词语大全 荷枪实弹造句_荷枪实弹中英文解释和造句

Posted 警察

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1、词语大全 荷枪实弹造句_荷枪实弹中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 真枪实弹的意思_成语“真枪实弹”是什么意思

词语大全 荷枪实弹造句_荷枪实弹中英文解释和造句

荷枪实弹  hé qiāng shí dàn







  • 桥的两头各有一名哨兵,荷枪实弹守卫著。 At either end of the bridge a sentinel stood with rifle at ready.

  • 伪造的犯罪场景,巡航导弹,荷枪实弹的人。 Faked crime scenes, cruise missiles, gun toting band members.

  • 为了防止海盗的袭击,每个人都荷枪实弹,严阵以待。 Everyone is at attention at their stations with live ammunitions in order to prevent pirate attacks.

  • 监狱看守和荷枪实弹的护卫者一起打开了那扇厚重的门。 The gaoler opened the heavy door with armed escorts.

  • 但某种意义上说,我们是荷枪实弹的来到美国西部开荒的。 But part of being an American in the wild west was we came armed.

  • 如果(荷枪实弹)的触发频率确实过低,我们就会着手调整。 If the proc rate ends up being too low, that is certainly something we are willing to adjust.

  • 它又透露,超过1,500名荷枪实弹的防暴警察被调遣到了此地。 Over 1, 500 paramilitary and riot police have been dispatch to the county, it added.

  • 许多美国人认为,在公共场所见到荷枪实弹的军人是很不正常的一件事。 Many Americans mented on how unusual it was to see armed soldiers in public.

  • 接着开来荷枪实弹的军队,开始了一场血腥的屠杀,血洗中约40人被枪杀。 Then came the army of rifle-bearing troopers, a blood bath during which some 40 men were killed.

  • 即使RaidBOSS免疫陷阱效果,你也不应该去放陷阱令荷枪实弹触发。 You won’t be trapping raid bosses to get LnL procs, even if they are immune to the effects.

  • 300多名武警、刑警荷枪实弹,手拿铁棍、镐把的村民,数条警犬也派上用场。 more than 300 armed polices, the criminal police are fully armed and prepared for battle, the hand takes the villagers who the iron rod, picks, several police dogs also apply.

  • 离岸几百米的海面上,法国军舰荷枪实弹,另外有超过3000名警察封锁了整个墓园。 A few hundred metres offshore, French warships floated on guard, and more than 3, 000 police had sealed off the cemetery.

  • 他们在荷枪实弹的警卫的看守下,步伐一致地迈动双腿,向着65号州际公路路边走去。 Watched over by guards with guns, they raised their legs in unison and made their way to the edge of the highway, Interstate 65.

  • 他们在荷枪实弹的警卫的望 守下,步伐一致地迈动双腿,向着65号州际公路路边走去。 Watched over by guards with guns, they raised their legs in unison and made their way to the edge of the highway, Interstate 65.

  • 荷枪实弹:现在拥有22秒冷却时间。如果目标免疫冰霜陷阱效果,那么荷枪实弹不能被触发。 Lock and Load: Now has a 22 second cooldown. The Lock and Load effect cannot be obtained on targets immune to snare effects when Frost Trap is used.

  • 最近几年来,高盛逐渐变成了一家荷枪实弹的交易公司,性质更像是一家对冲基金而不是投行。 In recent years, it became a gun-slinging trading firm, more akin to a hedge fund than a bank.

  • 他在当地请了三个职位的人:看门的老头,三个荷枪实弹的警察还有一个荷兰留学回来的翻译。 Yang hired three kind of local people there: the housekeeper, three policemen with weapons and also one translator who used to study in Holland. The housekeeper is a very funny old men.

  • 1937年7月7日晚,日军在离卢沟桥中国军队岗哨大约几百米处开始了“荷枪实弹的演习”。 On the evening of July 7, 1937, Japanese troops launched a “practice with live ammunition” several hundred meters away from the sentry of Chinese forces at the Lugouqiao.

  • 约翰为了拯救人质之一的妻子,以及大厦内所有职员,只好只身闯穴,挑战荷枪实弹的恐怖份子。 Now its up to McCLane to launch a one man war in an attempt to stop the terrorists and save all hostages including his wife Holly.

  • 解放初期,屯堡当地一家老小曾借助这种建筑,与荷枪实弹的土匪进行周旋,直至外援到来,土匪溃败。 In the years that followed liberation, Tunpu people fought with local banditis by the aid of the houses until help came. And they won.

  • 臧家宜在博客中提到,鸿海美国子公司早在2003年,就曾经遭到美国国税局派遣军队,荷枪实弹搜索查税。 should be mentioned in the blog, the U. S. subsidiary of Hon Hai in 2003, the IRS has been sending the army, armed search tax inspection.

  • 这就是我的滇缅公路之旅的序幕:有老兵们的回忆;也有在接近印度敏感前线时,荷枪实弹的军人给我的警告。 This is how my journey along the Burma Road begins: with recollections of old soldiers a warning backed by machine guns as I get close to India’s touchy frontier.

  • 这就是我的滇缅公路之旅的序幕:有老兵们的回忆;也有在接近印度敏感前线时,荷枪实弹的军人给我的警告。 This is how my journey along the Burma Road begins: with recollections of old soldiers and a warning backed by machine guns as I get close to India’s touchy frontier.

  • 只有一个实质的变化,那就是所有主要的外资和国有石油天然气公司的办公室、油泵及炼油厂都有荷枪实弹的军警把守。 Armed military police are standing guard at the offices, pumping stations and refineries of all the major foreign and national oil and gas installations.

  • 但近些年,中国给各国使领馆加派了荷枪实弹的维安人员,在使领馆加绕了有刺铁丝,意在阻止那些朝鲜人的铤而走险。 But in recent years China has set more armed guards and barbed wire around embassies and consulates to stop such attempts.

  • 为什么说镇压一个和平集会,而且是一个荷枪实弹的抗暴警察的人数远远超过参加抗议群众的集会具有如此重大的意义呢? Why is the crushing of a single peaceful rally, at which heavily armed riot police far outnumbered the protesters, so significant?

  • 总之,荷枪实弹的暴力分子常常交战,争夺当地市场、加油站或当地街道的控制权,政治大议题对他们而言,可能无甚关系。 In any case, big political issues may matter little to gunmen who are often fighting to control the local market, the local petrol station or the local street.

  • 在那,有一名荷枪实弹的军队卫兵驻扎,防止恐怖袭击。不过,他经常在靠近门口过道的地方随便溜达,对进来的研究员视而不见。 An armed military guard was stationed there to defend against terrorist attack, though he often lounged near the doorway and ignored ining researchers.

  • 据菲律宾媒体报道,近百名荷枪实弹的武装分子,23日在菲律宾南部棉兰老岛上的马京达瑙省劫持了51名人质,其中包括34名记者。 nearly one hundred heavily armed militants, 23 in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao, Maguindanao province, abducted 51 hostages, including 34 journalists.

  • 不远处,一位荷枪实弹的武警战士,警惕地往返巡逻。杨犯一边在走道上的砖缝里拔草、捡纸屑,一边用眼睛的余光窥视着警卫战士的行动。 Nearby, an armed police soldier of ball cartridge of gun of carry on one’s shoulder, go there and back with one’s eyes open patrol.

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