词语大全 破门而出造句_破门而出中英文解释和造句

Posted 宾语

篇首语:人喜欢习惯,因为造它的就是自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 破门而出造句_破门而出中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 破门而出造句_破门而出中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 夺门而出造句_夺门而出中英文解释和造句

词语大全 破门而出造句_破门而出中英文解释和造句

破门而出  pò mén ér rù






  • 达克尔-史密斯说,问题在于,她为何不自己破门而出。 The question, said Ms Darker-Smith, is why she did not break the door down herself?

  • 每个人都在谈论破门而入…但世上更多的人想破门而出。 are more people in the world who want to break out of house.

  • 等到有人破门而出几欲动手时,——说“饶命啊英雄!” When wait until someone broke door but’s several desire to begin, – say” Rao life hero! “”

  • 如果一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出。 If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door.

  • 每个人都在谈论破门而入…但世上更多的人想破门而出。好评(0。 Everybody’s always talking about people breaking into house…but there are more people in the world who want to break out of house.

  • 这名男子识破了修女的用意之后,从修道院破门而出,并抢了路人的一辆自行车,落荒而逃。 The man, apparently suspecting what was happening, fled the building and snatched a bicycle from a passer-by.

  • 他愤怒的提高嗓门对他的父亲说,“如此有钱却只送一本<圣经>?”他破门而出,离开了家。 Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

  • 当工作束缚了我的思想的时候,我将不会受制于所谓的工资——我可以破门而出,炒老板鱿鱼。 If my job is not satisfying to me, I’m no longer tied to that paycheck – I can just get up and walk away.

  • 不要因为自己不快乐而浪费任何一分钟。假如一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出。 Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door.

  • 不要因为自己不快乐而浪费任何一分钟。如果一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出。 Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window — or break down a door.

  • 破门而出造句相关


    词语大全 夺门而出造句_夺门而出中英文解释和造句

    夺门而出  duó mén ér chū







  • 我最后记得的是:我夺门而出。 Last thing I remember : I was running for the door.

  • 我说,夺门而出跑到了街上。 said I, bolting out of the door into the street.

  • 夺门而出,开始发疯似的往街上跑去。 I rash out, runing on the street as crazy.

  • 糟糕,立刻夺门而出…。 Bad, seize the door immediately and go out…

  • 十二点时,灰姑娘用跑的从宫殿夺门而出。 At twelve o’clock, Cinderella runs out of the palace.

  • 她和埃迪大吵一架后怒气冲冲地夺门而出。 She had a blazing row with Eddie and stormed out of the house.

  • 那位姑娘连看都不敢看玉娟一眼,夺门而出。 The girl didn’t dare to look at Yujuan and ran away.

  • 你见鬼去吧!’我说,夺门而出跑到了街上。 I’ll see you at the devil first! ‘ said I, bolting out of the door into the street.

  • 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。 I bumped him on the head with my broom and he go running out the entrance.

  • 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。 I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door.

  • 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。 I bumped he on the head dawn my broom or he go going away the entrance.

  • 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。 I bumped him on the head with my broomhe went running out the door.

  • 当我老板开始训我的时候,我有一股突然想要夺门而出的冲动。 I had a sudden impulse to leave the room when my boss started scolding me.

  • 他拾起所有衣物,以最快的速度将它们穿上,拿起水桶,夺门而出。 He gathered all his clothes, put them on real fast, grabbed his bucket, and ran out the door.

  • 情况一直都是:你赚到了钱,然后就拼命夺门而出,想赶紧溜之大吉。 It has always been that you make money and then you run like hell and try to get out of the way.

  • 「我会立刻像小女生一样尖叫,夺门而出。」32岁的患者理查˙贝利斯表示。 “I would immediately scream like a girl and run out of the house, ” said arachnophobe Richard Bayliss, 32.

  • 一口气上了五楼,正待按铃,一股洗麻将牌的声浪夺门而出,间杂着尖锐的笑声。 Climbing up the five flights of the stairway in a breath, she was about to ring the doorbell when out came a gust of noise, noise of mahjong being reshuffled and shrilling laughter.

  • 有一次,因为传说有位记者要访问他们,一群操著 波斯语的 男子甚至夺门而出。 In one instance, a group of Persian-speaking men hurried out of the hotel once word spread that a reporter was asking about them.

  • 他俩在酒吧吵得很凶,还有一个人饶有兴致地旁观。最后她男友不打算相信她,夺门而出。 Their loud discussion took place in the union with an interested audience, until he finally stamped out in fury, still refusing to believe her.

  • 黑衣男子接过钱后,猛地将中年妇女推向一边,迅速夺门而出,鉆进自己的汽车溜之大吉。 After black clothes man has received fund, promote middleaged woman suddenly to at the same time, seize the door quickly and go out, the car that is gotten into oneself sneaks away.

  • 王总的话让小丽感觉像吃了苍蝇一样恶心,说了一句“对不起,我不想来了”,就夺门而出。 Wang Zong’s word lets small beautiful feeling is sick like taking fly, said ” I am sorry, I did not want to e ” , seize the door and go out.

  • 但是,当他一接触到爱德蒙的手,他觉得他已经尽了他所能做到的最大限度;于是夺门而出。 But, as soon as he had touched Edmond’s hand, he felt that he had done all that he could do; and he ran out of the house.

  • 这名据她说准备要性侵她的男子,将她扑倒在地,但她的防晒保护使她得以从他的掌握中脱逃并夺门而出。 The man, who she said was poised to sexually assault her, tackled her to the ground, but her suntan protection allowed her to escape his grasp and make a dash for the door.

  • 他顿时提高了声调,话音中带着极其的愤怒,说道,“难道你用所有的钱就买了这个了?”随即夺门而出撇下这本圣经。 Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

  • 他顿时提高了声调,话音中带着极其的愤怒,说道,“难道妳用所有的钱就买了这个了?”随即夺门而出撇下这本圣经。 Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

  • 咧嘴与莫特拉经营一家小旅馆,但他们却是僵尸,所以大多数的住客看到他们都是惊声尖叫地夺门而出,连行李都来不及带走。 Rictus and Mortelle own a small hotel. But they are zombies so it is hardly surprising that most of their clients leave screaming without even taking their baggage with them!

  • 我们的英雄带着他新找到的决心和勇气,气冲冲的夺门而出,在体育馆空荡荡的过道里激昂地对着任何一个有可能听到他声音的人咆哮著。 Our hero stormed out of the room with a newfound determination, ranting to anyone who might be listening in the arenas empty hallways.

  • 然后,他踮脚走过熟睡的守卫,他们属于一个极端伊斯兰组织,曾扬言要砍下所有不信教者的头。之后,他赤脚夺门而出。“这样才不会发声音,”他说。 He then tiptoed past the sleeping guards, who are part of an extremist Islamist group that has threatened to behead all infidels, and dashed out the door barefoot, “so as not to make noise, ” he said.

  • 夺门而出造句相关



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