词语大全 英姿焕发造句_英姿焕发中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 英姿焕发造句_英姿焕发中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 英姿焕发造句_英姿焕发中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 英姿飒爽造句_英姿飒爽中英文解释和造句

词语大全 英姿焕发造句_英姿焕发中英文解释和造句

英姿焕发  yīng zī huàn fā







  • 政战学校英姿焕发的女生队伍。 Top, women cadets of the Political Warfare College.

  • 他穿制服真显得英姿焕发。 He looked so manly in his uniform.

  • 除了局促的室内环境影响猛禽应有的运动、飞行外,繁忙的现代人,也无暇给予应有的照料。鹰不再英姿焕发! Not only does confinement in a small space affect the health and capabilities of the hawks, busy modern people have little time to devote to giving them proper care.

  • 新闻上放送著皇家信鸽的菁英们传信时英姿焕发,还有他们如何享受美好生活、和医护鸽打情骂俏,这样的生活实在棒呆了! The newsreel shows the glorious life of the RHPS elite as they deliver messages, enjoy the good life, and meet the nursing doves.

  • 前进的道路不可能一帆风顺,不管道路如何曲折,前途一定是光明的,一个在深化改革开放中不断发展的中国,一定会更加朝气蓬勃,英姿焕发,巍然屹立在世界东方。 China as a country in the process of reformation and opening must be full of vigor and vitality and stand rock-firmly in the orient of the world.

  • 英姿焕发造句相关


    词语大全 英姿飒爽造句_英姿飒爽中英文解释和造句

    英姿飒爽  yīng zī sà shuǎng







  • 为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。 For my sculpture image of the motherland.

  • 做一株秋菊,那将是无限的英姿飒爽! To do a Qiuju, it would be unlimited Yingzisashuang!

  • 快乐的骑士在马上英姿飒爽。 Full jolly knight he seemd, and faire did sith.

  • 姐姐穿着军装迈著军步的样子还真是英姿飒爽。 My sister is marching in her army suit looking very valiant and heroic in bearing.

  • 女排队员们英姿飒爽,正迈著矫健的步伐通过主席台。 Being bright and brave, the members of the women’s volleyball team are passing by the rostrum, walking in vigorous strides.

  • 在神话世界里,她面容娇美,英姿飒爽,受到古人的崇拜。 She cut a pretty martial figure in the world of myth, and enjoyed worship among the ancients.

  • 现在,英姿飒爽的女子骑警队已经成为大连市的独特景观。 Nowadays, women horseback police has bee a unique sight of Dalian.

  • 本次年会,我们将带您重温健儿的英姿飒爽,感受鸟巢的独特匠心! Please do not regret, we will guide you to review the Olympic lettermen’ show and experience the unique olympic nest bird.

  • 游戏介绍:少女时期的战神,虽然还稚气未脱,但一样样英姿飒爽。 God of War era : girls on the game, although having t yet lost, but like the same band.

  • 心情好、心情坏、丑不啦叽、美若天仙、英姿飒爽,不管你是怎样。 Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have u.

  • 我喜欢美国“超级大黄蜂”战斗机,英姿飒爽,简直是一个“帅小伙”! Concerned about the military, I like the U. S. “Super Hornet” fighter, val da, is simply a” handsome guy”!

  • 2008年,带给我们太多难忘与震憾,精彩与感动。奥运健儿永夺金牌的英姿飒爽; In 2008, It Takes us too many unforgettable experiences and shaking, being splendid and affective, the bright and brave when the athletes won the gold medal.

  • 我也曾梦想自己能有一天能穿上军装,英姿飒爽一回,如《三国演义》中的赵子龙一样。 I have a dream that one day he can be able to wear uniforms, Yingzisashuang a return, such as “Romance of Three Kingdoms, ” the same as in the Zhao Zilong.

  • 我们出外游玩的整个期间不停地笑,英姿飒爽的女警制服也吓坏了那些想要为非作歹的人。 ‘We didn’t stop laughing the whole time we were away and the policewoman outfits went down a storm with people wanting to be arrested. ‘ Janita, Manchester.

  • 国王面露笑容,指著英姿飒爽的阿普舍龙兵团的官兵,把脸转向一位近臣,不知说了什么话。 The Tsar turned with a smile to one of his courtiers, pointing to the gallant-looking Apsheron regiment, and said something to him.

  • 她曾经拍过一百多部电影,从青春靓丽的玉女到英姿飒爽的女侠,每个形象都成为银屏的经典。 She starred in more than one hundred movies, and her roles covert almost all the parts from young and beautiful girl to handsome woman warrior.

  • 伴随着动听的乐曲,运动员们英姿飒爽地迎面走来,等候已久的观众立刻起身欢呼、鼓掌……。 With beautiful music, athletes Yingzisashuang walked to the face, the long wait for the audience immediately stood up cheering and applause…….

  • 英姿飒爽的金地女保安个个身手矫健,服务形象细腻,极具亲和力,甫一亮相,便受到业主的欢迎。 All the gold in women warriors displayed robust security service image reveals great personal charm, and their public s, will be the owners wele.

  • 第一个出场的是学前班的小朋友,他们一个个英姿飒爽,雄赳赳、气昂昂地迈著有力的步伐,向我们走来。 The first appearance of the pre-school children, they are a , valiantly, full of dash and a strong pace of marching to us.

  • 回首这短暂又漫长的六年生活,你们从稚嫩的孩童到英姿飒爽的少年,每一个变化都深深印记在我记忆的最深处。 Looking back on this short through the long, six-year life, your innocent children from the juvenile to Yingzisashuang, each one changes are deeply imprinted in my deepest memories.

  • 此作品的八骏英姿飒爽,纵横于天地之间。八骏相传是周穆王的八匹马,以速度各有其名:一名绝地,足不践土; This works eight Chun valiant bearing the stairs in between earth and sky. 8 Jun phase Zhou Ji Chuan of eight horses, to speed its own name : a must, The point is not adequate soil;

  • 回首这短暂又漫长的六年生活,你们从稚嫩的孩童到英姿飒爽的少年,每一个变化都深深印记在我记忆的最深处。 Looking back on this short-term and long life of six years, you have young children from the juvenile to every change in a deep imprint in the depths of my memory the most.

  • 我亲爱的同学们,是那么的英姿飒爽,就算在雨中操练依然是如此坚强,为了我们这一班而努力坚持,无愧于这一套军装。 My dear students, is so Yingzisashuang, even if the drill is still in the rain is so strong, for our efforts to insist on this course, worthy of this set of uniforms.

  • 我因咳嗽而从队伍中退出,而只训练了一天,但是随后的几天时间,我注视著同学们那英姿飒爽的齐步,感到些许不可思议。 I retreated from the troops due to cough, just trained for one day, but in the time after that, when I stared at the valor marching of my fellow schoolmates, I thought it was incredible.

  • 在5000米比赛中,王军霞以他的英姿飒爽迈开了大步,奋力向前冲去。还剩600米了,王军霞低着头,双臂用力摆动,。 In the 5000 meter race, Wang Junxia in his Yingzisashuang took major strides forward struggling rushed. 600 meters left, and Wang Junxia head down, arms force swing.

  • 烈日下的汇报表演中,我们朝气四溢,我们精神抖擞,我们英姿飒爽,我们为军旅画上了圆满的句号,我们得到了真正意义上的成长。 Performance report under the scorching sun, we overflowing vitality, we are full of energy, we , we draw a plete military end, we have a real sense of growth.

  • 天气稍凉,但晴空澄明,这时节伦敦少有的明媚阳光照亮了一切,本就扮饰光鲜的皇家骑兵队也在阳光的点缀下显得英姿飒爽,光彩照人。 The day was cool, but clear skies and sunshine, a rarity in London, brightened everything, and the royal cavalcade, spruced and polished, shone to perfection.

  • 周三晚上,节奏明快、振奋人心的鼓点响彻约旦皇家酒店,十二位英姿飒爽的中国姑娘以其精湛的演技令在场的阿拉伯观众无不为之倾倒。 Drumbeats with inspiringly fast and clear rhythm on Wednesday evening rocked the Royal Hotel of Jordan where the performers, a dozen slender Chinese girls, stunned their Arab audience.

  • 它在芭蕾舞台上破天荒地塑造了英姿飒爽的“穿足尖鞋”的中国娘子军形象,将芭蕾的精华与中国的气派融为一体,为世界芭蕾舞坛增添了一朵奇葩。 It shaped a brilliant image of Chinese women army who wear toe shoes and intergrated the essence of ballet and Chinese-style, making itself a new fantacy on the world’s ballet stage.

  • 虽然我在球场上英姿飒爽的帅气没有留在录影带上,但是我有更好的回忆——一盘载满爸爸为我欢呼雀跃的录影带,上面记录了他因看我的球赛而激动万分,因看我的球赛而情不自禁地喜形于色的情形。 I didn’t have any of my football glory caught on tape—I had something better. A perfect record of Dad’s cheers, his excitement, his uncontainable joy in watching me play.

  • 英姿飒爽造句相关



    词语大全 英姿飒爽造句_英姿飒爽中英文解释和造句

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    词语大全 英姿飒爽造句_英姿飒爽中英文解释和造句

    英姿飒爽  yīngzīsàshuǎng英姿飒爽的意思和解释:英姿:英勇威武的姿态;飒爽:豪迈矫健。形容英俊威武、精神焕发的样子。英姿飒爽的出处唐·杜甫《丹青引赠曹将军霸》:“褒公

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    容光焕发  róngguānghuànfā容光焕发的意思和解释:容光:脸上的光彩;焕发:光彩四射的样子。形容身体好,精神饱满。容光焕发的出处容光焕发的例子我望着他那年青的,~,毫无

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    神采奕奕  shéncǎiyìyì神采奕奕的意思和解释:奕奕:精神焕发的样子。形容精神饱满,容光焕发。神采奕奕的出处神采奕奕的例子神采奕奕造句神采奕奕造句相关先把要造句的词扩展成词

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    词语大全 英姿焕发的意思_成语“英姿焕发”是什么意思


    词语大全 英姿焕发的意思_成语“英姿焕发”是什么意思
