词语大全 积羽沉舟造句_积羽沉舟中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 积羽沉舟造句_积羽沉舟中英文解释和造句
积羽沉舟 jī yǔ chén zhōu
词语大全 破釜沉舟造句_破釜沉舟中英文解释和造句
破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu
如果你要做它,你可能破釜沉舟。 If you did that, you would be burning your boat.
天赋破釜沉舟(防护)冷却时间变为6分钟。 Last Stand (Protection) cooldown reduced to 6 minutes.
现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按前进外,别无选择。 Now we’ve burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project.
“要前进,你必须破釜沉舟,不留后路,”默瑟建议道。 “To move forward, burn your bridges behind you so you can’t go backward, ” suggests Mercer.
要前进,你必须破釜沉舟,不留后路,“默瑟建议道。” “To move forward, burn your bridges behind you so you can’t go backward, ” suggests Mercer.
第一份工作是极其重要而且难以获得的,你需要破釜沉舟。 The first job is so important and so hard to get, you have to really want it.
目前咱们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按商量前进外,别无挑选。 Now we’ve burned our bridges behind us and we HAs no option but to go forward with the project.
现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按计划前进外,别无选择。 and we have no option but to go forward with the project.
参见《有风度地辞职》一文了解如何“非破釜沉舟”地辞职。 See How to Resign with Class for more tips about quitting your job, without burning your bridges.
也许失业正是你征服恐惧和全力以赴、破釜沉舟的良好时机。 Maybe, it is time for you to conquer your fears and go for broke.
永远不要忽视你的潜能。给自己一片悬崖,就有破釜沉舟的勇气。 If you think you can, u can. You will make it. Believe your potential ability.
目前,他号召著组织一场平和的国民运动,但却有破釜沉舟之势。 He is calling for a campaign of civil action, peaceable, but determined.
我要的是这样一个人,他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后率领部队前进。 I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it.
者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚霸气,去迎接这一次小小的检阅吧。 Those things bee, most drastic, Bai Qin Guan Chu is vested with the final to meet you this time, a small review.
在这件事上不断的抵制她直到她破釜沉舟,那么这样可能会带来更惨重的结果。 Boycotting her is akin to burning the bridge, and this may have a far more disastrous effect.
因为玛丽的父亲不会同意她和那男人结婚,她决定破釜沉舟,和那男人私奔了。 Since Mary’s father would not give his consent to her marriage to the man, she decided to burn her bridges and eloped with him.
有些比赛是我们的球员真正破釜沉舟也想要赢下的比赛,今天的比赛就是其中之一。 We have not bee a bad team after just one game – we are still a good side who can win the championship title.
虽然你也许并不总是希望听到负面的反馈意见。但是无论做什么。都不要破釜沉舟。 6Though perhaps you do not always hope to hear negative feedback opinion. no matter what is done. don’t cut off all means of retreat.
虽然你也许并不总是希望听到负面的反馈意见,但是无论做什么,都不要破釜沉舟。 Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don’t burn your bridges.
现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按计划前进外,别无选择。——-[光年网原创。 Now we’ve burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project.
入侵部队奉命:要么战胜,要么战死——绝不能后退,于是它们决定破釜沉舟,背水一战。 When invading forces decided to burn their bridges they were impelled to conquer or die-there could be no going back.
在男人破釜沉舟地正式坦白说出他的痴心爱意之前,女人决不会承认她是已经堕入爱河的。 Women never acknowledge that they have fallen in love until the man has formally avowed his delusion and so cut off his retreat.
如今,奥巴马大胆地将军,从看上去毫无胜算的局面中破釜沉舟取得了其中一场比赛的胜利。 Now the president has won the first of those matches with an audacious checkmate snatched from a seemingly hopeless position.
乳品行业要在高端乳制品和一般乳制品之间寻找平衡点:要“背水一战”,不可“破釜沉舟” The dairy industry needs to strike a balance between high-end and average dairy products by adopting the policy of “fighting to win” instead of “reaching the point of no return”.
教育部并没有给英文弱的学生安排英文b课程,英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬著头皮把英文搞好。 There is no English B course for those weak in the subject. Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.
拥有一半美国血统的丘吉尔曾经这样评价他的乡里:我们总是可以指望美国人在破釜沉舟以后做出正确的选择。 WINSTON CHURCHILL, that famous half-American, once said that his mother’s countrymen could always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting the available alternatives.
后来人们根据这个故事引申出“破釜沉舟”这个成语,比喻只有前进,决不后退的决心,不惜牺牲一切以求胜利。 This story gave rise to the idiom “break the cauldrons and sink the boats, ” – a metaphor for resolutely moving forward and obtaining victory at any cost.
我现在已经下定决心,孤注一掷,放手一搏,股市一开市,马上全仓杀入,破釜沉舟,背水一战,不成功,便成仁。 I have made up my mind to take a flyer investing all the money to buy the stock as soon as the market is opened. I will fight to win or die.
不管它是一种叛逆的态度还是破釜沉舟的态度,有着相似态度倾向的人们就会买这个品牌,因为品牌的主张和他们关联。 Whether it is a rebellious attitude or a do or die attitude, people with a similar mindset will buy the brand because the message connects to them.
正如张总所说:“如果不是我们拥有着破釜沉舟的勇气和‘横下一条心’来做事的决心,按照科学的发展规律前进,那么也没有光华的今天。” As always, ” if it’s not our courage and crossing the Rubicon ‘ steal hearts beat as one ‘ work are determined, in accordance with the development of science, so there is no Bachelors today.”
破釜沉舟 pòfǔchénzhōu破釜沉舟的意思和解释:比喻下决心不顾一切地干到底。破釜沉舟的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“项羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,烧庐舍,持三日粮,以示士
破釜沉舟 pòfǔchénzhōu破釜沉舟的意思和解释:比喻下决心不顾一切地干到底。破釜沉舟的出处《史记·项羽本纪》:“项羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,烧庐舍,持三日粮,以示士
词语大全 积羽沉舟 [jī yǔ chén zhōu]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
积羽沉舟 [jīyǔchénzhōu][积羽沉舟]成语解释羽毛虽轻,积多了也能把船压沉。比喻小小的坏事积累起来就会造成严重的后果。[积羽沉舟]成语出处《战国策·魏策一》:“臣闻积
破釜沉舟造句 一:火势不断的蔓延,为了保住性命。小李决定破釜沉舟,从楼上跳了下去。 二:此刻只有破釜沉舟地奋力一搏,才有机会扭转目前的局势。 三:大家要有破釜沉舟的决心,才能战胜一切困难,完成任
词语大全 小隙沉舟 [xiǎo xì chén zhōu]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
小隙沉舟 [xiǎoxìchénzhōu][小隙沉舟]成语解释隙:裂缝。指小小的裂缝可以使整个船只沉没。比喻小差错能酿成大灾害。[小隙沉舟]成语出处《关尹子·九药》:“勿轻小事,
群轻折轴 qúnqīngzhézhóu群轻折轴的意思和解释:轻的东西积多了,也能压断车轴。比喻听任小的坏事发展下去,也能造成严重后果。群轻折轴的出处《战国策·魏策一》:“臣闻积羽
群轻折轴 qúnqīngzhézhóu群轻折轴的意思和解释:轻的东西积多了,也能压断车轴。比喻听任小的坏事发展下去,也能造成严重后果。群轻折轴的出处《战国策·魏策一》:“臣闻积羽