词语大全 茫无头绪造句_茫无头绪中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 茫无头绪造句_茫无头绪中英文解释和造句
茫无头绪 máng wú tóu xù
猎犬一时茫无头绪,但很快又重新嗅出了臭迹。 The hounds were for some time at fault. They soon, however, recovered the scent.
一是惶惶不安,茫无头绪,百事无心,一心逃出寂寞。 First, fearful restless, does not have a clue, hundred matters unintentionally, escape lonely wholeheartedly.
面对也许茫无头绪的多种病害,我们不妨换一个思考角度。 Facing probably the hopeless muddle of various manifestations of decay, we might do some thinking from another angle.
我不是个手巧的人,若没有女婿的指导,我就会茫无头绪。 I, being the very antithesis of the word “handyman, ” would have been hopelessly lost without David’s insights and instruction.
作业中的问题是那么复杂,除了非常聪明的学生外,都茫无头绪。 The homework problems were so plex that all but the most brilliant students couldn’t make heads or tails of them.
作业中的问题是那么复杂,除了非常聪明的学生外,都茫无头绪。 brilliant students couldn’t make heads or tails of them.
作业中的问题是那么复杂,除了非常聪明的学生外,都茫无头绪。 that all but the most brilliant students couldn’t make heads or tails of them.
学习放松身心,学习不做白日梦,学习不碰那些毫无意义及茫无头绪的事。 Learn to relax your body and mind. Learn not to daydream. Learn not to get involved in empty or murky matters.
白松露行踪飘忽,明年会在哪里长成,连鉆研它们的大学学者也茫无头绪。 Baisong shows track fleet, where can next year be to blossom, the university scholar that studies them repeatedly also be confused like a tangle of flax.
面对也许”。’茫‘。”无头绪的多种病害,我们不妨换一个思考角度。 Facing probably the hopeless muddle of various manifestations of decay, we might do some thinking from another angle.
上次圣诞假期我记得自己茫无头绪,不知道如何把节日庆祝的一切准备事先做好。 Last season I remember wondering how I would get everything done before the celebrations began.
当荣茫无头绪之际,锋竟率领一班打机少年,破解了网上游戏的密码,追查到祖的行踪。 When the glorious occasion inprehensible, Feng has led a group of youth playing puter, the online game to break the password traced to the mother’s whereabouts.
学校领导、老师、辅导员、家长以及社区居民都曾一度茫无头绪地去了解这件事故的相关信息。 The school officials, teachers, counselors, parents, and the munity residents were all running around as if “Chicken Little ” had paid them a visit with his timeless message.
把辅助生殖技术当作解决出生率下降的一种解决方案加以讨论,这表明茫无头绪的政府正在乱抓救命稻草。 Talk of IVF as a solution for declining birth rates is a sign that clueless governments are clutching at straws.
那个不远千里来践约的人站在五金店门口,真不知道青年时代的朋友是否会来,他抽著烟,等待着,茫无头绪… And in the door of the hardware store the man who had e a thousand miles to fill an appointment, uncertain almost to foolishness, with the friend of his youth, smoked his cigar and waited.
在我第一个孩子出生前,我读完了所有“怎样……”的书,却仍然感到自己是个茫无头绪的新手。30个月后,我第二个孩子出生的时候,我重新拿起那些书来复习了吗? Before my first child was born, I read all the How To books, and still felt like a clueless novice. 30 Months later, when my second child was due, did I go back to the books for a refresher?
在我第一个孩子出生前,我读完了所有“怎样……”的书,却仍然感到自己是个茫无头绪的新手。30 个月后,我第二个孩子出生的时候,我重新拿起那些书来复习了吗? Before my first child was born, I read all the How To books, and still felt like a clueless novice. 30 Months later, when my second child was due, did I go back to the books for a refresher?
词语大全 无头告示造句_无头告示中英文解释和造句
无头告示 wú tóu gào shì
最近几天,华雷斯街头频频出现无头尸体,街上到处张贴著各种告示,警告当地警方不要试图干扰毒品走私活动。 In recent days headless bodies have turned up on the streets and signs have been posted around town threatening local police who try to interfere with drug smuggling.
无头告示 wútóugàoshì无头告示的意思和解释:用意不明的文告。也指缺乏主要内容的官样文章。无头告示的出处无头告示的例子无头告示造句最近几天,华雷斯街头频频出现无头尸体,街
无头告示 wútóugàoshì无头告示的意思和解释:用意不明的文告。也指缺乏主要内容的官样文章。无头告示的出处无头告示的例子无头告示造句最近几天,华雷斯街头频频出现无头尸体,街
多端寡要 duōduānguǎiyào多端寡要的意思和解释:端:头绪;要:重要。头绪太多,不得要领。多端寡要的出处《三国志·魏书·郭嘉传》:“袁公徒欲效周公之下士,而未知用人之机
多端寡要 duōduānguǎiyào多端寡要的意思和解释:端:头绪;要:重要。头绪太多,不得要领。多端寡要的出处《三国志·魏书·郭嘉传》:“袁公徒欲效周公之下士,而未知用人之机
经纬万端 jīngwěiwànduān经纬万端的意思和解释:比喻头绪极多。经纬万端的出处汉朝扬雄《法言·问神》:“神心恍惚,经续万方。”经纬万端的例子经纬万端造句显然,问题经纬万
千头万绪 qiāntóuwànxù千头万绪的意思和解释:绪:丝头。比喻事情的开端,头绪非常多。也形容事情复杂纷乱。千头万绪的出处三国魏·曹植《自试令》:“机等吹毛求疵,千端万绪,
千头万绪 qiāntóuwànxù千头万绪的意思和解释:绪:丝头。比喻事情的开端,头绪非常多。也形容事情复杂纷乱。千头万绪的出处三国魏·曹植《自试令》:“机等吹毛求疵,千端万绪,
千头万绪 qiāntóuwànxù千头万绪的意思和解释:绪:丝头。比喻事情的开端,头绪非常多。也形容事情复杂纷乱。千头万绪的出处三国魏·曹植《自试令》:“机等吹毛求疵,千端万绪,
千头万绪 qiāntóuwànxù千头万绪的意思和解释:绪:丝头。比喻事情的开端,头绪非常多。也形容事情复杂纷乱。千头万绪的出处三国魏·曹植《自试令》:“机等吹毛求疵,千端万绪,
如堕烟海 rúduòyānhǎi如堕烟海的意思和解释:堕:落。好象掉在茫茫无边的烟雾里。比喻迷失方向,找不到头绪,抓不住要领。如堕烟海的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·赏誉》:“王