词语大全 若隐若现造句_若隐若现中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 若隐若现造句_若隐若现中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 若隐若现造句_若隐若现中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 匣剑帷灯是什么意思及造句 成语大全

词语大全 若隐若现造句_若隐若现中英文解释和造句

若隐若现  ruò yǐn ruò xiàn







  • 几乎每个街角都有银行的招牌在您的头上若隐若现。 On almost every street corner a bank sign is looming above your head.

  • 她穿一件有点儿透的紧身衣衫,红色的乳罩若隐若现。 She found he was gazing at her blouse which a little transparent and her red bra was partly hidden and partly visible.

  • 水草和芦苇若隐若现,似乎有烛光远离了这没有风的地方。 Water plants and reeds looming, it seems that there is no wind candles away from this place.

  • 晌午时分,阳光在海面掀起朦朦雾气,朦胧的小洲若隐若现。 Shangwu after midnight, the sun set off Mengmeng the sea fog, dim the small Island Ruoyinruoxian.

  • 泰国空姐。她们很妖娆,穿着雪纺衣服,火辣的身材若隐若现。 Thai Stewardess. They are enchanting, dressing chiffon, hot body appear indistinctly.

  • 真的不想破坏你的梦,但是秋日的私语已经在叶子上若隐若现。 Really afraid to broken your dream, but whispers of the fall have already peeked through the leaves.

  • 在我前面展开的旷野下面,我看到远处云雾之中一个市镇若隐若现。 Below the open fields that stretch out before me I can vaguely see some town in the distance between the mist and the clouds.

  • 而我的内心生活则充满了不确信、愤怒和对始终若隐若现的暴力的恐惧。 My internal life was full of uncertainty, anger, and a dread of ever-looming violence.

  • 大佛背后刻有“天龙八部”,在变化多端的彩云中若隐若现,十分生动。 Buddha behind inscribed “Tianlongbabu”, in a variety of Ruoyinruoxian Choi Wan, very lively.

  • 若油漆没有顺同一方向上油,便会出现若隐若现的“路轨”,影响美观性。 Shun the same direction if the painting did not apply paint, will be moving “tracks” aesthetic impact.

  • 只有无边无际的平原,高大的安第斯山若隐若现,俯身环抱着,像个舞台拱幕。 Just an endless plain with the High Andes cradling and looming over it, like a proscenium arch.

  • 春天,翠绿的树叶在薄雾中若隐若现,在星星点点的红花点缀下,芙蓉树显得格外迷人。 In spring, when green foliage was half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom.

  • 如果你有良好的视力外加一片漆黑的天空,你应该可以发现这些亮星周围若隐若现的彩光。 If you have good eyesight and a dark, clear sky, you should be able to detect hints of color with the brighter stars.

  • 随着北极光将夜空映成翡翠绿,一束优美的常绿光在延伸入北极圈的北部林木上空若隐若现。 A leggy evergreen looms over a stretch of Arctic boreal forest as light from the aurora borealis paints the night sky emerald green.

  • 镜之边缘的这个未名城市,是一个若隐若现的都市,它看起来实际上像是个高速运转的社会。 The unnamed city of Mirror’s Edge is a gleaming metropolis that actually looks like a high-functioning society.

  • 与一只幽灵巨兽战斗是痛苦的,该生物若隐若现地存在着,在战斗中很少在同一地点出现两次。 Fighting a spirit beast is harrowing, as the creature phases in and out of existence, rarely appearing in the same place twice during battle.

  • 浴室中水汽缭绕,里面人影在珠帘下若隐若现,这种神秘感正符合当下年轻人追求解放的天性。 The lunt in the bathroom winds around, if show, people is like concealed below bead shade inside, this kind of secret touch is according with instantly youth to go after emancipatory nature.

  • 鱼嘴鞋,今年继续流行,脚趾若隐若现,十分性感。收集了几款蓝色的款式,给爱美的妹妹参考。 Piscine mouth shoe, afterwards follow on current goes this year, if show, toe is like concealed, very sexy. Collected the design of a few blue, the little sister of beauty giving love is referenced.

  • 在这时间过半、折磨我已经许久的事情也已若隐若现转折点的时候,写下这篇东西,以为祭奠,更为激励。 At such a turning point of both time and things that have been racking me ever since, such a diary entry is for memorial, and more for encouragement.

  • 登上这屋脊,在雾海中若隐若现、飘忽不定,仿佛进入仙境,真是“入目高山生翠霭,穿云飞瀑泻银河”。 ” This boarded roof, in Wuhai in Ruoyinruoxian, erratic, as if to enter paradise, a “heads into the mountains of Health Tsui NG, flew through the clouds Feibao diarrhoea Galaxy.

  • 这些物像又像幽灵般地在纸上水墨里若隐若现,宣纸上那斑斑点点、泼墨淋漓中满是苦吟诗人般的愁肠百结。 Then these images made their mysterious appearance in water ink and Xuan paper, the spots and unrestrained ink-splashes in the paper were the melancholic knots of bards.

  • 它没有形状,没有定势,是润物细无声的诱惑,是若隐若现的美景,是朝思暮想的探究,是以少胜多的智慧。 It is a lure of watering plants silently , a indistinct beautiful scene, a yearning probe day and night, a wisdom with few rather than more.

  • 当她白茸茸的脚从粉红花边小可爱伸出,小屁屁在一件松垮垮的比基尼泳裤下若隐若现之际,安琪儿望之不像好莱坞小明星。 With her white hairy legs poking out from her frilly pink top and rear end peeking out from a saggy pair of bikini bottoms, Angel looks an unlikely Hollywood starlet.

  • 如果在谷歌地球上搜索东京、大阪和京都,就会发现,虽然有些地区的画面上现在城市的布局若隐若现,但实际上却是老照片。 If Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto are searched on cereal song earth, with respect to meeting discovery, if show, urban layout is like concealed now, but it is old photograph however actually.

  • 这位给时装界带来了怀旧情感的却是位神秘的怪人,他总是小心翼翼地避免暴露自己的身世,叫人们感到他像在迷雾中那样若隐若现。 This brings to the fashion nostalgia is a mysterious feeling of the eccentric, he was always careful to avoid exposing their neighborhood, people are asked to feel like he did in the hazy fog.

  • 虽说,上海的春天姗姗来迟,但也按捺不住张家浜河旁的柳树和小区内的青草绿树,嫩绿的小芽渐渐吐露,仅有的20栋别墅若隐若现。 While Shanghai in the spring too, but no longer hold the family Robinson underneath the trees and grass green area, the green camp has remained small, only 20 houses or villas again.

  • 接着,大地在下面开始若隐若现。在飞机上看起来像湖面一样平整的绿地,现在却出现了许多的石块、护栏和零星的树木,变得坑洼不平。 Then the earth began to loom below, and what had looked from the plane like the green felt of a pool table now became pocked with rocks, fence posts and a few stray trees.

  • 鳞次栉比的高楼、峰加路转的街市,若隐若现地镶嵌在凝翠吐绿的山峦层林中,恰到好处地形成了独具一格的“一城山产色半城湖”的迷离风光。 Rows upon rows of high risings and winding streets were inlaid among verdant mountains and forests. The lake has occupied almost the half area of the town and forms a unique and charming landscape.

  • 在格伦科,你能感觉到历史的身影若隐若现,这里能让你联想到1692年那个背信弃义的黑夜,坎普贝尔手下的士兵们趁著麦克唐纳人熟睡时将他们杀害。 You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe, evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonalds as they slept.

  • 但那些在大海边上的静静的美丽的半圆弧,海水里若隐若现的沸石却留给人们无尽的想象:大鹏湾、红海湾…墨西哥湾……这里难道也曾经是烈焰长啸、熔巖飞舞的地方? the gleaming zeolite in the seawater bring limitless imagination to human being: the Dapeng bay, red sea gulf, gulf of Mexico…were the red flame blazing and lava splashing in past days?

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    成语词典>>匣剑帷灯的意思解释成语匣剑帷灯发音:xiájiànwéidēng 释义:帷:帐幕。匣里的宝剑,帐里的明灯,剑气灯光,若隐若现。比喻事情无法掩藏,或故意露出消息引人注意