词语大全 磨刀霍霍造句_磨刀霍霍中英文解释和造句

Posted 小弟

篇首语:夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 磨刀霍霍造句_磨刀霍霍中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 磨刀霍霍造句_磨刀霍霍中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 磨刀不误砍柴工造句_磨刀不误砍柴工中英文解释

词语大全 磨刀霍霍造句_磨刀霍霍中英文解释和造句

磨刀霍霍  mó dāo huò huò







  • 小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 Her younger brother kills pig and sheep to celebrate.

  • 小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 Younger sister to smell, like pagans sharpening.

  • 小弟闻姊来磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 Her younger brother kills pig and sheep to celebrate.

  • 磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。 the sound of the scythe against the whetstone.

  • 磨刀霍霍要搞种族暴动? tooling up for the race riot, are we?

  • 两兵就要交战了,双方都在磨刀霍霍地备战。 A battle is ing; the two armies are whetting their swords.

  • 弟弟听说姐姐回来了,忙着霍霍磨刀杀猪宰羊。 when brother knows sister is ing back, he rubs the knife to kill pigs and sheep.

  • 我听见霍霍磨刀声,好砍掉一个求婚者的脑袋。 I hear the swish of the sword that is being sharpened to cut off a suitor’s head.

  • 联邦和州政府都磨刀霍霍,睁大眼睛盯着学校的表现。 Both states and the federal government are sharpening their instruments for measuring schools’ performance.

  • 我听见霍霍磨刀声,好砍掉一个 求婚者 的脑袋。 I hear the swish of the sword that is being sharpened to cut off a suitor’s head.

  • 双重羞辱的布朗先生遭遇恶意抨击,无疑他的背后又将磨刀霍霍。 Humiliation for Mr Brown in both encounters with hostile opinion will surely sharpen the daggers now poised at his back.

  • 两地产商在各自的疆土上,磨刀霍霍,潜心经营,成为西部地产的擎天两柱。 Two developers in their respective territory, Sabre-rattling, and began operating as a property across the western two pillars.

  • 面对预期中的衰退,投行加强了各自的危机证券部门,磨刀霍霍之势显露无遗。 Investment banks, readying themselves for the expected downturn, have been strengthening their distressed-securities groups.

  • 后来,我们渐渐感觉到众厂商磨刀霍霍,预先热身的动作,我们感叹信息电器将呼啸而至。 Later, we feel numerous manufacturer grinds knife the scrape gradually, beforehand the movement of warm up, we plaint information electric equipment es howl.

  • 银行借记卡、存折全部取消免费服务,信用卡收费磨刀霍霍,银行信用卡短信通知开始收费。 Bank debit card, cancel all the books free of charge services, credit card charges scrape of a knife sharpening, bank credit SMS charges began to notice.

  • 寒风刮起,如同磨刀一般霍霍直响,伴随着那山谷深处传来的阵阵狗叫声,似乎也就在脚后。 Cold wind sweep, be just as grind a knife general the scrape rings continuously, acpanying what transmit in that valley blast a dog cry, also be it seems that after the foot.

  • 上帝保佑,在有生之年,我看到了环保署对此法案磨刀霍霍,他们致力于在年底通过此法案的修正案。 Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) plans to have amendments to the law passed by the end of the year.

  • 骑士在前进的道路上会有两头拦路虎(凯子和魔术)时刻骚扰他们,而且还有湖人磨刀霍霍在最后等着他们。 The Cavaliers had Boston and Orlando on their tails most of the way, and the Lakers chasing them at the end.

  • 磨刀霍霍向猪羊,经济学家们为“经济牺牲率”的合理尺度而争论不休,因为这是要以事业来换取物价稳定的。 Like pagans sharpening their knives, economists debate the size of this “sacrifice ratio”: the number of people who must lose their jobs to appease the gods of price stability.

  • 在自由的名义下,人民暴力(可能类似于文革)获得了追捧,人身保护权无影无踪了,而断头台也开始磨刀霍霍了。 In the name of liberty, mob violence was encouraged, habeas corpus was abolished, and the guillotine was set up!

  • 英格兰之音,是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上的锤子的叮当声、是露珠欲滴的清晨秧鸡的鸣叫声、是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。 Then sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy. The corncrake on the dewy morning. The sound of scythe against the whetstone.

  • 我们的王有许多镰刀,永远在刈割他的草地,磨刀霍霍之声,预告着要割去草的数种绿叶,和雏菊等一干杂在草中的野花。 Our King has many scythes, and is perpetually mowing His lawns. The musical tinkle of the whetstone on the scythe portends the cutting down of myriads of green blades, daisies and other flowers.

  • 下周,一份关于2006年黎巴嫩战争的最终报告预计会引起对他的能力的再一次强烈不满,而且他的政治对手们正磨刀霍霍。 Next week a final report on the 2006 Lebanon war is expected once more to be highly critical of his performance, and political rivals are sniffing blood.

  • 我们目前在苹果中心大楼总部的外面,新闻记者们都在为这一盛事磨刀霍霍,每一个人都围了起来,就像是一个欢快的牧场一样。 08AM – We’re outside the center, journalists are milling about in preparation for the event! Everyone’s roped in, kind of like a small pasture.

  • 当红魔们正在为安菲尔德的利物浦之战磨刀霍霍的时候,刚刚在星期二对雷丁比赛中进球的路易斯-萨哈表达了他希望继续以主力首发的参战的愿望。 As the Reds preprare to take on Liverpool at Anfield, Louis Saha is hoping to retain his place in the starting line-up for United after his return to the scoresheet against Reading on Tuesday night.

  • 此后,各方对荷银及其首席执行官胡宁克(RijkmanGroenink)大有磨刀霍霍之势。胡宁克掌管荷银七年有余,其间股东的获得的回报少之又少。 After that the knives were out for the Dutch bank and Rijkman Groenink, its chief executive who has presided over seven years of poor returns to shareholders.

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    词语大全 磨刀不误砍柴工造句_磨刀不误砍柴工中英文解释

    磨刀不误砍柴工  mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng






  • 良好的开始是成功的一半。/磨刀不误砍柴工。 A beard well lathered is half shaved.

  • 磨刀不误砍柴工。 Both sharpening and chopping wood do well.

  • 贴网时答梢著磨刀不误砍柴工的脑筋举行操纵。 Based on the spirit should be affixed network sharpening cut workers thought.

  • 磨刀不误砍柴工,券商正做融资融券最后的冲刺; Brothers do not misuse wood workers, firms are doing the final sprint Margin;

  • 俗话说:“磨刀不误砍柴工”,有了知识,才能有针对性地提出问题和发现问题; As the saying goes : “Sabre-not mistakenly cut jobs, ” With knowledge, and can be targeted to make discovery;

  • 市民在租房前应该花点时间仔细阅读、研究一下理论知识,“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 Former public housing should spend carefully read, study the theory of knowledge, “Sabre-not mistakenly cut jobs.”

  • 准备长途旅行的“背包族”最好去图书馆查阅相关资料,千万别怕麻烦,磨刀不误砍柴工。 prepared to travel long-distance “backpacker” the best information available to the library, please do not trouble, wood workers Modaomen not mistaken.

  • 回头想一下会发现,眼下的金融危机也许是一个好的技术改革的好时机,正所谓“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 Would like to look back to find that the current financial crisis may be a good technique a good time for reform is the so-called “Brothers do not misuse wood workers.”

  • 常言到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,欲真正准确把握电子认证服务的法律问题,就要首先了解电子认证服务的基础技术和常见术语。 To pointy catch the legal issues of Electronic Authentication Service, it is necessary to correctly understand mon technical terms of Electronic Authentication Service beforehand.

  • 当然,一定会有人辩解道,效率的缺失是磨刀不误砍柴工,是为了做出准确的判断,而决策成本的提高也要远低于决策失而造成的损失。 Of course, you may argue that it prefers for make accurate judgments with efficiency lacked. The increased costs are much less than the losses that made by mistakes.

  • 想选到自己喜欢的窗帘,需要先为整个家居装潢定下一个基本的格调,然后才能去寻找和室内各个细节相适合的窗帘,这可是“磨刀不误砍柴工”的事。 curtains that need to be set for the entire home decorating a basic style, and then all the details can be to find suitable for indoor and curtains, but “Sabre-not mistakenly cut jobs”.

  • 出细活,磨刀不误砍柴工,可我总是跳过最重要的一步,战战兢兢地硬著头皮走下去,运气好还可以走上大道,运气好,在人生的迷宫里兜兜转转。 Slow skilled work, wood work Modaomen not mistaken, but I always skip the most important step, in fear and had to go, good luck can also embark on road, bad luck, in the maze of life going around.

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    发硎新试  fāxíngxīnshì发硎新试的意思和解释:硎:磨刀石。象新磨的刀那样锋利。比喻刚参加工作就显露出出色的才干。发硎新试的出处《庄子·养生主》:“是以十九年而刀刃若新发