词语大全 融会贯通造句_融会贯通中英文解释和造句

Posted 能力

篇首语:说到底,还是“信仰使人快乐”!注意!并非道德使人快乐!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 融会贯通造句_融会贯通中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 融会贯通造句_融会贯通中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 贯通融会的意思_成语“贯通融会”是什么意思

词语大全 融会贯通造句_融会贯通中英文解释和造句

融会贯通  róng huì guàn tōng








  • 熟悉英国/美国会计准则,做到融会贯通; Familiar with UK/US accounting standards, be able to digest;

  • 读书要融会贯通,那么知识就会留在脑海中; If you understand knowledge it will stay with you.

  • 他相信学习之道在乎融会贯通,而非强记背诵。 He believes understanding, rather than memorization, is the most important part of studying.

  • 在今天的西藏,传统与现代融会贯通,呈现多彩。 In Tibet, tradition is crashing with modernity, bringing “city life” to this ancient region.

  • 各学科之间就要打破界限,进行融会贯通的研究; and the bounds of disciplines should be broken up to promote better researches.

  • 我在实践中、在我的研究所里设法把它融会贯通。 I try in my practice, and in my institute, to make this work together.

  • 而在备考后期更是重要,要特别将重点熟记与融会贯通。 During the last moment is more important, remember all the emphasis and digest them.

  • 如何让实验结果与真实世界融会贯通,是困难而又重要的一课。 That is an important lesson about the difficulty of extrapolating laboratory results into the real world.

  • 融会贯通者:听过的会忘记,看过的会记得,做过的才能真正掌握。 Hear and you forget:see and you remember, do and you understand.

  • 你花在预习和复习的时间愈多,就愈有可能将所学过的材料融会贯通。 The more time you spend ( in ) previewing and reviewing , the more likely you are to integrate what you have learned.

  • 范寿康是一位融会贯通马克思主义哲学、西方哲学与中国哲学的哲学家。 Fan Shoukang was a philosopher that achieved mastery through a prehensive study of the subject.

  • 贴近日常生活情境的教材可以帮助学生在英文的听力与口说能力上融会贯通。 Students are able to practice speaking and listening in English through the authentic situations created by the teaching materials.

  • 信息系统作为内部控制的载体,贯穿于各个要素之中,起到融会贯通的作用; As the carrier of internal control that transfixing every elements, information system plays the role of interconnection;

  • 为了让学习者能融会贯通、深入浅出,本课程会要求学生背诵部分重要诗词。 In order to learn this course well, the students will be asked to memorize some important parts of the poems.

  • 生动形象的演讲,将营销的知识与实际结合,融会贯通,给每个人都留下了深刻印象。 Vivid image of the speech bining with the marketing knowledge and practice have left a deep impression on every CFL member.

  • 杨过融会贯通之后,因自己的聪明和悟性,自然而然地已除去了女子神态,转为飘逸灵动。 John Steinbeck prehensively, because of his smart and savvy, naturally has to remove the woman expression, to elegant Smart.

  • 该公司已实现了建造无磁空间——线圈系统和屏蔽系统两种形式的全部主体技术的融会贯通。 This pany have realized the through understanding of establishment of magnetic field free space-coil system and shielding room.

  • 记住,面试官是在观察你融会贯通的技巧–也就是说可以将某个领域所学的知识运用于其他领域。 Remember, the interviewer is looking for transferable skills. – things that you learned in one situation that can be useful in another.

  • 时装表演中音乐的选配至关重要,需要与展示的服装及模特的表演融会贯通,才能完美准确地诠释服装。 Music is very important in fashion show which needs to match the garments and models’ performance in order to interpret the meanings of garments perfectly.

  • 这在当时真的是对我的一次重大挑战,因为项目不仅要有创新性,并且还要融会贯通自己所学到的知识。 One presentation that still remains fresh in my mind is the one about collegiate English education, because that was a great challenge for me at that moment.

  • 研究生学习的方式,应该是书本理论知识与个人生活经验及人生感悟融会贯通的研究性、探索性学习方式。 Post-graduate students’ learning pattern is expected to be an investigative and explorative one, in which the personal experience, the reflection to life and the book knowledge act upon each other.

  • 现在的问题是,怎样结合现代的需求把古典园林的精华发扬光大、融会贯通,这主要是历史遗留下来的问题。 The question now is how to integrate the needs of modern classical garden flourish Cream, fashion, mainly a problem left over from history.

  • 本章从近代京剧剧目之来源的宏观角度,着力探讨近代戏剧对传统的继承,以及在融会贯通过程中的开拓创新。 This chapter intends to discuss the tradition inheriting of contemporary plays and their innovation in view of the origin of Beijing opera’s acts.

  • 这种能力一部分来自个人夭赋,当然也有不少人通过接受高等教育提高自己的学习能力和各种知识的融会贯通能力。 Some of this skill is innate, but many people enhance their ability to learn — and to relate different aspects of learning — through college and university courses.

  • 同时也可以进一步锻炼本文作者通过两年的MBA学习后,理论联系实际的能力以及对所学管理知识融会贯通的能力。 This thesis is also a chanc that the author can digest the knowledge learned from two-year MBA course and bring them into practice.

  • 因而,如能把叙事与抒情两者融会贯通,从中观照元杂剧的抒情特质,将不失为论证元杂剧总体特征的一种有益的尝试。 So, if we can integrate the two factors and consider the Yuan poetic drama’s lyric feature in this way, it will be a profitable attempt to analyze the Yuan poetic drama’s total feature.

  • 虽然,华顿从未创立过新文学流派,但在她近四十年的创作生涯中,她对文学传统融会贯通的使用已经使她有别于其他作家。 During her literary career, she neither formed a new literary school nor created new theories. However, her unique ways of using tradition distinguished her from any other writers of her time.

  • 福柯的“微观权力论”的“一总三分”的特征与马克思的唯物史观的方法论“一总三分”的特征融会贯通,显示了唯物史观的特征。 Akin to that of Marxist methodology of historical materialism, the “one general, three specific” characteristic of Foucault’s “micro-power concept” exhibits the features of historical materialism.

  • 最近国内有本畅销书《世界是平的》,也由此引伸于中西文化和艺术,也是平的,平等的,平和的等等;我们大可以从中西文化角度融会贯通,相互交融。 Lately there is a best seller named The World Is Flat, in which the author wants to tell us that Oriental and Occidental art are flat, or in other words, equal and shareable.

  • 但是,由于该理论是一个完整的理论体系,内容博大精深,要完全的掌握它,达到融会贯通,灵活运用的目标,还必须不断加深对该理论的深刻理解,勤于实践。 However, the theory is a plex system, as to fully grasp it, and to use it masterly and flexibly, we must also continue to deepen the profound understanding of the theory and practice it diligently.

  • 融会贯通造句相关


    词语大全 贯通融会的意思_成语“贯通融会”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音guàn tōng róng huì
    成语解释 贯通:透彻理解;融会:融合领会。把各方面的知识和道理融化汇合,得到全面透彻的理解。
    常用程度 一般
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于学习或思想。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 宋·袁燮《序》:“自始知学,讲求大道,弗得弗措,久而寝明,又久而大明,此心此理,贯通融会,美在其中,不劳外索。”
    成语例句 明·吴承恩《序》:“泥法而不知变,非算之胜也,盖有~、神而明之者存焉。”
    近 义 词 融会贯通


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    词语大全 贯穿融会的意思_成语“贯穿融会”是什么意思


    词语大全 贯穿融会的意思_成语“贯穿融会”是什么意思
