词语大全 落叶归根造句_落叶归根中英文解释和造句
Posted 现象
篇首语:一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 落叶归根造句_落叶归根中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 落叶归根造句_落叶归根中英文解释和造句
落叶归根 luò yè guī gēn
《落叶归根》是这张专辑的主打歌。 Luo Ye Gui Gen is the main ballad of this album.
我觉得落叶归根死后能留在老家更好。 I think after the death of Falling Leaves to stay in the home better.
落叶归根、想要忘记什么? People eventually go back home, what do the wish forget?
落叶归根:这是第二首歌。 Falling Leaves (3): I believe this is the second single.
落叶归根用英文怎么说? Fallen leaves return to the roots.
落叶归根,截根到底! Falling Leaves, root cut-off in the end!
落叶归根/严君玲著。 Falling leaves return to their roots. Chinese.
他游历了许多地方,现在落叶归根又回到了英国。 He’s travelled a lot but he’s now e back to Britain once and for all.
看完了赵本山主演的新片《落叶归根》,十分喜欢。 Every fallen leaf must return to its roots.
落叶归根,希望它再能长成小银杏,继续造福人类。 Falling Leaves, hope that it will then be able to grow into a small ginkgo, to continue the benefit of mankind.
逐渐地他开始明白祖父对老朋友的需要和落叶归根的想法。 Gradually, he came to understand his grandfather’s need for old friends and roots of the past.
它描绘了一个非常普通的自然现象:秋天来临,落叶归根。 It portrays a mon natural phenomenon: when autumn arrives, leaves from trees will fall to the ground.
它们,在每一棵树上默默无闻地努力工作著,直到落叶归根。 Them, in every tree work silently, until roots. They fought for people to stop the dust, sand …
图片描绘了一个非常普通的自然现象:秋天来临,落叶归根。 The picture portrays a mon natural phenomenon: when autumn arrives, leaves from trees fall to the ground.
实在是不喜欢籍贯地,更加不喜欢出身地,落叶归根,何处才是根。 It is dislike of origin, the more who do not like, the falling leaves return to their roots, where is the root.
面对死亡,要有如落叶归根的自然;面对死亡,要有如空山圆月的明净。 Facing death, be natural like a fallen leave. Facing death, be pure like the full moon.
由于受到这个角色影响太深,力宏说他就是化名邝裕民来写「落叶归根」。 Deeply influenced by the character, Lee Hom said he wrote the song as Yumin.
一年又一年地活着,落叶归根,一层有一层,最后埋在自己一生的落叶里。 Year in and year out on the hoof, the defoliation returns a root, 1 layer contain 1 layer, covering up finally in oneself the defoliation of the whole life.
中国人有句成语:落叶归根。无论你的艺术走到哪里,故乡孕育了你的艺术之魂… There is a Chinese idiom: People eventually go back home. No matter where you go in the arts, your hometown has given birth to the soul of art.
最近,处在新的训练环境中的汉应该克服了埋在心中的失败阴影优酷电影落叶归根。 The danger of being overawed by celebrity may have been conquered by recently by the new environment in which Khan has immersed himself.
落叶归根“看你的情况,迟早还是要回去的,毕竟家在武汉,家里有你最牵挂的人。 “Falling Leaves” is up to you, sooner or later we should go back, after all, in Wuhan, home, you have about the most.
11岁的可鲁可以在它童年的家中颐养天年了,这是多少渴望落叶归根的老人的梦想呀。 11 years in its robust but remaining years of childhood home, it is much desire in the old dream leaves.
这位在涪陵长大的重庆妹子透露出想“落叶归根”的意思,开发商和业主们当然大喜过望。 He grew up in Chongqing Fuling sister revealed to the “hurried through” mean, of course developers and owners happy.
当时,王先生的父亲执意要落叶归根在上海安度晚年,就让儿子一定要在上海买一套好房子。 At that time, Mr. father bent on hurried through life in Shanghai, let son must buy a good house in Shanghai.
为了我们,他们在大西部落叶归根,在血汗工厂里含辛茹苦,在北大荒汗流浃背,还要饱受鞭笞之苦。 For us they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.
1890年陈芳返回故乡,落叶归根,晚年热心于家乡公益事业,1906年逝世于澳门,葬于故乡梅溪村。 Chen Fang in 1890 to return home, locally-rooted, old age home in the enthusiastic public, passed away in Macao in 1906, buried in home village Meixi.
落叶归根,他们对祖国有着强烈的归属感,对老房子更是有着相当浓厚的感情,希望购买老洋房作为一种珍藏。 Hurried through, they have a strong sense of belonging to the motherland, to the old house has a very strong feeling is to buy a villa Collections.
他写的另一首歌,<落叶归根>(落叶归根)是根据笔名旷玉明创作的,这其实是他在《色戒》中扮演的人的名字。 He wrote another song, Falling Leaves (Luoye Guigen), under the pen name Kuang Yuming, which is actually the name of his character in Lust, Caution.
当他用小提琴演奏“落叶归根”的时候,舞台的大银幕上在播放著李安导演的电影【色,戒】中王力宏参演的片段,画面非常感人。 It was a touching performance as he played the violin for Luo Ye Gui Gen (Falling Leaf Returns to Roots), acpanied by images from Lust, Caution, the Ang Lee-directed movie which Wang acted in.
例如「栽种有时,拔出所栽种的也有时」,可以直接理解为播种和收割的时间;或暗喻我们是时候该落叶归根,或是时候要有一个新的开始。 “A time to plant, a time to uproot” can simply mean seed time and harvest or it can tell us there are times to put down our roots and there are times when it is obvious we should make a new start.
词语大全 如振落叶造句_如振落叶中英文解释和造句
如振落叶 rú zhèn luò yè
如振落叶 rúzhènluòyè如振落叶的意思和解释:形容轻而易举。如振落叶的出处明·崔铣《洹词·记王忠肃公翱三事》如振落叶的例子如振落叶造句如振落叶造句相关互文式成语前后两个部
如振落叶 rúzhènluòyè如振落叶的意思和解释:形容轻而易举。如振落叶的出处明·崔铣《洹词·记王忠肃公翱三事》如振落叶的例子如振落叶造句如振落叶造句相关互文式成语前后两个部
落叶知秋 luòyèzhīqiū落叶知秋的意思和解释:指见到落地的黄叶,知道已经是秋天快到了。落叶知秋的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷二十:“叶落知秋,举一明三。”《续灯传录》:“
落叶知秋 luòyèzhīqiū落叶知秋的意思和解释:指见到落地的黄叶,知道已经是秋天快到了。落叶知秋的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷二十:“叶落知秋,举一明三。”《续灯传录》:“
秋风扫落叶 qiūfēngsǎoluòyè秋风扫落叶的意思和解释:秋天的大风把落叶一扫而光。比喻强大的力量迅速而轻易地把腐朽衰败的事物扫除光。秋风扫落叶的出处《三国志·魏志·辛毗
秋风扫落叶 qiūfēngsǎoluòyè秋风扫落叶的意思和解释:秋天的大风把落叶一扫而光。比喻强大的力量迅速而轻易地把腐朽衰败的事物扫除光。秋风扫落叶的出处《三国志·魏志·辛毗
叶落归根 yèluòhuīgēn叶落归根的意思和解释:树叶从树根生发出来,凋落后最终还是回到树根。比喻事物总有一定的归宿。多指作客他乡的人最终要回到本乡。叶落归根的出处宋·释道原
叶落归根 yèluòhuīgēn叶落归根的意思和解释:树叶从树根生发出来,凋落后最终还是回到树根。比喻事物总有一定的归宿。多指作客他乡的人最终要回到本乡。叶落归根的出处宋·释道原