词语大全 蒙昧无知造句_蒙昧无知中英文解释和造句
Posted 世人
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词语大全 蒙昧无知造句_蒙昧无知中英文解释和造句
蒙昧无知 méng mèi wú zhī
她涤尽我们有生以来的蒙昧与无知。 she abolishes oblivion and ignorance which are ours by birth.
蒙昧无知,换句话说,他获取财富的权利。 or, in other words, his right to be rich.
徒17﹕30–蒙昧无知的时候﹕旧约时期。 Acts 17:30 — Times of ignorance = Old Economy.
她的才能没能得到教育的帮助,她蒙昧无知。 Her powers had received no aid from education: she was ignorant and illiterate.
还有一些外邦人,他们在蒙昧无知之中敬拜上帝。 Even among the heathen are those who have cherished the spirit of kindness;
亲属关系处在那种无知状态的一群是能想得到的最蒙昧的了。 A group of kindred in that stage of ignorance is the rudest that can be imagined.
二十一世纪科学领域迄今取得的最大成就是发现人类蒙昧无知。 The greatest of all the acplishments of twentieth-century science has been the discovery of human ignorance .
世人蒙昧无知的时候、神并不监察、如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he mands all people everywhere to repent.
世人蒙昧无知的时后,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent.
世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he mands all people everywhere to repent.
南方是这样的蒙昧无知,我又是从什么地方体会到自由的意识的呢? From where in this southern darkness had I caught a sense of freedom?
30世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now mands all men everywhere to repent.
30世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he mands all people everywhere to repent.
其实,生活的一切复杂的问题仍旧放弃给个人的辨别力和蒙昧无知去解决。 But in fact, all the tough problems of life are still left to be solved by the (limited) personal discrimination and (sheer) blindness.
但是明了真相要好于蒙昧无知。最好去接受严酷的事实,而非温情的谎言。 But knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable.
徒十七30世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不鉴察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改。 Acts 17:30 Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now charges all men everywhere to repent.
巴夏说:「我认为官僚或立法机构对于绘画或艺术品对人民的生活有多重要蒙昧无知。 “I think it was ignorance on the part of the bureaucracy or the legislature as to how important a painting or an artwork is in the life of the people, ” Mr.
我们必须为这些幼稚无知的姑娘开脱一下,她是在一个普遍蒙昧的时代就持有这些看法了。 It must be remembered, in extenuation of this primitive young woman, that she held these opinions in an age of general darkness.
这些问题。当所有这些答案围绕在上帝与宗教福音身侧时,它宁愿选择沉溺在蒙昧无知之中。 It is actively choosing to indulge in ignorance when all of these answers revolve around God and the religious gospel.
在所有的学校里,现代民主的理念被广泛传播,巨细无遗,这也让蒙昧无知感染了上层社会。 The conceptual basis on which modern democracy is constructed remains unknown territory, barely taught in any school. This ignorance extends to the top.
他们觉得,这个人虽然可能有些蒙昧无知,但他决不是一个乐于把自己高贵的天赋用于背信弃义的人。 They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery.
他们觉得,这个人虽然可能有些蒙昧无知,但他决不是一个乐于把自己高贵的天赋用于背信弃义的人。 in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery.
妇女要来,点火烧着,因为为这百姓蒙昧无知,所以创造他们的,必不怜恤他们,造成他们的,也不施恩与他们。 Women e and make a fire with them, For they are not a people of discernment, Therefore their Maker will not have passion on them. And their Creator will not be gracious to them.
一个小姑娘的心灵不能让它蒙昧无知,否则日后她心灵里会出现过分突然、过分强烈的影象,正如照相机的暗室那样。 The soul of a young girl should not be left in the dark; later on, mirages that are too abrupt and too lively are formed there, as in a dark chamber.
原始人类在对自然蒙昧无知的情况下,运用线作为最基本的表现手段,根据巫术活动的需要,再现他们生活的原始状态。 Ignorant of the nature, the primitive people used line as their basic method to express their original life condition.
词语大全 发蒙解惑造句_发蒙解惑中英文解释和造句
发蒙解惑 fā méng jiě huò
发蒙解惑 fāméngjiěhuò发蒙解惑的意思和解释:发蒙:启发蒙昧;解惑:解除疑惑。指启发开导,脱离蒙昧,解除疑惑。发蒙解惑的出处汉·枚乘《七发》:“故曰发蒙解惑,不足以言也
发蒙解惑 fāméngjiěhuò发蒙解惑的意思和解释:发蒙:启发蒙昧;解惑:解除疑惑。指启发开导,脱离蒙昧,解除疑惑。发蒙解惑的出处汉·枚乘《七发》:“故曰发蒙解惑,不足以言也
直道而行 zhídàoérxíng直道而行的意思和解释:比喻办事公正。直道而行的出处《论语·卫灵公》:“斯民也,三代之所以直道而行也。”直道而行的例子直道而行造句无知的人,以愚昧
直道而行 zhídàoérxíng直道而行的意思和解释:比喻办事公正。直道而行的出处《论语·卫灵公》:“斯民也,三代之所以直道而行也。”直道而行的例子直道而行造句无知的人,以愚昧
芸芸众生 yúnyúnzhòngshēng芸芸众生的意思和解释:芸芸:形容众多;众生:原指一切生物,后指许多人。原指世间的一切生灵。后多指大群无知无识的人。芸芸众生的出处《老子》
芸芸众生 yúnyúnzhòngshēng芸芸众生的意思和解释:芸芸:形容众多;众生:原指一切生物,后指许多人。原指世间的一切生灵。后多指大群无知无识的人。芸芸众生的出处《老子》
夜郎自大 yèlángzìdà夜郎自大的意思和解释:夜郎:汉代西南地区的一个小国。比喻人无知而又狂妄自大。夜郎自大的出处《史记·西南夷列传》:“滇王与汉使者言曰:‘汉孰与我大?’
夜郎自大 yèlángzìdà夜郎自大的意思和解释:夜郎:汉代西南地区的一个小国。比喻人无知而又狂妄自大。夜郎自大的出处《史记·西南夷列传》:“滇王与汉使者言曰:‘汉孰与我大?’
数典忘祖 shǔdiǎnwàngzǔ数典忘祖的意思和解释:数:数着说;典:指历来的制度、事迹。谈论历来的制度、事迹时,把自己祖先的职守都忘了。比喻忘本。也比喻对于本国历史的无知。