词语大全 蛊惑人心造句_蛊惑人心中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 蛊惑人心造句_蛊惑人心中英文解释和造句
蛊惑人心 gǔ huò rén xīn
这位蛊惑人心者的演说未能煽动听众。 The demagogue’s speech failed to rouse his audience.
那一瞬的昏眩,如蛇的姿态,蛊惑人心。 That moment of giddy, such as snake posture, demagogic.
水门事件败露年间,我们都听到过蛊惑人心的大谎言。 We all heard the big lie during the Watergate years.
文学与商业媒体合谋,制造出一幕幕蛊惑人心的当代浮世绘。 The cooperation between literature and merce produced a great deal of demagogic prospects.
它表明一个更美好的社会可以通过蛊惑人心而不是强制手段达到。 it suggested that a better society could be achieved by coaxing and swaying citizens rather than pelling them.
所谓我们“承认”了数量的不平等,这不是出于误解就是想蛊惑人心。 The argument about “conceding” numerical inequality was due either to a misunderstanding or to demagoguery.
但是她操控价格确有其事,她的蛊惑人心和诡计多端也不得不让人警觉。 But her bid to control prices, her rabble-rousing instincts and her scheming were all alarming.
从本质上说,由蛊惑人心的宣传所煽动的一帮人是什么蠢事都干得出来的。 There is no folly and no crime of which a misled mob are not intrinsically capable.
为了稳定的双边关系而牺牲单方利益,是一贯的官僚阶层蛊惑人心的话语。 There is always a bureaucratic temptation to sacrifice the individual for the sake of stability in any bilateral relationship.
当然,这个口号在某些人来说是一个陪衬,其目的是用反腐败来蛊惑人心。 Of course, certain persons used this slogan as a pretext for misleading the people.
育儿最蛊惑人心的建议是:当他们还在你的左右,享受与他们在一起的时光。 The smartest advice on raising children is to enjoy them while they are still on your side.
这种观点听起来很能蛊惑人心,但其本身却不是什么符合市场经济规律的主张。 confuse people, but not their own idea of what that conform to the laws of market economy.
诸如“人口炸弹”、“人口爆炸”这类令人压抑和蛊惑人心的言词才被随心所欲地滥用。 Valueladen and incendiary words such as the “population bomb” or “population explosion” are tossed around at will.
还在单身吗?这个一周火星和月亮给你蛊惑人心的诱惑,当然让你陷入浪漫的温床无法自拔。 Mars and the moon are giving you seductive highs all week long, and of course, you can’t resist being drawn into the hotchpotch of romance.
诸如“人口炸弹”、“人口爆炸”这类令人压抑和蛊惑人心的言词才被随心所欲地滥用。 Valueladen and incendiary words such as the “population bomb” or “population explosion” are tossed around at will.
我们很容易无视痛苦的事实,而去听蛊惑人心的女妖莎琳的歌声,直至她把我们变成畜牲为止。 We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts.
负责任的领导者决不会像蛊惑人心的政客一样告诉人们,只要他当选,一切问题都能得到解决。 No responsible leader, only a demagogue, would tell the people that, if elected, he will solve all their problems.
“网络间谍”的职能不局限于窃取情报,制造谣言、蛊惑人心、煽动闹事也是它们的重要目的。 “The network is emissary ” function not information of filch of bureau be confined to, production rumor, confuse the people’s minds, incendiary make trouble also is their main purpose.
没有责任感的领导,仅仅是个蛊惑人心的政客,他会告诉民众:假如他当选,他将解决所有的问题。 No responsible leader, only a demagogue, would tell the people that, if elected, he will solve all their problems.
只有增加房地产市场信息透明度,才能有效地遏制少数不法房地产商人利用信息不对称,蛊惑人心的行为。 Only real estate market information to increase transparency can effectively curb the use of a few unscrupulous real estate businessmen information asymmetry confuse people act.
这是多么鼓舞人心啊……不,蛊惑人心……一厢情愿地以为如果男孩对你使坏的话就以为着他喜欢上你了。 We’re encouraged……no, programmed……to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that mean he likes you.
尽管人们想知道明星更多的新鲜事无可厚非,但是那些散布谣言蛊惑人心的人们确实应该受到惩罚和制裁。 Cause of their great popularity and influence , maybe people wanting to know them more is normal , but those who bear devil minds and spread rumors are bound to be punished.
但他表示,自己捐款时并不知道奥巴马在这个问题上的立场,自己对拯救方案蛊惑人心的憎恨是突如其来的。 But he says he doesn’t know where Sen. Obama stands on the issues he is raising and that his foray into antibailout rabble-rousing came about accidentally.
为支持自己的观点,他刊载谎言,伪造文献,编选暴力故事,写煽动性的社论,出版蛊惑人心的卡通和照片。 He printed lies, forged documents, falsified stories of violence, wrote provocative editorials, and published sensational cartoons and photographs to support his opinions.
常有人抱怨说,蛊惑人心者鼓吹经济谬论时,总是比那些点出问题要害的诚实的人更能获得大众的欢呼喝彩。 It is often plained that demagogues can be more plausible in putting forward economic nonsense from the platform than the honest men who try to show what is wrong with it.
小蒋善于蛊惑人心的那一套,是他那位比较刻板的父亲所望尘莫及的。他呼吁上海人民实行所谓“社会革命”纲领。 With a demagogic flair that his more austere father could not have equaled, young Chiang appealed to the people of Shanghai for what he called a program of “social revolution.”
第二方面的反对来自被我列为“呸,骗人”的派别,一群谩骂财政政策的人,他们经常发出一些有关债务飙升的警告,蛊惑人心。 A second strand of opposition es from what I think of as the Bah Humbug caucus: fiscal scolds who routinely issue sententious warnings about rising debt.
在一次采访中他说道:“这并非我一个人的见解。如果你相信福音中所说,相信魔鬼的存在,相信他蛊惑人心的力量,你就知道我在说什么。” “It’s not my opinion: I’m saying that if you believe in the Gospels, you believe in the existence of the devil, in the devil’s power to possess people, ” he said in an interview.
我们也可以把怀特神父看做疯子或蛊惑人心的政客对他不屑一顾,就像有些人在杰拉尔婷·费拉罗因最近的言语包含深深的种族歧视而对她不屑一顾一样。 We can dismiss Reverend Wright as a crank or a demagogue, just as some have dismissed Geraldine Ferraro, in the aftermath of her recent statements, as harboring some deep-seated racial bias.
布鲁弗主义,一种对统治世界的不可能的、夸张的信仰,是对纳粹主义和斯大林主义的拙劣的模仿——只是同样的空虚和同样的蛊惑人心,虽然由于007的出现,它远非同样的致命。 Blofeldism, an impossible and megalomaniac belief in world domination, is a perfect parody of Nazism and Stalinism—just as empty and just as deluded, although, thanks to 007, not nearly as deadly.
词语大全 日久见人心造句_日久见人心中英文解释和造句
日久见人心 rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn
日久见人心 rìjiǔjiànrénxīn日久见人心的意思和解释:日子长了,就可以看出一个人的为人怎样。日久见人心的出处日久见人心的例子日久见人心造句日久见人心造句相关互文式成语
振奋人心 zhènfènrénxīn振奋人心的意思和解释:振奋:振作奋发。使人们振作奋发。振奋人心的出处振奋人心的例子啊,火把,这饱经革命风暴的胶东老根据地的乡亲们手中高举的火把
振奋人心 zhènfènrénxīn振奋人心的意思和解释:振奋:振作奋发。使人们振作奋发。振奋人心的出处振奋人心的例子啊,火把,这饱经革命风暴的胶东老根据地的乡亲们手中高举的火把
大得人心 dàdérénxīn大得人心的意思和解释:人心:即民心。指受百姓热烈拥护。大得人心的出处《魏书·昭成子孙传》:“太祖命督屯田于河北,自五原至棝杨塞外,分家稼,大得人心。
大得人心 dàdérénxīn大得人心的意思和解释:人心:即民心。指受百姓热烈拥护。大得人心的出处《魏书·昭成子孙传》:“太祖命督屯田于河北,自五原至棝杨塞外,分家稼,大得人心。
笼络人心 lǒngluòrénxīn笼络人心的意思和解释:笼络:笼和络原是羁绊牲口的工具,引伸为用手段拉拢。耍弄手段,拉拢别人。笼络人心的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第二十回:“因为当
笼络人心 lǒngluòrénxīn笼络人心的意思和解释:笼络:笼和络原是羁绊牲口的工具,引伸为用手段拉拢。耍弄手段,拉拢别人。笼络人心的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第二十回:“因为当
大快人心 dàkuàirénxīn大快人心的意思和解释:指坏人坏事受到惩罚或打击,使大家非常痛快。大快人心的出处清·全祖望《移诘宁守魏某帖子》:“若果有激浊扬清之当道,则乘是狱之
大快人心 dàkuàirénxīn大快人心的意思和解释:指坏人坏事受到惩罚或打击,使大家非常痛快。大快人心的出处清·全祖望《移诘宁守魏某帖子》:“若果有激浊扬清之当道,则乘是狱之