词语大全 若即若离造句_若即若离中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 若即若离造句_若即若离中英文解释和造句
若即若离 ruò jì ruò lí
我们身在雾中,与墓地若即若离。 We are in a haze, the grave at only an arm’s length.
她总跟你保持距离,却又若即若离。 She had been giving you mixed signals while keeping you at arm’s length .
他还和麦琪利·斯达福保持着若即若离的关系。 He still held a tentative relationship with Marjorie Stafford.
有些信用卡公司仍若即若离地处理著网上赌博交易。 And some credit-card panies, albeit inadvertently, are still processing these transactions.
她心安于我们之间这种若即若离的关系,可我不愿意。 She was willing to”accept the relationship on these terms”. I was not.
一面是储蓄与股市的纠缠,一面是储蓄与消费的若即若离。 Is a savings in the stock market and put up a struggle, is a savings and consumption Ruojiruoli.
妳我注定就像两片相邻的树叶,若即若离,然后壹起枯萎零落。 Doomed just like you and me two adjacent leaves, Ruojiruoli, and then wither away together.
真的好难过,为何上天总让我们若即若离,我们的感情为何稍纵即逝? Really of good sad, why the God is total to let we if namely if leave, why does our affection flit?
我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。 I kept a tenuous connexion with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture.
她感到他身上有了一种变化,他的手臂松弛了,若即若离地绕在她的背后。 She felt a change in him, a change in the arm held loosely and impersonally across her back.
有时会故意若即若离,因极希望它存在并且长久,所以更不容许自己沉溺。 I wanna to get a balance from inside even if i can not understand the exact meaning of this sentence.
这个天气风轻轻的,阳光淡淡的,心沉浸在若即若离的飘忽里,时起时落。 The weather wind gentle, sunshine thin, heart immerse in a partly accepting and partly rejecting one when moves swiftly, fell when from hour.
失地农民社会保障制度与现行社会保障体系处于一种若即若离的分立关系。 The relations between the social security system of the land lost farmers and the existing social security is not normal.
本文分析了英国与欧盟若即若离的关系以及影响英国加入欧元区的主要因素。 The relationship that the article analysed England and European Union maintain a lukewarm relationship and influence England add the main factor of euro area.
你又出了什么事?讲一点新话题吧…难道你不知道风雪变化不断他们总是若即若离吗。 So what’s the matter with you? Sing me something new…don’t you know The cold and wind and rain don’t know They only seem to e and go away.
这是一场欲给又留,若即若离的游戏;一丝微笑,略带羞涩,还有些甜蜜而徒劳的挣扎。 It is a game of giving and withholding, revealing and screening again; some smiles and some little shyness, and some sweet useless struggles.
若即若离的,影影绰绰的,我们感知著安徒生,他的名字在全世界的人们心中是永远的存在。 Consciously and subconsciously, we feel Andersen’s presence. His name has an eternal place in the hearts of the people of the world.
凭借大量文献和一手资料,作者生动记录了共产党与知识分子之间若即若离而又充满矛盾的关系。 Relying heavily on quotations and primary sources, Chen’s work chronicles the vacillating, often ambivalent relationship of the Party to intellectuals.
三个不同的女孩,成长过程中的三个阶段,若即若离的网恋是一组三重奏,记录著成长的点点滴滴。 Three respective girls are attracted by cyber-romance in the different stages. Vague affection, the trio of cyber-romance, is a record to catch the steps of their growth in unforgettable memory.
在海南房地产炒得最疯狂的时候,刘永好只是保持着若即若离的态度,认为那不过是“击鼓传花”。 In Hainan real estate speculation in the most frenzied, Liu Yonghao is maintained safe attitude, but that it is “drum-spend.”
如今虽说微软在希格玛大厦,与中关村若即若离,惠普、IBM等远在CBD,但根却在“村”里。 While Microsoft is now building in Xigema with Zhongguancun theatre, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, as far as the CBD, but has roots in the “village.”
有效校本教研必须以校本视野为立足点,这意味着,教师向同行“打开教室门”,并与外部研究者“若即若离”。 Effective school-based research must adhere to school-based horizon, which means the teacher opens the classroom door to his peers and keeps experts at an arm’s length.
涛儿再看了看躲在远处的若即若离的玄龟,见它尽收火气,望向这边,安静地等待着自己的命运,果然灵性十足。 Tao children look at the view behind the mysterious distance Ruo ji duo li turtle, see it closed to make fiery, look here, quietly waiting for their own destiny, spirituality was full.
章子怡以流畅而优美的肢体语言,成功塑造了一个任性而又脆弱的风尘女子,一个对自己所爱的人若即若离的美艳女人。 Body language always says more than words, and his cast rises to the task, none more so than Zhang (best known in the U.
于是,灵魂成了一个空洞的标签,若即若离地游荡在城市的上空,于是,我们的灵魂被流放在繁华的城市中,找不到归途。 On the contrary, they wander aimlessly in the crowded city, like a meaningless tag on an expired article flying blindly in the sky, totally at loss where they belong to.
于是我理解了陈文骥平素的不善交际,比如说与人即使是甚好的朋友,也总保持若即若离的架势,从不表现出甚好朋友那般的如胶似漆。 So I understand Chen Wenji is not good at social activities. For example, even he is someone’s good friend, he always keeps a distance, never shows to be closely bound together.
虽然在当时和后来的相当一段时期,这里仍有一些似是而非的僧侣过著一种若即若离的佛门生活,但实际来讲,它早已为世人所淡忘了。 Although at that time and later a considerable period of time, there are still some speciousruo ji run li monks lived a life of Buddhism, but the actual terms, it has long been forgotten by the world.
但总有一些涌动的暗流影响着设计的走向,仿佛一缕清香,抑或是气温的一丝变化,若即若离,你能感觉得到、但又好像感觉不到它的存在。 But there’s always that natural undercurrent of influence that touches this design and that, a drift of scent, a faint change in air temperature. It’s there, but almost not.
无论你走在何处,一定要给自己留下孤单而平静的时刻,于是,音乐从不知名的角落里冒出来轻舔着你的伤痛,在若即若离中精神变得无比自由。 Wherever you go, you are sure to leave yourself a lonely and quiet moment. So, music es from some unknown places and ease our pain and free our spirit.
所谓“1+1”亲情户型是指一栋楼中同一层楼,设计一套一居和一套二居相邻,这种户型若即若离,子女与老人既可以减少磨擦又便于互相照顾。 ” 1+1 “refers to a family Huxing, with a flat design of a home and a Erju adjacent one, such Huxing theatre, children and the elderly can reduce friction and facilitate mutual care.
词语大全 若即若离的意思_成语“若即若离”是什么意思
成 语 | 若即若离 |
成语读音 | ruò jì ruò lí |
成语解释 | 即:凑近。好像接近,又好像不接近。形容对人保持一定距离,也形容含混不清。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作谓语、定语、状语;形容态度不明朗。 |
产生年代 | 近代 |
典故出处 | 清·文康《儿女英雄传》:“这边两个新人在新房里乍来乍去,如蛱蝶穿花;若即若离,似蜻蜓点水。” |
成语例句 | 鲁迅《三闲集·匪笔三篇》:“这种拉扯牵连,~的思想,自己也觉得近乎刻薄。” |
近 义 词 | 敬而远之 貌合神离 若离若即 |
反 义 词 | 亲密无间 亲如骨肉 |
英文翻译 | keep somebody at an arm’s length <be neither close nor distant> |
俄文翻译 | держáться на расстоянии |
日文翻译 | つかず离(はな)れず,不即不离(ふそくふり) |
其他语言 | <德>weder zu intim noch zu fremd <eine bestimmte Distanz zu jm halten> |
分我杯羹 fēnwǒbēigēng分我杯羹的意思和解释:羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。分我杯羹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“吾翁即若翁,必欲烹
分我杯羹 fēnwǒbēigēng分我杯羹的意思和解释:羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。分我杯羹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“吾翁即若翁,必欲烹
分我杯羹 fēnwǒbēigēng分我杯羹的意思和解释:羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。分我杯羹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“吾翁即若翁,必欲烹
分我杯羹 fēnwǒbēigēng分我杯羹的意思和解释:羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。分我杯羹的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“吾翁即若翁,必欲烹
若即若离 [ruòjíruòlí][若即若离]成语解释若:好像;即:接近。好像接近,又好像不接近。①形容对人保持一定距离。②形容事物含混不清。[若即若离]成语出处清·文康《儿女英
倦致 [juànzhì][倦致]基本解释倦慵时的风致。[倦致]详细解释倦慵时的风致。闻一多《红烛·春之末章》诗:“细熨的柔情,娇羞的倦致,这般如此,若即若离。”[倦致]百科解释倦