词语大全 茍延残喘造句_茍延残喘中英文解释和造句
Posted 唐人街
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词语大全 茍延残喘造句_茍延残喘中英文解释和造句
茍延残喘 gǒu yán cán chuǎn
这(恶魔)就是你最后的茍延残喘。 This demon is YOUR very last breath.
动荡的政府在茍延残喘中存活了几个月。 The unstable government exited for months on borrowed time.
她让我认识到我只是茍延残喘,那令我害怕。 She made me realise that I was only half to alive…
她让我意识到我只是茍延残喘,这令我害怕,滋味不好受。 She made me realize I was only half-alive. It scared me and it hurt.
但是从茍延残喘的银行系统剥离不良资产的关键在于其价格。 But, the problem with stripping toxic assets from failing banks is their prices.
不久,图书馆之外的书籍就会像没有上网的网页一样,茍延残喘。 Soon a book outside the library will be like a Web page outside the Web, gasping for air.
内战直接让安哥拉变成了要饭国家,依靠联合国粮食计划茍延残喘。 The war reduced Angola to a beggar nation, dependent on handouts from the World Food Program.
请试着去了解我这样不再是生龙活虎,而是茍延残喘的年龄意义何在。 Some day you will understand. Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.
如果一家机构茍延残喘,通常的做法是逐渐缩小其业务并最终将其关闭。 If an institution is struggling, the normal answer is to shrink its activities and wind it down slowly.
在打击上海的上层阶级以后,蒋介石政权茍延残喘,只拖了几十个星期。 After the blows against the Shanghai upper classes, the Chiang Kai-shek regime survived only some dozen weeks.
爱的需求或力量一旦死去,人就成为一个活着的墓穴,茍延残喘的只是一副躯壳。 So soon as this want or power is dead, man bees the living sepulchre of himself, and what yet survives is the mere husk of what once he was.
第一个拐棍已出现了裂痕并有马上崩溃的迹象。中共因此会更加依靠第二根拐棍茍延残喘。 The first crutch is soon to be cracked and the Communist regime will increasingly depend on their second crutch to maintain their power.
在美国和其他地方,你们日渐衰落的信息工业靠著推行那些在全世界鼓噪的法律而茍延残喘。 Your increasingly obsolete information industries would perpetuate themselves by proposing laws, in America and elsewhere, that claim to own speech itself throughout the world.
与其让茍延残喘的公司不断挣扎,日本和其他国家不如让它们完蛋,这样新的、更好的公司才能产生。 Instead of continuing to prop up struggling panies, Japan and other countries need to let them go under, so that new, better ones can be created.
有些地方,饥民以蚕粪当粮,还有的地方人们甚至吃观音土充饥,吞食这种泥土的人,也茍延残喘不了几天。 In some places, people ate the feces of silkworms; in other places, they ate a queer white earth. But such food could only stave off starvation for a few days and the victims quickly died.
像在出征前最后的聚会,不晓得谁将会被壮烈牺牲,怕只怕在茍延残喘中留下的活口并不是一件多幸运的事。 It was like the pre-battle gathering, no one will know who will be the survivor. Even though, it was not a lucky thing to stay on too.
过剩运载能力、跳水价格战似的白热化的竞争已经使某些航空公司倒闭,留下来的其中不少家也在茍延残喘罢了。 The net result of excess capacity and cut-throat petition driving down fares has been to push some airlines into collapse and leave many others hovering on the brink.
库兰伊在发布会上近乎落泪,他说:“我现在处在一个非常非常困难的局面下,我只能在自己的世界中茍延残喘。” ” Kuranyi close to tears at the press conference, he said : “I’m in a very, very difficult situation, I can only linger in their own world.
世界上多数的生物歧异性在赤道地带绽放,相对地,在气候较温和的地区或极地,生物种类稀少的简直像茍延残喘。 The bunching up of much of the world’s biodiversity along the equatorial regions contrasts with the rapid drop-off in organisms that eke out a living in more temperate and polar regions.
那些主要依靠中国留学生茍延残喘的学校,不但学不到什么东西,而且随时都有倒闭的可能,劝你千万不要选错了门! Those who rely mainly on Chinese students studying in the school on their last legs, not only failed to learn anything, and the possible collapse at any time, do not advise you to the wrong door!
显然,这要看他们是和以前一样,在同一年龄变得年老体衰,只是茍延残喘更长时间,还是老当益壮地度过延长的寿命。 Clearly it depends on whether they bee old and frail at the same age as before and just limp on for much longer, or if the extra years are hale and hearty ones.
弄干衣服后,我闪进了附近的唐人街。为数不多的街区里,那些美轮美奂的殖民地建筑正在摩天大楼的夹缝中茍延残喘。 I dry out and plunge into nearby Chinatown, a few blocks of fabulous, run-down colonial buildings cowering among the skyscrapers.
选择后一种预示着你以前有的优点会发扬光大,以前存在的缺点还会茍延残喘,你要做的是鲜活的自己,而不是乖巧的别人。 By fighting, you are polishing your advantages, but still you are unable to get away with the previous defects; however, that’s the living you, not a sleek him.
另有一些贫困女孩和男孩甚至在更加令人绝望的境地讨生活:他们作为被遗弃的“盲流孩童”,靠乞讨、偷窃和卖淫茍延残喘。 Others find themselves in even more desperate circumstances: As abandoned “street children”, they depend on begging, stealing, and prostitution for their very survival.
这次政治风波中,他领导的中左联盟政府,以162票对157票,仅仅多出规定票数(160票)两票的微弱优势得以“茍延残喘”。 In the event his centre-left government survived by 162 votes to 157, giving it two more votes than the 160 it needed.
人们进行比较后自然就能认清中共党文化的本质,如此则中共就不能用中华文化给其马列邪教本质作包装了,也就无法继续茍延残喘下去。 People will know the essence of CPC’s party culture naturally; therefore CPC can no longer decorate its essence of Marxism Leninism with Chinese culture and can no longer survive.
哈姆雷特拿一柄小刀清算人生,与他不同,缅甸的主要反对势力——全国民主联盟则面临两种选择:是选择政治自杀或是成为茍延残喘的合法政党。 OFFERED a choice between political suicide and a crippled half-life as a legal party, Myanmar’s main opposition force this week, unlike Hamlet, reached for the bare bodkin.
这是一个在美国各地引发愤怒情绪的话题:依靠纳税人的救助,摇摇欲坠的金融公司才能茍延残喘,但是它们的高层主管却仍然领取数百万美元的工资和奖金。 It is a topic that has sparked fury across the nation: financial executives receiving multi-million dollar salaries and lavish bonuses while taxpayers keep their ailing panies afloat.
“愚蠢的人啊!”火焰化身还在用最后的力气的茍延残喘,“你们的胜利一点意义都没。诺拉斯人的苦难根本还没开始呢!”化身终于垮掉了,只留下一堆闷烧着的灰烬。 “Fools! ” it hissed weakly. “Your victory means nothing. The people of Norrath have not yet begun to suffer! ” The avatar collapsed into a smoldering pile of ash.
词语大全 茍延残喘的意思_成语“茍延残喘”是什么意思
成 语 | 茍延残喘 |
成语读音 | gǒu yán cán chuǎn |
成语解释 | 茍:茍且,勉强;延:延续;残喘:临死前的喘息。勉强拖延一口没断的气。比喻勉强维持生存。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 动宾式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语;指勉强维持。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 宋·陈亮《与范东叔龙图》:“亮自七八月之交,一病垂死,今幸茍存延喘,百念皆已灰灭。” |
成语例句 | 鲁迅《序言》:“在这种明诛暗杀之下,能够~,和读者相见的,那么,非奴隶文章又是什么呢?” |
近 义 词 | 茍且偷生 茍全性命 |
反 义 词 | 宁死不屈 视死如归 |
英文翻译 | eke out a miserable lif <be on one’s last legs> |
俄文翻译 | продлить своё жáлкое существовáние |
日文翻译 | 一时余命(よめい)をつなぐ,虫(むし)の息(いき)をつなぐ |
其他语言 | <德>in den letzten Zügen liegen <sich mit Mühe am Leben erhalten><法>végéter <tirer vers sa fin> |
成语谜面 | 将死的狗 |
成语故事 | 春秋时期,晋国大夫赵简子在中山举行狩猎,遇到一只狼就拼命追赶。狼遇到东郭先生说:“先生能借你的口袋让我茍延残喘躲一会,躲过这场灾难,我会报答你的大恩的。”东郭先生帮助了狼。后来狼安全跳出布袋扑向东郭先生咬去。 |
【假息】的意思是什么?【假息】是什么意思?【假息】的意思是:假息jiǎxī 1. 茍延残喘。 ●《后汉书•方术传·谢夷吾》:「窃以占候,知长当死。
十月围城观后感 参考观后感一: 十月围城观后感 影视《十月围城》背景:故事的背景发生在清朝末年,孙中山先生要来香港与13省的革命代表开会商讨武装起义大计,组织一场全国性的反清户外,茍延残喘的满清