词语大全 素车白马造句_素车白马中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 素车白马造句_素车白马中英文解释和造句
素车白马 sù chē bái mǎ
词语大全 标新立异造句_标新立异中英文解释和造句
标新立异 biāo xīn lì yì
他故意要标新立异,受到了批评。 He came in for a lot of criticism for straining after novelty.
时尚不是跟随,流行也不是标新立异。 Fashion is not following someone, and tide is not doing something unconventional or unorthodox.
前卫风格——前卫的年轻人追求标新立异。 Halfback style — the youth pursuit of halfback does sth unconventional or unorthodox.
在商业中被叫做“标新立异”而常常受冷遇。 In merce it is called “novelty” and too often dismissed.
如果你想标新立异就选紫色,或者绿色香味笔。 If you want to go for the novelty points then choose a purple, or green scented pen.
他看到任何标新立异的事,总会一笑置之,并无恶意。 Cheer up. It’ll all e right in the end.
然而,最重要的是,我们要记住,不要让自己太标新立异。 Be careful not to go too far, though, in your quest to stand out.
人们玩游戏的时候惦记的是它好不好玩还是它有没有标新立异? When people play the game will they remember that it’s not new, or that it’s not fun?
讨论了创新的必要性、性质、内涵与前提,界分了创新与标新立异。 Discusses the necessity of innovation including its nature, connotation and precondition so as to distinguish the innovation from doing those works unconventional and unorthodox intentionally.
之后,在广告中明确提出自己是少数人的写字楼,极尽标新立异之功。 After advertising is clearly put forward its own minority office, presided by the best Kung.
青少年喜欢标新立异,但又不愿个别行动,于是新的「族群」纷纷出现。 Youths appreciate originality, but are not willing to go it alone, so that numerous young “clans” have arisen.
传统的规划设计理论和思想必须改变,标新立异不应是建筑师追求的目标。 Traditional design theories and ideas must be changed, presided by architects should not be the goal pursued.
对现金的竞争将会非常激烈,以至于一些项目很可能以标新立异的创新来吸引贷款人。 And such will be the petition for cash that some projects are likely to create fresh innovations to attract lenders.
现代与后现代既有联系,又有区别,其共同点为反叛传统、标新立异,具有先锋姿态。 There exist both similarities and differences between “the Modernism” and “the Postmodernism”. Their similarities are unconventional, strange and unorthodox.
我国的主流教育思想强调继承,创新在潜意识中被视为“标新立异”、“哗众取宠”。 China’s mainstream education idea places emphasis on inheritance and innovation in the sub-conscience has been seen as “unconventional” and “ostentatious”.
这也说明,对反恐怖主义技术的寻求,是如何美国政府带入标新立异、人称不健全的科学的。 It also illustrates how the search for counter-terrorism technology has led the U. S. government into unconventional — and some would say unsound — science.
摄影家约翰.迈克尔.库珀为这种标新立异的婚纱艺术摄影取了“消灭婚纱”这一另类的名字。 Photographer John Michael Cooper coined the phrase “trash the dress” and pioneered an artistic movement in what he thought was the staid field of wedding photography.
最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。 has been disguised as art, just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation.
当老二出生的时候,老大已经是家庭的核心成员,所以老二只有通过标新立异来创建属于自己的领域。 Because second-born children enter a family system in which the first-born niche is already taken, their incentive is to be different and to create their own niche.
在《天下贰》构建的虚拟社区中,玩家或标新立异不同凡响,或行侠仗义行走江湖,或号令众人攻城夺寨。 “Two world” to build a virtual munity, or maverick player out of the ordinary, or walking Hangxiazhangyi the political arena, public order or seize Walled siege.
他标新立异地提出,政府应当将更多的预算花在其他部门的建设上,这样在军事行动中军方也可以从中获得支持。 Heretically, he said that more money had to be given to other arms of government so they could help the military campaign.
格非是一个纯粹的小说家,他的小说以叙事上的独辟蹊径、形式上的标新立异为中国叙事艺术的发展作出了自己的贡献。 Gefei is a pure fictionist , his novels are unique in narration and form which have made great contributions to the Chinese narrative art.
店名修辞现象反映了当代人对传媒文化的追随、追求标新立异等社会审美取向,以及张扬个性、追求俚俗的个性审美取向。 The phenomenon of shop rhetoric reflects the social aesthetic tropism that modem people follow mass media and pursue innovation, and shows the expanding individuation and pursuing of vulgar taste.
所以在现代音乐会音乐中,很多的作曲家往往追求标新立异,打破常规的、传统的音乐审美,所以对于音乐接受群体就有了局限性。 So among the musics in modern concerts , many posers pursue the novelty of music by the way of breaking free from convention and making it untraditional, which limited the musical receivers.
所以在现代音乐会音乐中,很多的作曲家往往追求标新立异,打破常规的、传统的音乐审美,所以对于音乐接受群体就有了局限性。 In modern concert music, because many posers often pursue the traditional, innovative aesthetic values which gets off the beaten track, their works all have a limitation for audience.
商场上标新立异的潘石屹,在《阿司匹林》中饰演的“海归”却是一个中规中距的情场失意者,或许是反差太大,引起在场者一片笑声。 Shopping malls, presided by the Pan Shiyi, in the “band” playing “gain” is a Chinese regulations, the situation for quite a distance, perhaps too much contrast, the presence of a cause laughter.
从众到不从众,几十年以前在美国,在企业界做事的就是穿灰色西装,每个人看起来都一样,那个时代,不从众是标新立异,不为主流所接受。 Decades ago, Americans in the business world would wear gray suits, one looking like another. Individuality was a sin that was booed in the mainstream society.
作为“唐诸王孙”的李贺在短暂的人生中,呕心沥血,标新立异,创作了二百多首光辉的诗篇,其风格独特、艺术高超,自成“长吉体”诗风。 as a “Tang Sun Kings, ” Li He’s a short life, hard, the maverick, created more than 200 brilliant in the first poem, its unique style and superb art, since a “long-ji” poetry.
市场定位战略就是根据竞争者现有产品在市场上所处的位置,强有力地塑造本企业产品与众不同的个性与形象,并确立标新立异的产品品牌形象。 The strategy of Marketplace fixed position is to see the puters have the outputs at present, and the places of the Marketplace, Setup some image be different from others.
也许,这也正是我们这次旅程为什么涉及美术交流的原因,我们希望这些作品能够带来想像、冒险的勇气、对传统观点的挑战、当然还有敢于标新立异的精神。 And maybe this is why we are engaging Fine Artists in this journey in the hope that they can bring; imagination, risk taking, a challenge to orthodox views and of course daring to be different.
捐躯赴难 juānqūfùnàn捐躯赴难的意思和解释:躯:身体。指舍弃生命,奔赴国难。捐躯赴难的出处三国·魏·曹植《白马篇》:“捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。”捐躯赴难的例子捐躯赴难造
捐躯赴难 juānqūfùnàn捐躯赴难的意思和解释:躯:身体。指舍弃生命,奔赴国难。捐躯赴难的出处三国·魏·曹植《白马篇》:“捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。”捐躯赴难的例子捐躯赴难造
标新立异 biāoxīnlìyì标新立异的意思和解释:标:提出,写明;异:不同的,特别的。提出新奇的主张,表示与众不同。标新立异的出处《世说新语·文学》:“支道林在白马寺中,将冯
标新立异 biāoxīnlìyì标新立异的意思和解释:标:提出,写明;异:不同的,特别的。提出新奇的主张,表示与众不同。标新立异的出处《世说新语·文学》:“支道林在白马寺中,将冯
桑榆暮景 sāngyúmùjǐng桑榆暮景的意思和解释:夕阳的余辉照在桑榆树梢上。指傍晚。比喻晚年的时光。桑榆暮景的出处三国魏·曹植《赠白马王彪》诗:“年在桑榆间,影响不能追。”
桑榆暮景 sāngyúmùjǐng桑榆暮景的意思和解释:夕阳的余辉照在桑榆树梢上。指傍晚。比喻晚年的时光。桑榆暮景的出处三国魏·曹植《赠白马王彪》诗:“年在桑榆间,影响不能追。”
墙头马上 qiángtóumǎshàng墙头马上的意思和解释:为男女爱慕之典实。墙头马上的出处唐·白居易《井底引银瓶》诗:“妾弄青梅凭短墙,君骑白马傍垂杨。墙头马上遥相顾,一见知
墙头马上 qiángtóumǎshàng墙头马上的意思和解释:为男女爱慕之典实。墙头马上的出处唐·白居易《井底引银瓶》诗:“妾弄青梅凭短墙,君骑白马傍垂杨。墙头马上遥相顾,一见知
素车白马 [sùchēbáimǎ][素车白马]成语解释旧时办丧事用的车马,后用作送葬的语词。[素车白马]成语出处《后汉书·范武传》记载:山阳人范式跟汝南人张劭友好,劭去世后将埋葬