词语大全 简明扼要造句_简明扼要中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:幽映每白日,清辉照衣裳。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 简明扼要造句_简明扼要中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 简明扼要造句_简明扼要中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 提纲挈领造句_提纲挈领中英文解释和造句

词语大全 简明扼要造句_简明扼要中英文解释和造句

简明扼要  jiǎn míng é yào









词语大全 提纲挈领造句_提纲挈领中英文解释和造句

提纲挈领  tí gāng qiè lǐng








  • 标题对全文起著提纲挈领的作用。 A title plays a very important role in an English text.

  • 提纲挈领比一大堆混乱琐碎的材料更加有效。 The quintessence of the matter is more effective than a big mishmash of details.

  • 为构建整个行政法学理论体系起著提纲挈领的基础作用。 Administrative subject theory is one of the basic theories of the science of administrative law.

  • 赵启正的文章讲了4个方面,提纲挈领,论述精练且又深刻。 Zhao Qizheng’s article told 4 side, concentrate on the main points, discuss chastening and deep.

  • 雅斯贝尔斯的《大哲学家》正是此一理念的提纲挈领似的尝试。 Jaspers’ own Great Philosophers is a sketchy attempt for such a history.

  • 编者按:著名学者厉无畏对整个研讨会各个发言的观点做了提纲挈领式的梳理。 Editor’s note : renowned scholars Liwuwei speak for the entire seminar various viewpoints done outlined style out.

  • 玄关的装修设计,浓缩了整个设计的风格和情调,要能起到“提纲挈领”的作用。 Of porch decorate a design, condensed the style of whole design and emotional appeal, want to be able to rise ” concentrate on the main points ” action.

  • 本文对1990年代以来的新闻叙事的范式转换特点做了提纲挈领式的概括和分析。 This paper grasps and generalizes the key characteristics of the paradigm shift of news narration since 1990’s.

  • 对宏观经济学的理论脉络进行梳理,能帮助学生提纲挈领地把握宏观经济学的理论体系。 Therefore, a good sequence of its ideas will help students have a good grasp of the essentials and main ideas of the theoretical system of microeconomics.

  • “公平的思想”亦是对森关于经济推理和人类幸福要素及其测量的研究的提纲挈领的概括。 “The Idea of Justice” serves also as a manding summation of Mr Sen’s own work on economic reasoning and on the elements and measurement of human well-being.

  • 对宏观经济学的理论脉络进行梳理 ,能帮助学生提纲挈领地把握宏观经济学的理论体系。 Undertake bing to the academic sequence of thought of macroeconomics, can help ground of student concentrate on the main points hold the academic system of macroeconomics.

  • 在服药方法理论的发展概况部分,本文提纲挈领的论述了历代医家对服药方法理论的认识。 In the first part, it summarizes the later generation”s specialist of the method of take medicine.”

  • 老师讲课只是提纲挈领,更多的需要学生提问并参与讨论,同时还要在课下看大量的参考书。 The lecture is not entirely teacher-centered. Students are encouraged to raise questions and join discussions and they have to read quite a few materials themselves after the class.

  • 全书共分11章,第1~2章提纲挈领,将动态网站开发所涉及的关键知识点做了简要介绍。 The book is divided into 11 chapters, Chapter 1 ~ 2 highlights, the dynamic web development as the key point of knowledge made a brief presentation.

  • 本文的绪论部分,对论文的研究背景和意义、研究设计及主要的创新之处作了提纲挈领的阐述。 The introduction was designed to expatiate upon the research background and meaning, research plan of the thesis and mainly creative place.

  • 党的十七大报告对科学发展观理论进行了系统阐述,在这种阐述中,有“五个是”的提纲挈领式的定位。 The Report at the 17th National Party Congress has systematically expatiated on the scientific view of development.

  • 为了提纲挈领地说明当员工代表公司开支时对他们的期望,公司制订了全球旅行及膳宿费用报销指导方针。 The purpose of the Global Expenditure Travel &Meal Guideline is to outline the expectations from the employees when incurring expenses on behalf of the pany.

  • 还要充分利用多媒体教学的便利,呈现情境,用思维图提纲挈领,引导学生进行思考,梳理线索,增强学生的学习效果。 And we also make full use of multi-media teaching facilities to show scenes. The thinking map is used to guide students to think and card clues for making students’ learning more effective.

  • 然而在这一宏大的主题之下,宪法与行政法之具体关系问题,虽有不少学者提纲挈领式的阐发,却鲜有深入细致的分析。 But under the big subjects, as so far as the concrete relation between constitution and administrate law, there lacks thorough analysis.

  • 这类「谁该从救生船抛弃」的某些问题,在太空总署一份谈乘员健康的文件中提纲挈领的列出,并由美联社透过资讯自由法提出要求后取得。 Some of these who-gets-thrown-from-the- lifeboat questions are outlined in a NASA document on crew health obtained by The Associated Press through a Freedom of Information Act request.

  • 《计篇》作为《孙子兵法》的首篇,起著提纲挈领、总揽全局的关键作用,它关注的是怎样筹划战争,即战争开始前的“算”,和怎样指导战争,即战争进行过程中的“骗”。 It pays a great deal of attention to how to plan and prepare a war, that is, the estimates before the war, and how to guide a war, that is, the deception in the course of the war.

  • 文章以江南园林的命名为线索,从清高自守,寻道采真,外师造化,托物言志四个方面,分析了江南园林建筑命名中蕴含的道家思想,意在给人们于园林游览的过程中一个提纲挈领而又通一知万的审美欣赏的带动。 The essay tells Daoist Thoughts implicated in the names of gardens in the south of the Lower Yangzi River from four aspects. It will help us go sightseeing in these gardens more interestingly.

  • 提纲挈领造句相关



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    删繁就简  shānfánjiùjiǎn删繁就简的意思和解释:删:除去;就:趋向。去掉繁杂部分,使它趋于简明。删繁就简的出处清·郑燮《楹联》:“删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花。”删

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