词语大全 莫名其妙造句_莫名其妙中英文解释和造句

Posted 撒切尔

篇首语:鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 莫名其妙造句_莫名其妙中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 莫名其妙造句_莫名其妙中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 莫明其妙造句_莫明其妙中英文解释和造句

词语大全 莫名其妙造句_莫名其妙中英文解释和造句

莫名其妙  mò míng qí miào








  • 她的行为使我莫名其妙。Her conduct is a mystery to me.
  • 他一声不吭就走了, 真叫人莫名其妙。It is quite baffling that he left without a word.
  • 莫名其妙地生起气来。She got angry without rhyme or reason.
  • 莫名其妙的心理很难过怎么办? Is indescribable psychology very sad how to do?

  • 她一向对蛇有一种莫名其妙的恐惧。 She has always had a plex about snakes.

  • 莫名其妙的好运气,没有东西可代替。 There is no substitute for in prehensible good luck.

  • 那个人跟我说了些非常莫名其妙的话。 A: That man said something very strange to me.

  • 为什么会莫名其妙的烦躁,! Why to meet indescribable be agitated, !

  • 对于真正的人,这个死亡率莫名其妙。 And that ratio is what matters to real people.

  • 为什么我的皮肤会莫名其妙的感觉痒啊? Why is the feeling with my can indescribable skin urticant?

  • 请不要说莫名其妙的话。 Please don’t say absurd things.

  • 而计算机科学对此兴趣寥寥,就更莫名其妙了。 The lack of interest from puter science is more baffling.

  • 有些听起来莫名其妙的事情可能会带来无限帮助。 Something which sounds ridiculous has the potential to be of enormous help.

  • 我就是觉得这事莫名其妙,但它确实已经发生了。 I was just wondering about that myself. But it had happen.

  • 经常会莫名其妙的产生罪恶感,这是抑郁症的一种吗? Via regular meeting indescribable generation injustice feels, one kind this is depressed disease?

  • 此刻我只好又干了一连串莫名其妙、毫无意义的事情。 I now had to carry out a second series of useless, illogical actions.

  • 假如他们真的没感情,自然会离婚,而不是整日对你说些莫名其妙的话。 If they really have no feelings, it will naturally divorce, and not the day you say so baffling.

  • 如果她们真的没感情,自然会离婚,而不是整日对你说些莫名其妙的话。 If they did not really emotional, will divorce, rather than on the day you say why.

  • 有时候我一个人在街上走,莫名其妙的只想一个人,莫名其妙的只想走。 Sometimes I take a person in the street, the only wish a bewildered, baffled the just want to go.

  • 在黏糊糊的黄昏中,一缕莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升腾,使你咳嗽起来。 An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough.

  • 许多人类形体中的处于已经存在于统一中的幻像内,他们莫名其妙地感觉“已提升”。 Many in human form are in a fantasy that they already exist in unity, that they somehow “have already ascended”.

  • 她的帽子已经被推掉,白雪辉映着她的黑发,现在他对她产生了一种莫名其妙的温柔感。 Her hat had been pushed off, an the snow shining on her dark hair. He now felt a strange gentleness for her.

  • 那种认为由撒切尔夫人领导,保守党就只能对东南部郊区有号召力的看法,真是莫名其妙。 It was indeed a quaint notion that under Mrs Thatcher the Troy Party would only appeal to the suburban south-east.

  • 当她回头对她的一个哥哥微笑时,迈克尔就莫名其妙地朝那个年轻人杀气腾腾地瞪了一眼。 When she turned to smile at one of her brothers Michael gave that young man a murderous look without even realizing it.

  • 为了维系这个他们感到无法控制或是莫名其妙的习惯,许多人都已负债累累,达数万美元之多。 Many have accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in debt to feed a habit they find unable to control or understand.

  • 不幸地,我的眼睛莫名其妙地损坏了整体旅行,我真正地享受,并且在那片刻,我认为我会失明! Unfortunately, my eye somehow spoiled the whole trip, which I really enjoyed, and at that moment, I thought I would go blind!

  • 遗憾的是,这个控件的编辑窗口部分是无界的。允许用户自由输入界限以外的值,甚至是莫名其妙的垃圾。 Unfortunately, the edit window portion of this control is unbounded, leaving users free to ter values that are out of bounds or even unintelligible garbage.

  • 在这种莫名其妙的恐惧里,唯有那些有雪的冬季里的快乐能够重燃我的希望之火,让我感到无懈可击的安全。 In this inexplicable fear, the only snow of the winter that’s happy to re-ignite the fire of my hope, I feel perfect security.

  • 当他们走近庄园,斯奎拉朝他们蹦蹦跳跳地走过来,他一直莫名其妙地没有参加战斗,而此时却高兴得摇头摆尾。 As they approached the farm Squealer, who had unaccountably been absent during the fighting, came skipping towards them, whisking his tail and beaming with satisfaction.

  • 令人没趣的是,许人女人总是受伤,因为男人在家里时不说话,同时许多男人感到沮丧,他们莫名其妙地让另一半失望了。 What’s not funny is that many women are hurt when men don’t talk to them at home, and many men are frustrated when they disappoint their partners without knowing why.

  • 莫名其妙造句相关


    词语大全 莫明其妙造句_莫明其妙中英文解释和造句

    莫明其妙  mò míng qí miào








  • 没人能说清楚,很莫明其妙的感觉。 No one can say clearly, I can not understand the feeling.

  • 任你怎样看法,都是莫明其妙! in every view it is unaccountable!

  • 公牛莫明其妙,就问那母牛:你为何跑呢? Ox be baffled, ask that cow: Why do you run?

  • 莫明其妙,你是店的老板,干吗要和我说话? I am the owner of this shop…you dont remember me?

  • “我没病!”她莫明其妙地笑了一笑后,说道。 “But I am well, ” she said, with an uncertain smile.

  • 她突然就哭了,我并没有惹她啊,真是莫明其妙。 It is odd that she cries suddenly since I have not offended her.

  • 整个事情实在太莫明其妙了,大家都不知道说什么好。 The whole thing was so fantastic that nobody knew what to say.

  • 莫明其妙,大家都糊涂了。所以老师问他这个是什么。 Puzzled, the teacher asked him just what it was.

  • 阎王也莫明其妙,便问判官道:“这有法律条文吗?” Hades also be baffled, ask the way that sentence an official: “Do this have legal article?”

  • 她感到松了一口气,这莫明其妙地使她变得轻浮起来了。 She had a sense of relief which left her curiously lightheaded.

  • 人总有那么些时候会莫明其妙心情低落甚至会大发脾气。 There are those times when people are in low spirit and even throw a fit without any reason.

  • 这样,观众就可以随意看任何一集而不至于过于莫明其妙。 Therefore, the audience can watch the episodes in any order without getting lost too much.

  • 店员莫明其妙地反问道,“你要一条活的鲨鱼 干什么?” ” ground of counterjumper be baffled asks in reply, “What do you want a vivid shark to work?

  • 我怕你一定觉得莫明其妙吧,我自己也简直不知道在写些什么。 I am afraid you will not be able to make it out, but I hardly know what I have written.

  • 许多女人宣称她们从未经历性欲,对那些大惊小怪感到莫明其妙。 Some women report they hae never experienced sexual desire and wonder what all the fuss is about.

  • 流浪汉莫明其妙地爱上了一个孤儿院长大的姑娘,并使她怀了孕。 He fell in love with a girl who grew up in the orphanage and made her pregnant.

  • 在浓密森林覆蓋区,甚至在雨林区,地面情况未必都是莫明其妙的。 Ground conditions are not necessarily enigmatic in densely covered areas, even in rain forests.

  • 让观察家莫明其妙的一点是,白宫敢提名…,却不事先解决堕胎议题。 One thing that has observers bewildered is how the White House could have put forward Foster’s nomination without getting the abortion issue squared away in advance.

  • 中国甚至因为缅甸没有在风灾之后接受国外援助而受到莫明其妙的指责。 China was even blamed, bizarrely, for Burma’s unwillingness to accept foreign aid following its own deadly natural disaster — a typhoon.

  • 在这起袭警案中,令人不可思议的是,杨佳母亲竟然莫明其妙的“失踪”了。 In this cop-killing case, the most unbelievable part is that Yang Jia’s mother actually and inexplicably “disappeared.”

  • 发生在达拉斯高速公路的一场莫明其妙的枪战(枪击?)致使一名警官严重受伤。 A bizarre shooting on a Dallas freeway leaves a police officer seriously wounded.

  • 我以为我把电灯插头插在墙上的插座里了,因此那天晚上灯不亮时我感到莫明其妙。 I thought I had felt the lamp plugged into the wall, and so was puzzled when it wouldn’t light that night.

  • 或者是你莫明其妙地被这个奇怪的小丑所吸引,也许是因为他表现了你最疯狂的幻想? Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies?

  • 他传位于普密蓬国王兄长,即拉玛八世。1946年,拉玛八世莫明其妙遭到枪击,头部中弹而亡。 He handed over to Rama VIII, King Bhumibol’s elder brother, who died in 1946 after a mysterious shot to the head.

  • 我一直都坐在这个筏子上跟你聊了一宿,直到你睡着了。”“可是我怎么能梦见那么多事呢?真是莫明其妙。” I’ve been sitting on this raft talking to you all night, until you went to sleep.

  • 妇产科刚接生出来个小男孩儿,他一出来就止不住的乐,乐得嘴都裂到后耳根子上去了,医生和护士都莫明其妙。 Obstetrics and Gynecology delivery just out of a small boy, his music out on the Zhibu Zhu, Zuidou happy to split up after the son of the ears, doctors and nurses can not understand.

  • 现在他觉得,他那刺杀拿破仑的企图,他推算那神秘的数字和“启示录”上的那头兽,都是莫明其妙的,甚至是可笑的。 His project of killing Napoleon, and his calculations of the cabalistic numbers, and of the beast of the Apocalypse struck him now as inprehensible and positively ludicrous.

  • 玛丽拉表示理解地撇撇嘴。她知道雷切尔太太肯定会来;马修莫明其妙地驾车出门这一景象,对她的邻居的好奇心是个刺激。 Marilla’s lips twitched understandingly. She had expected Mrs. Rachel up; she had known that the sight of Matthew jaunting off so unaccountably would be too much for her neighbour’s curiosity.

  • 莫明其妙的定位:福田某楼盘形象定位为:天人合一,不知何为天人合一,如何表现,专业人士只能去猜,更别说一般的消费者了。 simply gone positioning : Fukuda image as a market : harmony with God, I wonder what harmony with God, how performance professionals can only speculate, not to mention the general consumer.

  • 悬赏启事:脑波窃盗集团任何成员的名字:2009。03。07PM22。46,脑波窃盗集团与脑波窃盗系统莫明其妙的一句话“说我不敢告它?他?她? Rewardnotice: theft brainwave name any member of the Group:2009. 03. 07PM22. 46, brain waves with EEG larceny theft system can not understand the word “Say I dare not reported it?”

  • 莫明其妙造句相关



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    莫明其妙  mòmíngqímiào莫明其妙的意思和解释:说不出其中的奥妙。指事情很奇怪,说不出道理来。莫明其妙的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十回:“魏翩仞莫明其妙,陶子尧却不免

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    曲尽其妙  qūjìnqímiào曲尽其妙的意思和解释:曲:委婉,细致;尽:全部表达。把其中微妙之处委婉细致地充分表达出来。形容表达能力很强。曲尽其妙的出处晋·陆机《文赋序》:“故

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    曲尽其妙  qūjìnqímiào曲尽其妙的意思和解释:曲:委婉,细致;尽:全部表达。把其中微妙之处委婉细致地充分表达出来。形容表达能力很强。曲尽其妙的出处晋·陆机《文赋序》:“故

    词语大全 莫名其妙   [mò míng qí miào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

    莫名其妙  [mòmíngqímiào][莫名其妙]成语解释说不出其中的奥妙。指事情很奇怪,说不出道理来。[莫名其妙]成语出处清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十五回:“我实在是莫

    词语大全 莫名其妙造句 莫名其妙の例文 "莫名其妙"是什麼意思

    莫名其妙造句莫名其妙の例文"莫名其妙"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!你真弄

    词语大全 用莫名其妙造句

    用莫名其妙造句  一:这天,一回到家,母亲就火冒三丈地把我恶骂了一顿,真是莫名其妙。  二:你这天怎样想起莫名其妙的给我说这些呢。  三:他又有些坐立不定,对什么都感到莫名其妙的不满意。  四:正因我

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    词语大全 用成语莫名其妙造句


    词语大全 用成语莫名其妙造句
