词语大全 短兵相接造句_短兵相接中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 短兵相接造句_短兵相接中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 短兵相接造句

词语大全 短兵相接造句_短兵相接中英文解释和造句

短兵相接  duǎn bīng xiāng jiē








  • 前面的队伍还没有冲到大门口, 军警已经和他们短兵相接地混战起来。Before their vanguard reached the gates they had to e to grips with the police and soldiers.
  • 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。 The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters.

  • 技术和程序的海军陆战队短兵相接。 techniques, and procedures of Marine Corps close bat.

  • 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。 Our soldiers grappled with the enemy at close range .

  • 在适当的战术,技术和程序,短兵相接。 in the proper tactics, techniques, and procedures for close bat.

  • 建立自信,于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。 Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them.

  • 建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。 Begin to build your confidence and work through problems rather than avoid them.

  • 他们扫描了恐龙头骨,在三角龙可能短兵相接的地方寻找伤口。 They scanned the skulls for injuries around where Triceratops might have locked horns and wrestled.

  • 在这种情形下,搜索领域的争夺成为微软与谷歌短兵相接的关键。 Below this kind of case, the contention that searches a field bees the key of Microsoft and Gu Ge fight hand-in-hand.

  • 要权利要有做人的权利就要跟一切人间的罪恶勇敢无畏的短兵相接! Wants the right to have to have personhood’s right to have with all world evil brave dauntless engaging in hand-to-hand bat!

  • 大流士进军之后,亚历山大才上前迎战,两军在高加米拉短兵相接。 Only when Darius advances, does Alexander march to meet him. The two armies converge at a place called Gaugamela.

  • 前面的队伍还没有冲到大门口,军警已经和他们短兵相接地混战起来。 Before their vanguard reached the gates they had to e to grips with the police and soldiers.

  • 接下来的发言更加热烈,没有长篇大论,全是充满火药味的短兵相接。 Next to speak more enthusiastic, not longwinded, all filled with the smell of gunpowder encounter.

  • 前面的队伍还没有冲到大门口,军警已经和他们短兵相接地混战起来。 reached the gates they had to e to grips with the police and soldiers.

  • 接着发生了剧烈的肉搏战,在短兵相接中,德国人死了四个,伤了五个。 A sharp hand-to-hand fight followed, in which four Germans were killed and five wounded.

  • 经过3月23日一次短兵相接的投票后,只有鼠鲨成功进入附录二名单。 In a close-run vote on March 23rd, all except the porbeagle failed.

  • 接着发生了剧烈的肉搏战,在短兵相接中,德国人死了四个,伤了五个。 fight followed, in which four Germans were killed and five wounded.

  • 美国的华人女性文学是中国传统文化与西方现代文化短兵相接的前沿阵地。 Foreign Chinese female literature is the storehouse land of forward position conflicting Chinese traditional culture with western modem culture.

  • 没有这样短兵相接的尖锐斗争,敌占区同胞的惨状不知变成如何的程度了。 Without these intense struggles at close quarters our patriots in enemy-occupied areas would have been subjected to untold misery .

  • 在多处与警方短兵相接后,袭击者还劫持警车逃跑,进而利用警车发动袭击。 In a number of close bat with the police, the assailants also hijacked a police vehicle to escape, and the use of police vehicles to launch attacks.

  • 房地产现场销售好比战场上的短兵相接,一个细微的过失往往会造成一次交锋的失败。 Real estate sale is like the scene in close bat battlefield, often a minor fault caused the failure of a battle.

  • 你必须与内心的希望与热情步调一致,建立信心,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。 You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them.

  • 就在米勒上校与他的队友找到雷恩的时候,为保卫战略据点的桥,迫不得已与敌军短兵相接。 Captain Miller and his small group of men find Ryan, but are forced to defend a strategic bridge against the enemy.

  • 近年,报纸和数字革命短兵相接,很多人认为,老朽的恐龙遭遇高速旋转的小行星,恐怕在劫难逃。 In recent years, the paper and digital revolution hand-to-hand bat, many people believe that the old dog dinosaur encounter high speed rotating asteroid, I’m afraid shall be damned.

  • 短兵相接的武器都应该是锋利的刀,所有的军队武器都应该有尖锐、卯固、满布尖刺的金属的感觉。 Every weapon also es equipped with razor-sharp blades for hand-to-hand bat and a spiked, riveted, fanged metal esthetic is used on all military equipment.

  • 最高达30%,这给国内其他行业敲了一个大警钟:入世后的缓冲期、保护期其实很短,短兵相接的竞争就在眼前。 up to 30%, to the other domestic industries sounded a big alarm : WTO buffer period, the duration of protection is very short. close bat petition in the eyes.

  • 目前,北京各银行在二手房按揭市场的比拼,大多采用短兵相接、图穷匕见的方式,在营销手法上也多采用“你有我有全都有”模式。 Currently, Beijing banks in the secondary housing mortgage market Competition, mostly using close bat, Tuqiongbixian manner in marketing practices also use the “I have all your” model.

  • 《奇异世界》充满著战术丰富的战役,在这些战役中,敌我飞船可以短兵相接,用己方飞船的加强结构部去撞毁敌方护盾以及武器系统。 Weird Worlds features tactical space battles, where ships engage enemy vessels, using hard points to knock down enemy shields and weapons systems.

  • 北京奥运会上,他将与捷克共和国的悍将,肩负卫冕奥运会和世界冠军使命的罗曼•塞布勒短兵相接,两人的撑杆跳和标枪项目挨在一起。 In Beijing he’ll go toe to toe, pole vault to pole vault, javelin to javelin with the Czech Republic’s outstanding Roman Sebrle, the defending Olympic and world champion.

  • 近一时期,业主与开发商的纠纷不断,其冲突的激烈程度早已超出人们的想象,口水战、大字报战,此起彼伏,短兵相接、肢体冲撞也不再新鲜。 Recently, the owners and developers of disputes, the intensity of the conflict has already exceeded people’s imagination, verbal, written warfare here, close bat, physical impact no longer fresh.

  • 短兵相接造句相关


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