词语大全 笑容可掬造句_笑容可掬中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢,最长远;平凡中的陪伴,最安心。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 笑容可掬造句_笑容可掬中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 笑容可掬造句_笑容可掬中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 喜笑颜开造句_喜笑颜开中英文解释和造句

词语大全 笑容可掬造句_笑容可掬中英文解释和造句

笑容可掬  xiào róng kě jū










词语大全 喜笑颜开造句_喜笑颜开中英文解释和造句

喜笑颜开  xǐ xiào yán kāi







  • 他一看见娜塔莎,就喜笑颜开。 As soon as he saw Natasha his face beamed with delight.

  • 纵然快乐,也不要喜笑颜开。 Never frown, even when you are sad.

  • 听到这个好消息的时候,我喜笑颜开。 My face lit up with pleasure when i heard the good news.

  • 听到这个好消息的时候,我喜笑颜开。 when i heard the good news.

  • 尽管天空有雨,但大多数人喜笑颜开。 Most were in upbeat mood despite the rain.

  • 听到这个好消息的时候,我喜笑颜开。 My face lit up with pleasure when I heard the good news.

  • 喜笑颜开地表示欢迎。 His face expanded in smile of wele.

  • 她只有受到表扬和奉承的时候才喜笑颜开。 She expands only when being praised and flattered.

  • 听说他的文章获得了一等奖,他喜笑颜开。 His face lit up with pleasure when news came that his essay had won first prize.

  • 喜笑颜开地表示欢迎。 His face expanded in a smile of wele.

  • 驾着船在海湾里放歌一曲,少年水手会喜笑颜开! O well for the sailor lad, That he sings in his boat on the bay!

  • 比拿雅看着那枚戒指上的文字,禁不住喜笑颜开。 When Benaiah read the words on the ring, his face broke out in a wide smile.

  • 股民们拿到了 2 0 %的红利 ,个个喜笑颜开。 Shareholders took the bonus of 2 0 % , each light up with pleasure.

  • 在一大堆喜笑颜开的陌生的脸当中,他瞥见了一些老朋友。 In the sea of grinning, unfamiliar faces he caught glimpses of friends.

  • 但是他们是懒惰的,他们不把理想付诸行动,他们喜笑颜开。 But they are lazy, they do not ideal into action, they light up with pleasure.

  • 岁末年终,中介机构在盘点一年的收成时,也大多喜笑颜开。 Toward the end of that year’s harvest intermediaries in inventory, also mostly light up with pleasure.

  • 即使没有笑话,这些孟买哈哈俱乐部的37个成员也会喜笑颜开。 No joke is needed to get members of one of Mumbai’s 37 laughing clubs to erupt with glee.

  • 金丝小枣到这儿变成了喜笑颜开,你没想到吧,当然,我自己都没想到。 Turned the gold thread small jujube to here has lit up with pleasure, you have not thought, certainly, I all had not thought.

  • 桌子旁边坐着一个四十岁左右喜笑颜开的男子,他用膝头颠著一个小孩,逗他跳跃。 At this table sat a man of about forty, with a merry and open countenance, who was dandling a little child on his knees.

  • 遵循以上这些简单的步骤,你写出的商务假日祝贺信就能让每个收到祝福的人都喜笑颜开。 By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a business holiday letter that all your contacts will be pleased to receive.

  • 近些年来随着香槟产业的泡沫越吹越大,香槟区的葡萄种植商因葡萄需求量飙升也喜笑颜开。 AS SALES of champagne bubbled ever higher in recent times, grape growers in the Champagne region enjoyed soaring demand for their produce.

  • 纽约当官的也是喜笑颜开,城市预算赤字大幅消减,这其中投资银行的飙升的税收贡献颇大。 They have slashed the city’s budget-deficit forecast, in part because of the sharp rise in tax receipts from investment banks.

  • 假如领导偶然点名表扬,就会兴奋得一天都喜笑颜开,最怕的是家长总用“怜爱”的口吻说自己还年轻。 If by chance named in recognition of leadership, will be excited day, parents fear most is the total of “caress” the tone that he was still young.

  • 当你喜笑颜开时,审视自己的内心深处,你们会发现,曾令你们痛不欲生的,现在却带给你们无穷的欢乐。 When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

  • 还只是一个大学生的丈夫,在抬头看着正在点头的妻子那喜笑颜开的面容时,脑子里的计算器已经运算开来。 As he cast an upward look at the beaming face of his wife who nodded, the husband, still a college student, was typing away on a calculator in his head.

  • 本报今日讯(记者丁文亚)随着喀嚓作响的闪光灯,来自全国各地建筑集团的老总们高举著“鲁班”小金人,喜笑颜开。 this hearing today (Reporter kuwait Asia) with the light wind Kacha, construction groups from across the country have held aloft the mister “Luban” Xiao Jin, light up with pleasure.

  • 金正日显得有点缄默和缺乏感情,行走速度很慢,偶尔才会轻声鼓掌以激励群众。卢武铉则显得很陶醉于此时此刻,喜笑颜开。 Kim appeared reserved and unemotional, walking slowly and occasionally clapping lightly to encourage the crowd. Roh appeared to revel in the moment, smiling broadly.

  • 邮报透露,电影版情节丰富,而预算数目也同样庞大,这使得电影编剧兼制片人和导演的 迈克尔·帕特里克·金喜笑颜开。 According to the Post, the movie has both juicy scenes and a massive budget, which brings smiles to the face of writer/producer/director Michael Patrick King .

  • 在一个镇上,一个家里,一个男孩就这样的出生了,这个男孩的出生给家里带来了很多很多的快乐,作为这个家里的独生子,爸妈是喜笑颜开。 On a town, a home, a boy so of be born, this boy’s birth brought home a lot of only sons that the happinesses are this home, daddy’s mama is a pleased smiling face to open.

  • 我们真的为三分拼尽全力,这场比赛小伙子们展现了斗志以及团队精神,他们展示了他们的强项以及对胜利的渴望,这一直都让教练喜笑颜开。 We worked really hard for the three points and it showed the character and the togetherness of the lads. They showed a real strength and desire for victory which is always pleasing for a coach.

  • 喜笑颜开造句相关



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