词语大全 苍松翠柏造句_苍松翠柏中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 苍松翠柏造句_苍松翠柏中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 苍松翠柏造句_苍松翠柏中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 苍松翠柏是什么意思

词语大全 苍松翠柏造句_苍松翠柏中英文解释和造句

苍松翠柏  cāng sōng cuì bǎi






  • 风在苍松翠柏中发出飒飒声。 The wind whispered in the green pines and verdant cypresses.

  • 种值苍松翠柏及观赏花木。 Cui Bo Cangsong kind of value and watch the flowers and trees.

  • 整个墓地在苍松翠柏环抱中,庄严肃穆。 The entire cemetery in Cangsong Cuibai surrounded in solemn silence.

  • 他高尚的品格好比苍松翠柏,万古长青。 Like pines and cypresses, his qualities are forever great.

  • 河道两岸苍松翠柏,石山绵连,云雾缭绕。 The river is acpanied by evergreen pines, hill ranges and wreathing mist.

  • 苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱。 Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses.

  • 苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱。 are the pines and cypresses.

  • 飞瀑流泉和苍松翠柏又把你带回大自然的怀抱之中。 Feibao Artesian Bore Baths Calocedrus pines and then you back into the embrace of nature.

  • 这里满山遍野都是郁郁葱葱的苍松翠柏和引人入胜的奇花异草。 Fill the fields here are the green and luxuriant pines and Calocedrus attractive plants.

  • 狼牙山风光绮丽,漫山遍布苍松翠柏,涉足游览,可尽享森林浴之妙。 Langya Mountain scenery lai, Man Shan over the cypress pines to get into the tour, can enjoy the wonderful forest bath.

  • 目前,在万科星园小区里,起伏的小丘掩映在花草林木、苍松翠柏之间; Currently, Wankexingyuan area, fluctuations in the hills green plants trees, pine trees between ;

  • 泸山林中小道逶迤蜿蜒,排立路旁的苍松翠柏把游人引向山中,直达山顶。 Luzhou Hillwood Roadsmall and medium-sized wind, Pai-li Cangsong roadside Cuibai the visitors into the mountains, direct access to the Peak.

  • 上万株苍松翠柏,使位于北京市中心古老的天坛公园成为城区内最大的“肺”。 Thousands of pine trees in the Temple of Heaven, an ancient architecture in central Beijing as shown in the picture, bee the largest “lung” in the city proper.

  • 环绕整个墓的是苍松翠柏,如今,这里被认定为“武汉市重点文物保护单位”。 The entire tomb is surrounded Cangsong Cui Bo, now, here was identified as “key heritage conservation units in Wuhan City.”

  • 这里有苍松翠柏,有潺潺溪流,有丰富的石油、煤炭,也有闻名遐迩的名山大川。 There are Cangsong cypresses, a gurgling streams, is rich in oil, coal, but also the world famous mountains.

  • 有前后相连的两殿一厅,周围环以苍松翠柏,衬以新建亭台,巍峨宏丽,颇具规模。 Before and after the two are connected to a palace hall, around the ring to Cangsong Cui Bo, Chen Yi new pavilions, towering Hong-li, considerable size.

  • 广灵山川秀美。距县城15公里的圣佛寺国家级原始森林公园,苍松翠柏,郁郁葱葱; Ling Guang beautiful. 15 km from the town of Saint-level Buddhist temple virgin forest parks, Calocedrus pines, green and luxuriant;

  • 泰陵的神道,由三层巨砖铺成,两边苍松翠柏,从南往北分布著40多项大大小小的建筑。 Tailing of Shinto, from three huge brick paved, cypress pine on both sides, from south to north is dotted with more than 40 large and small buildings.

  • 各种藏式小木屋掩映于苍松翠柏之中,多种珍贵动物栖息在林间,尤其以鸟类繁多而著称。 Various Tibetan Cuibai cabins are nestled in the pines, a variety of rare animals in the forest habitat, in particular, is well-known for many birds.

  • 琼华岛位于北海公园太液池南部,岛上建筑依山势布局,高低错落有致,掩映于苍松翠柏之中。 The Qionghua Islet lies on the southern part of Taiye Lake, with its constructions in total harmony with the Hill terrain and shrouded in green pines and cypresses.

  • 姜太公衣冠家封土现高18米,径长55米,家前有石坊,在苍松翠柏的掩映下肃穆庄严。 Jiang Taigong Yi Guan home Fengtu is 18 meters high, 55 m long track, home before Shifang, Cangsong Cuibai Yanying under the solemn silence.

  • 正门后面是甬道,两侧栽种著苍松翠柏和各种花卉,还有两个小荷花池,既庄严肃穆,又秀丽壮观。 Yongdao was behind the main entrance, planted on both sides of the Cangsong Cui Bo and all kinds of flowers, there are two Xiao-He Huachi, both solemn and beautiful spectacular.

  • 药岭山山势挺拔险峻,怪石嶙峋,山中苍松翠柏、郁郁葱葱,山顶云雾系腰,置身此地如人间天堂。 Drug Shan mountain range tall and straight in a critical situation, craggy rocks, Calocedrus pines in the mountains, the lush, cloud top line back, stay here as a paradise on earth.

  • 湖边两岸种有油松、雪松、丁香、海棠、石榴、洋槐、银杏、玉兰和白蜡等树木,苍松翠柏,曲径通幽。 Lake there are two sides of the strait Chinese Pine, cedar, clove, Begonia, pomegranates, Yanghuai, ginkgo, magnolia and white wax, and other trees, Cangsong Cui Bo, Qujingtongyou.

  • 而行宫内外,苍松翠柏、绿竹草坪、百花吐艳、百鸟争鸣、徊廊环绕、雕梁画栋、幽静幽雅、体系完整。 Inside and outside the palace, cypress pine, green bamboo grass, flowers Tu Yan, birds contention, irresolute Gallery surrounded by magnificently decorated, quiet elegant, system integrity.

  • 进得门来,放眼过去是一个巨大的椭圆形下陷式花园,白色的石阶环绕,园里面青草如织,苍松翠柏点缀。 When you enter the door, look past the Oval is a huge settlement of gardens surrounding white stone step, such as Park were woven grass, pine trees embellishment.

  • 境内千峰叠翠,万岭溢绿,苍松翠柏,古木参天。溪流清澈甘冽,碧潭星罗棋布,有“十瀑百溪千滩”之说。 Pinnacle Shiqianfeng territory, overflow Wanling green, pine cypresses, towering old trees. gan clear streams, dotted Bitan, the “ten thousand River Falls 100 beaches, ” said.

  • 苍松翠柏掩映的华中科技大学的校园里,我们迫切的求学之心,CCMTC的盛情款待,为八月的武汉更添一分热情。 The green pines and jade cypress in Huazhong University of Science and Technology’s campus, our urgent studying heart and CCMTC entertaining lavishly add more enthusiasm for August’s Wuhan.

  • 只在那迷惘失落而又无所为的日子里,不知你有没有看到,在阴霾下挺立的苍松翠柏,在死一般的黑夜路闪烁的星辉; Only in a loss and no loss for the day, I wonder if you have not seen, in the shadow of the pines under the cypresses stand, in the dead of night flashing Star Road;

  • 柔和的阳光斜挂在苍松翠柏不凋的枝叶上,显得那么安静肃穆,冬季的脚步是那么轻起轻落,时尚人士们的心中却是那么的激动与思绪波涌。 Gentle sunshine on the pine branches and leaves looks so quiet and solemn. The pace of winter is so light, while fashion icons are so excited with their thoughts surge.

  • 苍松翠柏造句相关


    成语故事 苍松翠柏是什么意思

    【拼音】 cāng sōng cuì bǎi

    【解释】 苍:青色。翠:青绿色。指四季常青的松柏。比喻具有高贵品质、坚定节操的人。





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