词语大全 绳之以法造句_绳之以法中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 绳之以法造句_绳之以法中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 绳之以法造句_绳之以法中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 动之以情造句_动之以情中英文解释和造句

词语大全 绳之以法造句_绳之以法中英文解释和造句

绳之以法  shéng zhī yǐ fǎ










词语大全 动之以情造句_动之以情中英文解释和造句

动之以情  dòng zhī yǐ qíng






  • 也许你动之以情,就能得到她的帮助。 Maybe if you appeal to her better nature, you can get her to help.

  • 经过该管理处晓之以理、动之以情的解释。 After the Management Service convincing people with reasons and moving people with feelings explanation.

  • 要改变他人的观念,只能动之以情,而不能动之以怒。 The way to change others’ minds is with affection, and not anger.

  • 再说清楚一点就是:这封信不仅明之以理,更动之以情。 To restate it a little more clearly, the Letter is not only intelligent and reasonable, it is also an emotionally moving document.

  • 动之以情,说之以理,诉立以法,是通识伦理教育的一般方法。 The general methods of general ethics education include empathy education, reason education and law education.

  • 动之以情,即以客户所喜爱的语言和内容来打动客户,令客户停留。 Move with affection, the language that loves with client place namely and content will move client, your client stays.

  • 在当前的基础教育课程改革中,动之以情具有重要的教育目标意义。 In the present reform of elementary education courses, “Appealing to Emotion” is of great significance of education objective.

  • 总之,动之以情,定能启之以行,情感性促销的效益是显而易见的。 In brief, moves it by the sentiment, decides can open it by the line, the emotion promotion benefit is obvious.

  • 动之以情,晓之以理,相信大多数后进学生会重新塑造自己,奋起直追。 Touch their hearts with love and instruct them with sound reasons. We believe that the majority of the student…

  • 染上艾滋命归天,还要家人没脸面”,通俗易懂,动之以情、晓之以理。 HIV Death life, but also family members did not face “, user-friendly and moving people with feelings, Xiao with reason.”

  • 教育过程中的动之以情要求教师首先要善于保护和激发学生的求知兴趣; “Appealing to Emotion” in the education first requires the teachers to be good at protecting and stimulating the students’ interest in knowledge;

  • 小心,也许你的主要竞争对手现在正在对你的大客户动之以情,晓之以理、诱之以利,以引诱他放弃你而另栖高枝。 You must take good care of your clients because maybe they are been persuaded by your opponents to turn to them.

  • 不料我竟不答应,他们便直接找我父亲,并动之以情,表示我若到军事委员会上班,因离家很近,便可就近照顾家人。 Unexpectedly, I did promise that they would direct to my father, and moving people with feelings that if I go to military missions for their close can take care of their families nearby.

  • 我曾在你写的书中读到,每场演讲都至少要有四个目标中的一个:提供信息、使听众感受到乐趣、动之以情和使听众行动起来。 Question: I read in your book that every speech has to have at least one of four objectives: to inform, to entertain, to touch the emotions, to move to action.

  • 本文分析了当前高校德育工作存在的问题,探讨了儒家德育思想的核心“仁”以及儒家德育方法中的“动之以情”的情感教育法。 The thesis studies the present problems of current moral education in universities, and analyzes the core theory “humane” of Confucian moral education and emotional theory “persuasion with emotion”.

  • 有些计划把重点放在机械的安全上,有些则强调通过遵守规章制度来保证安全生产,还有一些是依靠对工人采取动之以情的做法。 Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by observing rules or regulations. Still others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker.

  • 有些计划把重点放在对机械的安全防护上,有些则强调通过遵守规章制度来保证安全生产,还有一些是依靠对工人采取动之以情的做法。 Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by observing rules or regulations. Still others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker.

  • 诚恳地承认自己的错误和不足比起死不认错来,更能突现你的形象。不要以为强制手段可以解决一切,动之以情、晓之以理才是最好的解决方法。 Montreal is also a place I like going, with a good ambiance around the race and I will be doing my best to get a strong result for the team.

  • 孙林元也多次被区乡评为优秀党员、先进工作者,2002年被司法部评为模范人民调解员。“晓之以理,动之以情”是孙林元干民调工作常说的一句话。 Grandson Lin Yuan also is judged to be outstanding Party member, advanced worker by area rural area for many times, was judged to be paradigmatic people adjuster by judiciary 2002.

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