词语大全 礼尚往来造句_礼尚往来中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 礼尚往来造句_礼尚往来中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 老死不相往来造句_老死不相往来中英文解释和造

词语大全 礼尚往来造句_礼尚往来中英文解释和造句

礼尚往来  lǐ shàng wǎng lái








  • 遨游时空,分享古趣。互通有无,礼尚往来。 Time and space travel, to share the ancient items, each other’s needs, reciprocity.

  • 值得一提的是,“透明”也必须是礼尚往来的。 It is important to note as well that transparency must be a reciprocal virtue.

  • “捷洁宝”自动鞋套机是“礼尚往来”之佳品! “Jie Jie Bao” automatic shoe cover machine is “reciprocity” of Jiapin!

  • 友谊截然不是单方的﹐没有礼尚往来﹐就没有友谊。 Friendship is no one-sided affair. There can be no friendship without reciprocity.

  • 平民百姓也讲究“礼尚往来”,馈赠礼品,互相拜年。 civilians also about “reciprocity”, gift gifts, Betty each other.

  • 单单从礼尚往来说,他也应该为村舍的事找一下多萝西娅。 Mere friendly politeness required that he should call to see Dorothea about the cottages.

  • 德国朋友礼尚往来,收到我的圣诞礼物后,立刻回了一个包裹。 Doris and Manfred sent me a parcel after receiving my small Christmas present.

  • 只有晓得对方会以接近对等的方式回应,「礼尚往来」才行得通。 “I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine” only works if I know you will respond with something approaching parity.

  • 讲究“礼尚往来”是中华传统,这种消费心理到了年节尤其突出。 About “reciprocity” is a Chinese tradition, the consumption psychology, in particular to highlight the New Year.

  • 这些都是朋友之间的礼尚往来,因为关系都比较要好,并不是受贿。 These are friends of reciprocity, as relations are relatively good, not bribes.

  • 礼尚往来,寡人回敬你芥末籽–卡非斯,让你品尝和体验吃败仗的苦味。 In return I sent you a kaff is of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory.

  • 殊不知,来而不往,失落中未免懊恼,礼尚往来,是畅游论坛最基本的礼貌。 Contrary to not to upset it in the loss, reciprocity is the basic courtesy touring the Forum.

  • 如果他们知道礼尚往来不一定非要花费大把的钞票,他们就不会要求昂贵的东西。 If they know that gift-giving doesn’t have to be about spending a lot of money (see above), they won’t necessarily want expensive stuff.

  • 如果他们知道礼尚往来不一定非要花费大把的钞票,他们就不会要求昂贵的东西。 Try giving them services they’d appreciate. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to be generous.

  • 但《时代》周刊为米歇尔辩护说,米歇尔是在英女王先“动手”后才“礼尚往来”。 The Time defended that it was spontaneous response after the Queen resting her hand onto Mrs.

  • 西方人不是很重视礼尚往来,尽管他们也常常在节日,生日和拜访时向亲朋好友赠送礼物。 The Westerners do not value reciprocality that much in give-giving, although they often present gifts during holidays, birthdays or social visits.

  • 值得一提的是,“透明”也必须是礼尚往来的。新闻媒体也必须让外界了解其报道的标准和方法。 It is important to note as well that transparency must be a reciprocal virtue. The news media must also be transparent about its standards and its methods.

  • 爱情是自私和排外的,而友谊则是无私和广博的。爱情并不是非回报不可,友谊却需要礼尚往来。 Love is selfish and exclusive, while friendship is selfless and extensive. Love is not necessary to be returned, but friendship needs a contact and something in exchange.

  • 时尚典雅,彰显品位,集观赏价值,收藏价值和使用价值于一体,从而成为礼尚往来的上上之选。 Elegant fashion, demonstrated grade, set ornamental value, collectors value and value in one, thus being the people on the choice.

  • 公司经营理念——“以最优质的服务和最具竞争国的产品的思路,为您创造最理想的礼尚往来。” Company business philosophy – “to the best quality service and most petitive products in the country thinking, for you to create the ideal reciprocity.”

  • 并为中国客户的礼品策划提供更加丰富的创意推荐,帮助客户在商业环境中的“礼尚往来”别具特色。 and gift planning for Chinese customers to provide more imagination remended to help customers in a business environment The “reciprocity” distinctive.

  • 当涉及一个公司的声誉和生存机会时,礼尚往来就不再是合情合理的(特别是送的礼实际上是贿赂时)。 It is never justifiable to return a favor for a previous gift (especially when it bees clear that the gift was a bribe) when the reputation and survival of a pany is at risk.

  • 而且因为我的弟弟对她很好,她觉得对于别人的善意或帮助应作出相应的回报(善有善报,礼尚往来)。 And because my brother had been kind to her, she felt that one good turn deserves another.

  • 产品不仅具有极高的欣赏、珍藏价值,也是礼尚往来、馈赠亲友的高雅礼品,有着极为广阔的市场前景。 Products not only has the high appreciation, collection value, but also reciprocity, gifts to friends and relatives for elegant gifts, has a very broad market prospects.

  • 商学院觉得自己有很多向商界领袖请教的地方,而商界领袖却没有礼尚往来,主动要求来听商学院的课程。 The schools believe they have much to learn from business leaders. The business leaders rarely return the pliment by asking to listen to the lectures.

  • 去年圣诞节我们送给史密斯家一瓶杜松子酒,今年他们便给我们送了一瓶苏格兰威士忌酒,以使礼尚往来。 We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch to even things up a bit.

  • 我部分得益常向群的论述和她长期关于礼尚往来的讨论。礼尚往来这个词是在地位不平等的人之间进行的。 Here I am indebted to the work of Chang Xiangqun , and to long discussions of her elaboration of the phrase lishangwanglai.

  • 另一方面,在中国,人们崇尚礼尚往来,但欧美国家却不是,那儿的人们送礼物只出于自己的喜好,从不期望别人回送。 On the other hand, courtesy demands reciprocity in China. But it’s not the case in Western countries. People there send presents out of their own wills, never demanding reciprocity.

  • 有人送钱给杨永才,并不是跟他很熟悉,而是看中了其职务上的权力能够为自己帮忙,因此,不能认定为朋友之间的礼尚往来。 Yang Song Qiangei it was not very familiar with him, but his duties on Chinese and the power to be able to help themselves, can not be identified as friends of reciprocity.

  • 在上周六切尔西遗憾地没能在阿森纳身上全取三分的情况下,曼联将会在本周三晚间以卫冕冠军的身份作客斯坦福桥球场,特里已经为这次的“礼尚往来”做好了预备。 After Chelsea’s failure to beat Arsenal on Sunday, United will arrive at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday night as champions and Terry is ready to return the pliment.

  • 礼尚往来造句相关


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