词语大全 蒙混过关造句_蒙混过关中英文解释和造句

Posted 蛋白质

篇首语:真正的知识使人真正地、实实在在地胜过他人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 蒙混过关造句_蒙混过关中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 蒙混过关造句_蒙混过关中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 无私有弊造句_无私有弊中英文解释和造句

词语大全 蒙混过关造句_蒙混过关中英文解释和造句

蒙混过关  méng hùn guò guān






  • 股东们怎么会让他们蒙混过关呢? How did the shareholders let them get away with this?

  • 你不会再有那些蒙混过关的想法。 The idea that you could pull a fast one would be different.

  • 那条新法律是怎么蒙混过关的? How did that new law slip through?

  • 很多时候,这些染色大理石都能蒙混过关。 A lot of moment, these coloring marble can deceive pass a barrier.

  • 录取的要求是很严格的,你不要以为可以蒙混过关。 The entrance requirements are strictly applied: don’t think you can scrub round them.

  • 在一个玻璃,蒙混过关,薄荷叶与石灰汁和简单的糖浆。 In a glass, muddle mint leaves with lime juice and simple syrup.

  • 那位女士转向警察说:“这个人在制造假象蒙混过关。” The lady turned to the policeman and said, “The man is trying to bluff his way out of the whole thing. “”

  • 出现这样的问题,草草检讨一下就想蒙混过关,私下照样干。 Such problems arise, just muddle through another review, privately still dry.

  • 其他引人注目的问题都蒙混过关了,仅仅这点小事泄露了天机。 Other remarkable news was passed and barely a drop of ink was spilled.

  • 不合理的嵌套可能在一个甚至所有现在使用的浏览器中蒙混过关。 You may get away with violating this nesting rule for one browser, and sometimes even with all current browsers.

  • 但是这些小东西也不能蒙混过关,因为他们也是莫非定律的一部分。 But gadgets and sampling alone will never do the trick since these items are also subject to Murphy’s Law.

  • 另一方面从严把关,不留活口,对没有资金实力想蒙混过关的,坚决控制住。 On the other hand strictly controlled and not leave freely, without financial strength to muddle through, firmly controlled.

  • 乳制品之所以添加三聚氰胺是因为它可以虚增蛋白质含量、在质量测试中蒙混过关。 was shut after its condensed and powdered milk were found to contain excessive amounts of melamine.

  • 急得团团转的杨德财决定发散人手,找一个女人扮媳妇来唬弄母亲,以求蒙混过关。 A rash of divergence YangDeCai decided, find a woman daughter-in-law to bluff mother dress to smooth.

  • 乳制品之所以添加三聚氰胺是因为它可以虚增蛋白质含量、在质量测试中蒙混过关。 That substance used illicitly to fool quality-inspection testers because it can mimic the properties of protein.

  • 1984年另一份会议论文说:“我们应当努力达到这一效果并能在检测中蒙混过关。 Another conference paper, from 1984, says :”(5)We should strive to achieve this effect without appearing to have a cigarette that cheats the league table.”

  • 因为我们没有任何人知道有关表演一项杂耍(的技能),所以我们不得不仅仅蒙混过关。 None of us knew much about staging a variety show, so we just had to muddle through.

  • 中国国家质检总局表示,这两家公司在有毒食品产品上贴上出口「非法检」标签蒙混过关。 The Chinese agency says the two panies disguised the tainted food products by labeling them as exports not subject to quality inspection.

  • 如果你作为新员工,在关于个人工作风格的测试中试图蒙混过关,老板可能因此对你产生误解。 If you land a job and then try to fudge a work-style assessment, you could find yourself misunderstood by your boss.

  • 欧元区各国政府已对战后的福利制度和劳动力市场进行了适度改革,但多数政府只是蒙混过关。 Eurozone governments have made modest reforms to the postwar welfare state and labour markets but most have muddled through.

  • 后来得知,向牛奶中掺加某种化工原料(三聚氰胺),能够增加蛋白质检测指标,可以蒙混过关。 Afterward knew that spikes some kind of industrial chemicals to the milk in (melamine), can increase the protein examination target, may get by under false pretences.

  • 后来得知,向牛奶中掺加某种化工原料(三聚氰胺),能够增加蛋白质检测指标,可以蒙混过关。 Later that adding milk to some kind of chemical raw materials (melamine), can increase the detection of protein targets, you can muddle through.

  • 9看笑话:一先生从国外买了一只金龟,准备乘机带回,为蒙混过关,将金龟藏进裤裆,上了飞机。 9 see joke: One gentleman bought a tortoise from abroad, preparation seizes the opportunity to bring back, for deceive pass a barrier, tortoise Tibet enters crotch, boarded a plane.

  • 查尔斯就像已经做完作业似地把本子交了上去,企图以此[骗过老师](企图以此在老师面前蒙混过关)。 Charles tried to fake out the teacher by handing in his book as though he had done the work.

  • 尚未找到的时候蒙混过关,以反映当前,要集中精力,或者只是让心灵徜徉,自由是重要的是,我们的整体健康。 Yet finding time to get away, to reflect, to concentrate, or to just let the mind wander freely is important for our overall health.

  • 用唬骗技 能 可以让你在守卫面前蒙混过关,把商人吹得晕头转向,赌博,变装,伪造文书,或者讲其他的谎话。 You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, gamble, pass off a disguise or fake documentation, and otherwise tell lies.

  • 在实际操作中,很多开发商都把重点放在融资、产品包装等方面,产品质量却是蒙混过关即可,反正房子在销售时看不出优劣。 In actual operation, many developers have focused on the financing, product packaging, product quality is muddle through it, the sale can not see any merits in the house.

  • 官员们当然不会让它如此轻易地蒙混过关,声称高盛将不再能够获得央行融资支持,并且仍是进一步强化资本要求与监管的目标。 Officials defend this get-out, saying Goldman would have no access to central-bank funding and would still be subject to enhanced capital requirements and supervision.

  • 对赌基金经理和一些谨慎的对冲基金公司表示他们不明白,马多夫是如何能在那么多年里面蒙混过关的,但是很少有人觉得有必要给监管者敲响警钟。 Rival fund managers and some hedge fund due diligence firms said Friday they had wondered for years how he pulled it off, but few thought to sound alarms with regulators.

  • 他们涉嫌往牛奶中添加水以增加其容量,并为掩盖这种行为而掺入了三聚氰胺,一种被用于制造塑料的化学物质,这样就能在牛奶的蛋白质含量检测中蒙混过关。 They allegedly added water to increase its volume and, to disguise this, mixed in melamine, a chemical used to make plastics, which can deceive inspectors about the milk’s protein content.

  • 蒙混过关造句相关


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    蒙混过关  [ménghùnguòguān][蒙混过关]成语解释用欺骗的手段逃避询问或审查。[蒙混过关]百科解释蒙混过关,意思是用欺骗等的手段逃避询问或审查。当然,蒙混过关也不全是

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