词语大全 著书立说造句_著书立说中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 著书立说造句_著书立说中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 著书立说的意思_成语“著书立说”是什么意思

词语大全 著书立说造句_著书立说中英文解释和造句

著书立说  zhù shū lì shuō







  • 他渴望着著书立说。 He has an itch for writing a book.

  • 定州自古有人行医卖药,著书立说,不乏名医。 Dingzhou practice since ancient times, some people sell drugs, the writing, there is no lack of doctors.

  • 国际上有许多学者著书立说发表自己的意见和看法。 There are a lot of scholars to write book end to say to express his opinion and view on international.

  • 确实,著书立说,体验,旅行,积聚财富都是没有止境的。 There is no end, indeed, to making books or experiments, or to travel, or to gathering wealth.

  • 近些年来,许多专家学者著书立说,表达了对责任保险发展的关注。 In the last few years, a lot of experts and scholars write books to expound a theory, has expressed the concern about liability insurance development.

  • 各种思想流派的代表人物纷纷著书立说,宣传自己的社会政治主张。 Various schools of thought have a representative in the legislature, promote their own social and political ideas.

  • 晚年在楚国任兰陵(今山东苍山县兰陵镇)令,著书立说,直到逝世。 Ren Chu Lanling in later years (now the town of Shandong Lanlingcang shan xian ) Order, the writing until his death.

  • 他不仅自己著书立说,还培养了很多像卡伯莱那样杰出的教育史学者。 Not only did he write books to express his own idea, but also trained up many excellent scholars of educational historiography, such as Cubberley.

  • 她的事迹为许多人著书立说而且还上演了关于她的生平的戏剧和电影。 Many books were written about her and several plays and films were made about her life.

  • 而且在学术上著书立说,首先打破了旧的经学传统,提出了新的经学理论。 Song Chusan”, but broke the old tradition of Confucian classics study by writing books academically and proposed a new theory in Confucian classics study.”

  • 确实,世界上有很多事是无止境的,例如著书立说、旅行、试验、获取财富等。 There is no end, indeed, to making books or experiments, or to travel, or to gathering wealth. Problem gives rise to problem.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说甚至攻城掠地者逊色。 If you have know how to pose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 他们纷纷著书立说,宣传自己的主张,批评别人的观点,出现了『百家争鸣』的局面。 They wrote books to expound their theories, publicized their propositions and criticized others’ viewpoints in a period when “one hundred schools of thought contended”.

  • 一些专家学者纷纷著书立说,分析中小企业融资难的症结,为破解这一难题建言献策。 Some expert and scholar in droves the writing book and says, analyzing the difficult key sticking point in finance of the medium and small enterprises, for break to solve this problem .

  • 他们纷纷著书立说,宣传自己的主张,批评别人的观点,出现了“百家争鸣”的局面。 They wrote books to expound their theories, publicized their propositions and criticized others’ viewpoints in a period when “one hundred schools of thought contended”.

  • 问题教学法有着悠久的历史和广泛的理论基础,历史上曾有很多教育家对此著书立说。 Teaching method based on problems has a long history and an extensive theory foundation. There were many educators published many books to explain the problem.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 这些人面向新旧两个世界的读者,大量著书立说,使新英格兰呈现一派严谨的学术氛围。 There men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 If you have known how to pose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 纷纷著书立说为自由心证正名,认为自由心证恰恰回归到了马克思辩证唯物主义认识论。 Lots of scholars argued that the role was not based on idealism, but returned to the theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism on the contrary.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 结合实践介绍了医学美术工作者在一个需要著书立说和对外交流的临床科室,有很多工作可做。 Medical fine arts workers have a lot of work to do in the clinical department which requires publications and exchanges.

  • 如果你学裹胸连衣裙会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 If you have known how to pose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 柏拉图生活在古希腊城邦危机时代,在苏格拉底等前辈的影响下,著书立说,探讨城邦危机的出路。 He lived in the crisis period of the Greek city. Under the influence of the older generation such as Socrates, he produced scholarly works and sought for solutions to the crisis of the city.

  • 第四,留学欧美之政治学博士归国设立政治学系所并著书立说,使政治学从思想之维走向学科学术之维。 And finally, in China political science developed from a kind of thought to an academic discipline when those who obtained political Ph.

  • 为了对条例的适用进行指导,律学家纷纷著书立说明确律、例关系,对律、例进行注释,律学由此兴盛起来。 In order to guide the implementation of Tiaoli, legal experts written books and articles to clarify theconnection of Lv and Tiaoli and to annotate Lv and Tiaoli. So the legal scienceflourished.

  • 那位爱尔兰女仆看到了他们的困境——她不会著书立说,但,至少在这一次,她比爱默生拥有更多关于牛马的知识。 The Irish housemaid saw their predicament and she couldn’t write essays or books, but on this occasion at least, she had more “horse sense” or “calf sense” than Emerson had.

  • 许多有思想的军人已经就这些问题著书立说,除此之外,大多数部队多多少少也具有了具备各自特点的军事决策制定过程的版本。 Many thoughtful soldiers have already written about such matters, and besides, most units do their own peculiar version of MDMP anyway.

  • 散文于传统的著书立说之外,在日常生活中找到了写景、抒情、言志的广阔园地,成为一种独立的文学体裁,有了其独自的审美价值。 Outside of traditional Writing and Explaining, it found its extensive fields of landscape writing, sentiment and ambition expressing, and became an independence literature f…

  • 面对清朝末年日益严峻的边境危机,宋教仁积极著书立说、针砭时弊,围绕边界问题的来龙去脉,从全球视角和学术层面阐发了一系列观点独到的言论。 Confronted with serious border crisis in Late Qing, he brought up a series of learned ments under the universal angle of view, which had presented the border problems in details.

  • 著书立说造句相关


    词语大全 著书立说的意思_成语“著书立说”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音zhù shū lì shuō
    成语解释 著:写作;立:成就;说:学说。写书或文章,创立自己的学说。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语、宾语;指写作。
    产生年代 近代
    典故出处 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第35回:“将南京元武湖赐与庄尚志著书立说,鼓吹休明。”
    成语例句 余秋雨《霜冷长河·老师》:“他藏书,不是为了~,只是为了备课。”
    近 义 词 著书立言
    俄文翻译 писáть <опубликовáть в печáти>
    成语谜面 写作


    词语大全 著书立说   [zhù shū lì shuō]什么意思

    著书立说  [zhùshūlìshuō][著书立说]成语解释立:创立、提出;说:主张,学说。从事写作,提出自己的主张和学说。[著书立说]成语出处清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第三十五回:“

    词语大全 著书立说的意思_成语“著书立说”是什么意思


    词语大全 著书立说的意思_成语“著书立说”是什么意思


    词语大全 严复著书 (打《木兰辞》一句),严复著书 (打《木兰辞》一句)

      谜面:严复著书(打《木兰辞》一句)  谜底:卷卷有爷名

    词语大全 严复著书 (打《木兰辞》一句),严复著书 (打《木兰辞》一句)

      谜面:严复著书(打《木兰辞》一句)  谜底:卷卷有爷名

    词语大全 著书   [zhù shū]什么意思

    著书  [zhùshū][著书]基本解释撰写著作。《史记·老子韩非列传》:“关令尹喜曰:‘子将隐矣,彊为我著书。’于是老子迺著书上下篇,言道德之意五千余言而去。”唐韩愈《顺宗实录四

    词语大全 著书   [zhù shū]什么意思

    著书  [zhùshū][著书]基本解释撰写著作。《史记·老子韩非列传》:“关令尹喜曰:‘子将隐矣,彊为我著书。’于是老子迺著书上下篇,言道德之意五千余言而去。”唐韩愈《顺宗实录四

    词语大全 著书等身   [zhù shū děng shēn]什么意思

    著书等身  [zhùshūděngshēn][著书等身]成语解释形容著述极多[著书等身]百科解释著书等身释义:形容著述极多,迭起来能跟作者的身高相等。多用来形容有丰硕的学术成果或深

    词语大全 立言   [lì yán]什么意思

    立言  [lìyán][立言]基本解释树立精要可传的言论;亦指著书立说[立言]详细解释指著书立说。《左传·襄公二十四年》:“大上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言,虽久不废,此之谓不朽

    古诗词大全 权德舆《李韶州著书常论释氏之理贵州有能公遗迹诗以问之》原文及翻译赏析
