词语大全 衣不蔽体造句_衣不蔽体中英文解释和造句
Posted 耶稣
篇首语:真正有知识的人谦虚、谨慎;只有无知的人才冒昧、武断。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 衣不蔽体造句_衣不蔽体中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
2、词语大全 衣不重帛 [yī bù zhòng bó]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
词语大全 衣不蔽体造句_衣不蔽体中英文解释和造句
衣不蔽体 yī bù bì tǐ
许多人如果以他们的谦卑当衣着,那可能衣不蔽体。 Many would be scantily clad if clothed in their humility.
如果你有多馀的衣服,那么就拿一些给衣不蔽体的人; If you have more clothes than you really need, then give some to the person who has few clothes;
一年四季衣不蔽体、食不果腹,在生活的苦海里挣扎。 Clothing throughout the year not Biti, the hungry, in the life of Oliver, struggling.
并跑向我们,我想到自己衣不蔽体,便大叫:「别过来。」 ” and ran to us. I shouted, “Don’t e, ” thinking I was half-naked.
艾曼纽跟在她后面。在客厅里,还有七八个衣不蔽体的水手。 Emmanuel followed her, and in the antechamber were visible the rough faces of seven or eight half-naked sailors.
你无缘无故强取兄弟的东西作当头,剥去衣不蔽体的人的衣服。 For thou hast taken a pledge from thy brother for nought, and stripped the naked of their clothing.
一根粗如人臂的缆绳,从几个衣不蔽体的拉纤人一直连系到船头。 A tow rope as thick as a man’s arm extended from several scantily clothed tow-men, all the way to the bow.
直到此时此刻,我们仍是忍饥受渴,衣不蔽体,受人拳打,居无定所。 Until now we hunger and thirst, we are poorly clothed and badly treated, while moving from place to place.
昭和十年(1934年),台中闹区柳川桥下飘来一具衣不蔽体的无名女尸。 In 1934, an unknown naked female body was washed down to the Willow River Bridge in downtown Taichung.
现在这个制度对他们意味着痛苦的劳役,半饥半饱,衣不蔽体的生活,短命和夭折。 For them, the present system means joyless drudgery, semistarvation, rags and premature death.
亲爱的同胞们,当我们在挑选名牌服装的时候,你是否还记得那些衣不蔽体的父老乡亲? My dear fellow citizens, when we selection of brand-name clothing, you still remember those clothes do not Biti of fellow ?
你们会把饼分给饥饿的人,会将衣服送给衣不蔽体的人,你们会尽力去帮助那些不幸的人。 You will feed those who are hungry and clothe those who need it. You will do everything you can to help those less fortunate than yourselves.
一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。 A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage.
无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标。 Either a prince who lives in luxury or a tramp dressed in rags, can have an aim in life if he will.
虽然金钱可以防止我们饥饿,口渴,无家可归或衣不蔽体。但是它不能像智慧那样延长我们的生命。 While money can prevent us from starving, thirsting, homelessness, and being without clothing, it cannot prolong our lives like wisdom can.
这些孩子没有家,没有食物,也常常衣不蔽体。她没有钱,但是基于爱和同情,她致力为孩子设立学校。 She had no money, but through her love and passion, she managed to start a school for children who had nothing—no homes, no food, and often no clothes on their backs.
才五年前,中国大陆的图书杂志还会因为有衣不蔽体的模特儿照片或内容被官方认定冒犯忌讳、败坏道德,而遭到检查或禁售。 But even five years ago, Chinese books and magazines were censored or banned from showing pictures of scantily clad models or publishing content that was deemed offensive or morally corrupt.
以悠闲轻松著称、崇拜太阳的澳大利亚人正遭受来自保守派的威胁,他们要求女性不得在一些国家最受欢迎的沙滩上衣不蔽体! Australia’s reputation as a laid-back, easy-going nation of sunworshippers is under threat from a plan by conservatives to force women to cover up on some of the country’s most popular beaches.
可是,正当马吕斯以惊奇痛苦的目光注视着她时,那姑娘却象个幽灵,不管自己衣不蔽体,在他的破屋子里无所顾忌地来回走动。 Nevertheless, while Marius bent a pained and astonished gaze on her, the young girl was wandering back and forth in the garret with the audacity of a spectre.
肯尼迪的一位幕僚后来回忆写道“孩子们有的衣不蔽体,有的衣衫不整,在房间里奔来撞去,埃塞尔不得不以最大的嗓门四处叫喊申饬。 One of Kennedy’s staff wrote later that “kids in various states of undress ran amok, Ethel scurried about screaming orders at the top of her lungs.”
耶稣说:我饥肠辘辘――我衣不蔽体――我无家可归――我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心――然而,你却为我做了这一切。 Jesus said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.
耶稣所说的话――我饥肠辘辘――我衣不蔽体――我无家可归――我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心――然而,你却为我做了这一切。 Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.
这也是为什么我们会相信耶稣所说的话:我饥肠辘辘——衣不蔽体——无家可归——无人需要、无人疼爱、无人照顾——但你却为我做了这一切。 And that is why we believe what Jesus had said:I was hungry—I was naked—I was homeless—I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for—and you did it to me.
因此相信耶稣所说的话――我饥肠辘辘――我衣不蔽体――我无家可归――我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心――然而,你却为我做了这一切。 And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, you did it to me.
因为我们相信耶稣所说的话――我饥肠辘辘――我衣不蔽体――我无家可归――我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心,――然而,你为我做了这一切。 And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.
因此咱们相信耶稣所说的话――我饥肠辘辘――我衣不蔽体――我无家可归――我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心――然而,你却为我做了这一切。 And those is reason we believe what Jesus had say: I were hungry, I were naked, I were habitatless, I were unrequireed, unloved, uncared noted for, and you did it to me.
还有一家悉尼店–在牛津街–将在几个月后开)再说说这则广告–一副性感图片,上面两个做未到青春期装扮的女孩身穿衣不蔽体的比基尼,挑逗地弯著身子。 And a Sydney store – in Oxford Street – is due to open in ing months) But back to the ad – a sexualised image of two pre-pubescent-looking girls bending over provocatively in skimpy bikinis.
八位英国绅士和淑女被笼子圈起来,衣不蔽体地生活在巖石洞穴中。他们如猴子般地取悦兴高采烈的公众。观众前方有个牌子,上面写着:“警告:大自然里的人类。” Caged and barely clothed within a rocky enclosure, eight British men and women monkeyed for an amused, bemused crowd behind a sign reading “Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment.”
在她的获奖致辞中,她说,“如果我们说:‘我爱上帝,但是我不爱我的邻居。’这是远远不够的。”通过十字架之死,上帝使自己成为一个饥饿的人,一个衣不蔽体的人,一个无家可归的人。” “It is not enough for us to say, ‘I love God, but I do not love my neighbor, ‘” she said, since in dying on the Cross, God had “[made] himself the hungry one — the naked one — the homeless one.
像天使一样——这便是我们的人民的伟大之所在。因此我们相信耶稣所说的话:我饥肠辘辘,我衣不蔽体,我无家可归,我不为人所要,不为人所爱,也不为人所关心,然而,你却为我做了这一切。 Therefor , we believe the words by Juse: I’m hungry, I’m bare, I’m homeless, I’m unwanted by people, I’m unloved by people, I’m uncared by people, however, you did these to me.
词语大全 衣不重帛 [yī bù zhòng bó]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
衣不重帛 [yī bù zhòng bó]
不重叠穿着丝织的衣服。形容衣着朴素。《尹文子·大道上》:“昔 晋国 苦奢, 文公 以俭矫之,乃衣不重帛,食不兼肉。无几时,人皆大布之衣,脱粟之饭。”《晋书·刘超传》:“﹝ 超 ﹞处身清苦,衣不重帛,家无儋石之储。”
衣不重帛(yī bù chóng bó)解释是不重叠穿着丝织的衣服。形容衣着朴素。 更多→ 衣不重帛
衣不曳地 衣不重彩 衣冠扫地 衣冠济楚 衣屩蓝缕 衣无二彩[衣不重帛]英文翻译
The clothes are not heavy silk
衣不完采 yībùwáncǎi衣不完采的意思和解释:衣服不全是彩色的。比喻衣着朴素。衣不完采的出处《史记·游侠列传》:“衣不守采,食不重味。”衣不完采的例子衣不完采造句衣不完采造
衣不完采 yībùwáncǎi衣不完采的意思和解释:衣服不全是彩色的。比喻衣着朴素。衣不完采的出处《史记·游侠列传》:“衣不守采,食不重味。”衣不完采的例子衣不完采造句衣不完采造
词语大全 衣不重帛 [yī bù zhòng bó]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
衣不重帛 [yībùzhòngbó][衣不重帛]成语解释不重叠穿着丝织的衣服。形容衣着朴素。《尹文子·大道上》:“昔晋国苦奢,文公以俭矫之,乃衣不重帛,食不兼肉。无几时,人皆大布
箪瓢屡空 dānpiáolǚkōng箪瓢屡空的意思和解释:箪:盛饭竹器;瓢:舀水器。吃的喝的匮乏。形容生活非常贫困。箪瓢屡空的出处晋·陶渊明《五柳先生传》:“环堵萧然,不蔽风日,
箪瓢屡空 dānpiáolǚkōng箪瓢屡空的意思和解释:箪:盛饭竹器;瓢:舀水器。吃的喝的匮乏。形容生活非常贫困。箪瓢屡空的出处晋·陶渊明《五柳先生传》:“环堵萧然,不蔽风日,
成语词典>>衣不蔽体的意思解释成语衣不蔽体发音:yībùbìtǐ 释义:蔽:遮。衣服破烂,连身子都遮盖不住。形容生活贫苦。 出处:示例:~、家里正在愁吃愁穿的农民望了这
衣不蔽体 [yībùbìtǐ][衣不蔽体]成语解释蔽:遮。衣服破烂,连身子都遮盖不住。形容生活贫苦。[衣不蔽体]成语出处秦牧《土地》:“衣不蔽体、家里正在愁吃愁穿的农民望了这群不