleurs <aspect printanier> |
歇 后 语 | 百灵戏牡丹;长白山的春光 |
成语谜面 | 杜鹃声声杜鹃开 |
巧夺天工造句 1、远远望去,它像一座碧绿的宝塔,巧夺天工,我真想抱住它。 2、饭店视野宽阔,环境优雅,苍树碧池,鸟语花香,硕大的奇石,巧夺天工的临夏砖雕,是集休闲度假商务洽谈文化娱乐为一体的理想之
巧夺天工造句 1、远远望去,它像一座碧绿的宝塔,巧夺天工,我真想抱住它。 2、饭店视野宽阔,环境优雅,苍树碧池,鸟语花香,硕大的奇石,巧夺天工的临夏砖雕,是集休闲度假商务洽谈文化娱乐为一体的理想之
沁人心脾造句 一:饮铁观音茶,看茶叶在沸腾开水中翻滚变幻,慢慢升腾起淡淡的茶香,轻轻啜饮著清茶,心也浸满了沁人心脾的茶香。 二:一阵微风吹过,人们闻到路边的花香,内心仿佛沁人心脾般的舒畅,花香浓郁