词语大全 纠缠不清造句_纠缠不清中英文解释和造句

Posted 天使

篇首语:构成我们学习最大障碍的是已知的东西,而不是未知的东西。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 纠缠不清造句_纠缠不清中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 纠缠不清造句_纠缠不清中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 纠缠不清的意思_成语“纠缠不清”是什么意思

词语大全 纠缠不清造句_纠缠不清中英文解释和造句

纠缠不清  jiū chán bù qīng







  • 要和已婚男人纠缠不清。 Never Get Involved with a Married Man.

  • 这时候,她是对纠缠不清的詹姆士爵士生气。 At this movement she felt angry with the perverse Sir James.

  • 玛俐愿扯入与已婚男人纠缠不清的关系中。 Mary do not want to get involve in any perplexed relationship with a married man.

  • 上帝早就决定一切。你只是在将来发现和谁纠缠不清。 God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.

  • 为解决这个问题,必须消除所有潜在的、纠缠不清的情况。 To solve this problem, you must eliminate all potential ambiguities.

  • 刚才又被那两个人纠缠不清,正好妳们过来,我便乘机脱身。 Just now I couldn’t get rid of those two. Fortunately you people showed up and gave me an excuse to get away.

  • 在一深奥的假设性问题上纠缠不清,比如“他会是一个什么样的爸爸?” Wondering about such abstruse hypothetical like “What kind of father would he be?””

  • 而这一次的与众同之处是:对即将到来的国际盛事——奥运会纠缠不清。 The only difference this time around is that it is tangled up with an uping international event – the Olympic Games.

  • 金鹰节正在落入一个与假票、失血、新闻垄断、内容苍白纠缠不清的怪圈。 China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival is trapping in a crisis entangled in false votes, negative profit, news monopolization and poor content.

  • 爱就借过,没必要这样纠缠不清。身边的好友,都一一开始明白这个道理。 Does not like borrowing, the necessity like this has not been hard to solve. The side good friend, all one one starts to understand this truth.

  • 我仍然和数字们纠缠不清,它们抽象的外形比加减乘除的基础运算更为繁难。 I still tussle with my numbers, not so much the basic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication—as the more abstract configurations.

  • 律师和青楼女子有什么同呢?差别在于你死了以后青楼女子就会再对你纠缠不清了。 What’s the difference between a lawyer and a hooker? A hooker’ll stop screwing you when you’re dead.

  • 几乎晕倒,他大概要在这个问题上纠缠不清了…于是说了很多理由,比方说我们拿。 Ok, what they say is okay. But WHO allow you to do this?

  • 记忆与梦魇纠缠不清,现实场景中隐隐透露的别处记忆,似曾相似确又模糊不清…… The film is about memories and dreams, which are mixed together. The memories of elsewhere that appears from the reality seem like familiar, but indistinct…

  • 或许,在解开杭丁顿氏症纠缠不清的谜团之后,我们将能为下一代患者提供治愈的希望。 Perhaps by unraveling the skeins of the mysteries of Huntington’s, we will be able to provide hope for the next generation.

  • 让我们就这么办吧,要再在让谁和如何来处理这件事的这样敏感的问题上纠缠不清了。 And let’s leave it at that and let’s not get into the sensitivities of who and how it will be done.

  • 是三个人或更多人在一起纠缠不清,还是了断吧,我的优柔寡断只能让自己更加痛苦。 Is not three or more people tangled together, or a broken, and I can only let ourselves indecisiveness of the more painful.

  • 但是如果你开始和那些因为你已经得到的成就才和你混在一起的人纠缠不清,那就会有麻烦。 But if you start getting involved with people who just e along because of what you have done or what you could achieve, that is when you are in trouble.

  • 然后就是所有的政府都会给外交政策方面纠缠不清覆蓋上面纱,相较其他的情况这还算正当。 Then there are the paternalistic veils that all governments draw over aspects of their foreign-policy entanglements, some more justified than others.

  • 就拿最幸福的人来说吧–他们的命运就是一团纠缠不清的纱线。———海明威。 Take the lot of the happiest – it is a tangled yarn.

  • 但我们并非机械般精确的机器,而是一捆神经的集合,纠缠不清,常受刺激,却能做出惊人成绩。 We are not a mechanically precise machine, we are a bundle of nerves which often tangle and get jangled, but are capable of amazing performance.

  • 现实中医患关系呈现给人们的似乎是永远纠缠不清的利益,掩盖了医患之间模糊的、缺失的权利。 In reality, the benefit is vague between doctors and patients above people. It covered the fuzzy and flaw rights between doctors and patients.

  • 第二部分是正文,这部分首先对“歧义”与“多义”“模糊”等几个纠缠不清的相邻概念作了界定。 The second is the main body. First, the segment distinguishes the ambiguity from polysemy and vagueness.

  • 从网络视频出现到发展壮大的历程中,众多视频网站都或多或少地在版权问题上纠缠不清,版权官司屡见鲜。 Video from the network appears to development and expansion of the course, many video sites are more or less in the struggle unclear on the issue of copyright, copyright lawsuit monplace.

  • 海老公道:“昨天我传你这两手大擒拿手,本意只想打得那小子知难而退,纠缠不清,你便可以去上书房拿书。 ‘When I taught you those moves yesterday, ‘ went on Hai, ‘my intention was to scare this young fellow, to get him out of the way, so that you could get that book for me from the Upper Library.

  • 此回合谈判还在棉花、粮食、牲畜、牛奶这些“小生意”上纠缠不清–都是因为上轮谈判进展艰难而遗留下来的问题。 The round is still gnawing at the bits of trade—cotton, grains, livestock, milk and so on—that were too tough for previous rounds to digest.

  • 过,尽管这听起来蛮错的,“你来到世上就是为了过自己喜爱的生活”,这好像也错,可是仍然有一大堆纠缠不清的问题。 But as good as it sounds, and as much as “you’re here to live the life you love”rings true, it still brings up a whole pile of sticky questions.

  • 过,尽管这听起来蛮错的,“你来到世上就是为了过自己喜爱的生活”,这好像也错,可是仍然有一大堆纠缠不清的问题。 But as good as it sounds, and as much as “you’re here to live life you love” rings true, it still brings up a whole pile of sticky questions.

  • 陪审团的女士们、生们,第一件证物正是被六翼天使,那个误传的、单的、翼高贵的六翼天使所嫉妒的。且看这段纠缠不清的痛苦心史吧。 Ladies and gentlemen of the juryn019. gif, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

  • 陪审团的女士们、先生们,第一件证物正是被六翼天使,那个误传的、简单的、羽翼高贵的六翼天使所嫉妒的。且看这段纠缠不清的痛苦心史吧。 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

  • 纠缠不清造句相关


    词语大全 纠缠不清的意思_成语“纠缠不清”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音jiū chán bù qīng
    成语解释 纠缠:缠绕纠结,难解难分。纠结缠绕在一起,理不清楚。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 贬义词
    成语结构 偏正式
    成语用法 作谓语、宾语;指混乱。
    产生年代 近代
    典故出处 清·魏秀仁《花月痕》第25回:“秋痕叹道:‘你如今一请就来,往后又是纠缠不清。”
    成语例句 郁达夫《一封信》:“写得~的时候,请你们以自己的经验来补我笔的不足。”
    近 义 词 藕断丝连 牵扯不清
    反 义 词 一刀两断
    英文翻译 cling like a leech <to act like a parasite whom it is difficult to shake off>
    日文翻译 がもつれている
    歇 后 语 藤萝爬在葡萄架上
    成语谜面 粉丝汤里下面条


    词语大全 纠缠不清的意思_成语“纠缠不清”是什么意思


    词语大全 纠缠不清的意思_成语“纠缠不清”是什么意思


    词语大全 纠缠不清的意思_成语“纠缠不清”是什么意思


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