词语大全 稳操胜算造句_稳操胜算中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:生活的真谛从来都不在别处,就在日常一点一滴的奋斗里。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 稳操胜算造句_稳操胜算中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 稳操胜算造句_稳操胜算中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 稳操胜券造句_稳操胜券中英文解释和造句

词语大全 稳操胜算造句_稳操胜算中英文解释和造句

稳操胜算  wén cāo shèng suàn








  • 我现在对人生是稳操胜算了。 I am now a made man for life !

  • 反之,不能进入状态并持续下去,就很可能使本来稳操胜算的人终于失败。 On the other hand, being unable to stay in a zone can turn a sure winner into an also ran.

  • 目前,第二场官司,谢联已经稳操胜算,因此,对于孙继海的官司俱乐部肯定不会施加援手。 At present, the second lawsuit, has been linked to thank Wencaoshengsuan, Sun Jihai for the club’s lawsuit will not impose a helping hand.

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    词语大全 稳操胜券造句_稳操胜券中英文解释和造句

    稳操胜券  wén cāo shèng quàn







  • 只要做好充分准备,一定能稳操胜券。 As long as WE are fully prepared, WE’ll have full assurance of success.

  • 我们肯定赢,这场比赛我们是稳操胜券。 We re sure to win. The match is in the bag.

  • 在选举中,民主党候选人已经稳操胜券了。 The Democratic candidate has the election all but in the bag.

  • 他们认为当选稳操胜券。 They believe the election is in the bag.

  • 稳操胜券:确保胜利,比如在游戏中;确定。 Slang To ensure of victory, as in a game; clinch.

  • 慢而稳者,稳操胜券。 Slow but sure wins the race.

  • 几十年来北伊斯灵顿一直是工党稳操胜券的选区。 Islington North has been a safe Labour seat for decades.

  • 默克尔稳操胜券,这是一直以来都很明显的势头。 That is in large part because it has long been obvious that Ms Merkel will win again.

  • 一个来自威斯康辛俱乐部的奶酪工人称他们稳操胜券。 A group of cheese factory workers from same club of Wisconsin say they got the tickets safely tucked away.

  • 你们能寄给稳操胜券所提合同的估价,我方将不胜感激。 eg. We would be grateful if you could send us a quotation for the above-mentioned contract.

  • 这样一来,防守方不再稳操胜券,比赛局面将为之改观。 As a result, no longer defensive side win, the game will change the situation.

  • 很明显,是共和党以及早就在共和党内竞争中稳操胜券的麦凯恩。 Very obvious, is Republican party and early in Republican party petition in steady hold to win a coupon of wheat Kai boon.

  • 谁在竞争中拥有了文化力,谁的文化力开发取得了成就,谁就会稳操胜券。 Anyone who possesses a cultural power or gets achievement in developing cultural power will be certain to win in petition.

  • 谁拥有最雄厚最广泛的人力资源,谁就会在21世纪经济浪潮中稳操胜券。 Those who possess the most abundant human resources will be succeeding in the economic tide in 21st century.

  • 他除了县选举委员外,没做过任何官。共和党初选中他的对手似乎稳操胜券。 He had never held any public office besides country election missioner. His opponent in the Republican primary seemed a shoo-in.

  • 尽管承受压力,他可能未必会赢得绝对多数票,卡尔扎伊仍被看好稳操胜券。 Though under pressure, Mr Karzai is still firm favourite to win, if perhaps without an outright majority.

  • 找到希格斯玻色子如同探囊取物,科学既成事实,最好是个赛马的词,稳操胜券? Finding the Higgs boson is as near a racing certainty as exists in science.

  • 印象深刻的保守党人提议她作为达特福的候选人,工党对这一席位是稳操胜券的。 Impressed Tory officials proposed her as their candidate for Dartford, then a safe Labor seat in Kent.

  • 或者你们会在工作时的饮水器旁谈论它吗?看看论坛上说澳大利亚或英格兰稳操胜券的言论。 Or will you be talking about it at the water cooler at work? A look at the forum lines suggest either Australia or England as shoo-ins.

  • Ball教授说:“如果在财务报告的质量方面对代码法和普通法进行比较,普通法稳操胜券。” “If you look at the differences between code law and mon law in terms of financial reporting quality, mon law wins hands down, ” says Ball.

  • 经过几个月的刻苦学习,该复习的都复习完了,模拟题也做得不错,我开始有了稳操胜券的感觉。 After several months of hard study, the review of the review are finished, the simulation also done a good job title, I began to feel the full assurance of success.

  • 而对于《狂想之都》的玩家也是一样:想要在战斗中稳操胜券,就要有必胜的信心和准确的情报。 As for the “fantasy of all” players is the same: you want to battle certain to win, there should be confidence in the victory and accurate information.

  • 要说这位后现代电影讽刺大师所要打算的事情绝非这般简单,则稳操胜券。但他到底打算做什么呢? It is a safe bet that the master of post-modern cinematic irony intended nothing so simplistic as this. But what, then, did he intend?

  • 芝加哥,之前很多人认为会稳操胜券,却出乎意料地第一个被淘汰,尽管奥巴马还亲自到访哥本哈根。 Chicago, thought by many to be in the box seat, was surprisingly the first city to be eliminated, despite a visit to Copenhagen by Barack Obama.

  • 文学奖是今年宣布的第四个诺贝尔奖,数周之内期赢得期望值最高,引发猜测最烈者,才有望稳操胜券。 The literature award was the fourth of this year’s Nobel Prizes to be announced and one of the most hotly anticipated given the sheer amount of guessing it generated in the weeks leading up to award.

  • 高尔夫球方面,老虎伍兹在奥古斯塔举行的大师赛上一直位居榜首,第二轮得分66,再有两击就稳操胜券了。 Golf and Tiger Woods is making all the headlines at the US Masters in Augusta, where his second round of 66, has taken him within two strokes of the leader.

  • 福光即将迎来金融海啸中第一个来厂的客人,在此祝愿福光喜迎八方客,业绩稳操胜券,生意兴隆!订单滚滚而来… Fukumitsu uping financial tsunami first to plant the guests wish to greet Happo Fukumitsu passenger, performance certain to win, business is booming! Orders e rolling in …

  • 福光即将迎来金融海啸中第一个来厂的客人,在此祝愿福光喜迎八方客,业绩稳操胜券,生意兴隆!订单滚滚而来… Fok Kwong will be weling its 1st customer after the financial tsunami. Taking this opportunity, we wish Fok Kwong prosperity in business and orders rolling in…

  • 可恶的主人,正是利用了这一点才胸有成竹,稳操胜券,他只要在天堂的门口叫他的狗停下,就能轻轻松松的赢得比赛。 The fucking owner should know this very well; he will be the winner easily to ask the dog stopped before the dog got the gate of paradise.

  • 在当今信息时代里,市场行情瞬息万变。谁能把握机遇,讲求时效,快速反应,谁就能在激烈的市场竞争中,捷足先登,稳操胜券。 Who can grasp opportunity, effectiveness for a given period of time of be particular about, quick response, who can be in intense market petition, the swift-footed arrive first, be sure of success.

  • 稳操胜券造句相关



    词语大全 稳操胜券造句_稳操胜券中英文解释和造句

    稳操胜券  wéncāoshèngquàn稳操胜券的意思和解释:稳:有把握;操:掌握;胜券:能够制胜的计谋。指有把握取得胜利。稳操胜券的出处《管子·明法解》:“故明操必胜之数,以治

    词语大全 稳操胜券造句_稳操胜券中英文解释和造句

    稳操胜券  wéncāoshèngquàn稳操胜券的意思和解释:稳:有把握;操:掌握;胜券:能够制胜的计谋。指有把握取得胜利。稳操胜券的出处《管子·明法解》:“故明操必胜之数,以治

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    稳操左券  wéncāozuǒquàn稳操左券的意思和解释:左券:古代契约分左右两联,双方挌执一联,左券就是左联,常用作索偿的凭证。比喻有充分的把握。稳操左券的出处《史记·田敬仲完

    词语大全 稳操左券造句_稳操左券中英文解释和造句

    稳操左券  wéncāozuǒquàn稳操左券的意思和解释:左券:古代契约分左右两联,双方挌执一联,左券就是左联,常用作索偿的凭证。比喻有充分的把握。稳操左券的出处《史记·田敬仲完

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    词语大全 不可胜算的意思_成语“不可胜算”是什么意思


    词语大全 稳操左券的意思_成语“稳操左券”是什么意思
