词语大全 肝胆相照造句_肝胆相照中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:精神的浩瀚,想象的活跃,心灵的勤奋,就是天才。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 肝胆相照造句_肝胆相照中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 肝胆相照造句_肝胆相照中英文解释和造句
肝胆相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào
肝胆兮相照,和平兮中国。 Liver beingbosom-friends with courage (gallbladder), makes peace with Chinese.
肝胆兮相照,和平兮中国。 Liver being bosom-friends with courage, makes peace with Chinese.
我们相通的是血脉,我们相照的是肝胆。 We are linked by our blood; we are bonded by our hearts.
我们相通的是血脉,我们相照的是肝胆。 We are linked by our blood; we are mirrored in our hearts.
他想跟这个年轻人“肝胆相照”地谈一谈。 He wanted to have a ” heart to heart” talk with this youth.
他想跟这个年轻人“肝胆相照”地谈一谈。 He wanted to have a ” heart to heart ” talk with this youth.
这两个朋友肝胆相照。 The two friends show utter devotion to each other.
让我们肝胆相照、同舟共济,携手共创新的历史。 Let’s help each other, as we’re in the same boat now. Together, we’ll make history.
因此共和党和民主党必须团结起来,共同应对,肝胆相照,荣辱与共。 Republicans and Democrats must tackle it together, sharing both the credit and the blame.
但是,你买不到热情,买不到忠诚,买不到别人的肝胆相照,你只有去获得它们。 You cannot buy loyalty…You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these.
当时大家互相交往时,他一直以兄弟相称,肝胆相照等之类的话常常挂在他嘴上。 Members interaction, he has to brothers mensurate woe, such words are often linked in his talk.
肝胆相照的兄弟情谊、男人之间永远的秘密。艰苦环境中绽放了美丽的历史奇迹。 the brotherhood of deepest sincerity, and the forever secret between men that are the beautifully historical miracle shown in arduous environment hardship.
邓小平在新时期发展为“长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共”十六字方针; In the new period, Deng Xiaoping develops it into sixteen-character guiding principle of “long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe”.
最后,强调了政协工作的基本方针是“长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共”。 Finally, the fundamental guideline of CPPCC was reinforced: “long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe”.
唯科国际衷心的邀请您携手共进,肝胆相照,共同谱写国内,国际电子市场的美好篇章。 RICOO INTERNATIONAL sincerely invite you to join hands and showing utter devotion to jointly create good chapter of domestic and international electronic market.
我们愿与全体商界朋友精诚合作,肝胆相照。在市场经济的浪潮中乘风破浪,扬帆运行! We are sincerely willing to cooperate with all business friends and show our utter devotion to make it sail smoothly regardless the challenges with the development of the market economy.
中国共产党与各民主党派合作的基本方针是“长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共”。 The basic agreement between the Communist Party of China and each democratic party is “long-term co-existence, mutual supervision and mutual devotion through honor or disgrace.”
你跟了我那么久,对我有请有义,肝胆相照,倒现在我连餐饱饭没让你吃过,我对不起你呀旺财!! You have followed me for a long time. You are so good to me. But I have never given you sufficient food. I am damn sorry.
家长应该让孩子明白:好朋友就要肝胆相照,好朋友就要坦诚直言,好朋友的关系不要用物质或金钱来维系。 The parents should make the children know that good friends should be sincere to each other and talk frankly and do not maintain the relationship with substance of money.
一个美丽的姑娘乔装成男子和一个书生在同一屋簷下共同生活了三年,他们结为兄弟,肝胆相照,后来成为恋人。 A beautiful girl disguises herself as a man and lives under one roof with a young male scholar for three years without revealing her true identity. They bee sworn brothers, soul mates and lovers.
在许许多多的人付出重大牺牲的时候,我们理应更深入地思考我们与国家休戚与共的誓言,思考彼此间肝胆相照的承诺。 It is natural, in light of such sacrifice by so many, to think more deeply about the mitments that bind us to our nation, and to each other.
丈夫(一个心灵优美的男人)、妻子(一个出类拔萃的女人)、天使般的孩子和一些肝胆相照的朋友,一起住在伯克夏。 The husband, a beautiful soul, the exceptional wife, the angelic child and the perfect friends all dwelt in the Berkshires together.
后来,这些犯人开始以「寮友」互称,不久后这个名称还流传到监狱的高墙之外,人们用它来指称「肝胆相照的朋友」。 In time, the prisoners began to refer to each other as “chums. ” Later, the word caught on outside the prison walls and took on the meaning of “a cordial friend. ”
在这种合作关系中,冯仑更像一位肝胆相照的兄弟,“我们做生意是先懂江湖,后懂商务,最初走到一起有点儿像是江湖聚义”。 In this partnership, a woe Pinglun like brothers, “we do business is to first understand the political arena and business people after the initial together a bit like lakes Juyi.”
儿子明白了:在你生死攸关的时候,那个能与你肝胆相照,甚至不惜割舍自己的亲生骨肉来搭救你的人,可以称做你的一个朋友。 son to understand: when you life and death, showing utter devotion that you can even give up their own flesh and blood to rescue your people, you can be called a friend.
词语大全 肝胆楚越造句_肝胆楚越中英文解释和造句
肝胆楚越 gān dǎn chǔ yuè
肝胆楚越 gāndǎnchǔyuè肝胆楚越的意思和解释:肝胆:比喻关系密切;楚越:春秋时两个诸侯国,虽土地相连,但关系不好。比喻有着密切关系的双方,变得互不关心或互相敌对。肝胆楚
肝胆楚越 gāndǎnchǔyuè肝胆楚越的意思和解释:肝胆:比喻关系密切;楚越:春秋时两个诸侯国,虽土地相连,但关系不好。比喻有着密切关系的双方,变得互不关心或互相敌对。肝胆楚
腹心相照 fùxīnxiāngzhào腹心相照的意思和解释:腹心:内心;照:映照,见。以真心相见。比喻彼此很知心,达到心心相印的程度。腹心相照的出处明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷一:“
腹心相照 fùxīnxiāngzhào腹心相照的意思和解释:腹心:内心;照:映照,见。以真心相见。比喻彼此很知心,达到心心相印的程度。腹心相照的出处明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷一:“
肝胆相照造句 一:共和党和民主党务必团结起来,共同应对,肝胆相照,荣辱与共。 二:长期并存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共。 三:好友难觅,更何况是肝胆相照能够推心置腹的知己? 四:我此生能得你如此肝
肝胆相照造句 一:共和党和民主党务必团结起来,共同应对,肝胆相照,荣辱与共。 二:长期并存互相监督肝胆相照荣辱与共。 三:好友难觅,更何况是肝胆相照能够推心置腹的知己? 四:我此生能得你如此肝