词语大全 翻江倒海造句_翻江倒海中英文解释和造句

Posted 成语

篇首语:少年恃险若平地,独倚长剑凌清秋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 翻江倒海造句_翻江倒海中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 翻江倒海造句_翻江倒海中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 排山倒海造句_排山倒海中英文解释和造句

词语大全 翻江倒海造句_翻江倒海中英文解释和造句

翻江倒海  fān jiāng dǎo hǎi










词语大全 排山倒海造句_排山倒海中英文解释和造句

排山倒海  pái shān dǎo hǎi








  • 排山倒海的电子信息也许会压倒美国的司法公正。 A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice.

  • 我没法看见陆地,我的四周只有排山倒海的浪涛。 I could not see the land , only mountains of water all around me .

  • 眼泪是快乐的,排山倒海地流,然后湿了一个世界。 Tears are happy, and an avalanche of flow, and then wet a world.

  • 并且发现在同参众两院交涉时最有效的因素就是排山倒海似的变革。 and found that in dealing with the Senate and dealing with the Congress, that the one element that was most needed was a sea change;

  • 精疲力竭的感觉排山倒海而来,除了恢复正常呼吸其他的事情都不重要。 The sense of exhaustion is overwhelming. Nothing else matters besides getting the breath back.

  • 海克˙克说,她在公开计画后,即饱受同性恋游说团体排山倒海而来的批评。 Heike Kuck said that she had been inundated with criticism by the gay lobby after making public her plan.

  • 如果这一晚,这种排山倒海式的哀愁又要来折磨他,那他只有一个好地方可去。 of sorrow was to assail him again that night, there was but one place for him to be.

  • 更别提乐队排山倒海般的演奏了。那与其说是爵士乐队,不如说更像摇滚乐队。 Not to mention the 2)blaring bands that were backing him up sounded more like rock bands than jazz bands.

  • 姐姐把手机朝向观众席,让我从电话里听一听场内排山倒海般震耳欲聋的欢呼声。 My sister put the phone to the stadium so that I could hear the shaking noise ing from the crowd.

  • 也可以用来描述东西排山倒海而来?「邮差送件来后,我们办公室快被包裹淹没」。 Flood can also describe being overwhelmed after receiving too much of something: “Our office was flooded with packages after the mailman made his delivery. “”

  • 虽然没有惊涛骇浪,但有一种排山倒海的气势在起伏,有一种雷霆万钧的力量在激荡。 Although no stormy seas, but there is a mounting momentum in the ups and downs, there is a strength in one another, who have.

  • 香港股市疯狂地上升,股价及恒生指数屡创新高,新股上市招股如排山倒海般源源不绝。 Hong Kong Stock market rises crazily, the stock price and the HSI create new high repeatedly, the new stock going on the market stock offering like moves mountains in a steady stream not .

  • 然后发生了戴安娜王妃的身亡事件。公众对这个死讯的反应如同排山倒海,却也令人不解。 And then came the death of Princess Di, the response to which was at once overwhelming and bewildering.

  • 一年一年地过,沉寂便在这个夏天排山倒海而来,让我远远近近的忧伤,都一一地跳跃出来。 From year to year before, silence will be intensively this summer, let me sorrow far and near, all 11 to jump out.

  • 假设任由外国资讯排山倒海涌入,有一部分人势必迷失在信息的 海洋中,忘了总体的方向。 Should information from outside sources be allowed to pour in unchecked, some people are sure to lose their bearings on the sea of information and data.

  • 在新浪潮排山倒海的轰隆声中,一座现代化的生态工业新城,必将诞生在充满活力的黄海之滨! Echoing the thunders of new waves, a modern ecological industrial town, is bound to emerge in the dynamic seashore of the Yellow Sea.

  • 开始做事的秘诀就是要先把复杂的排山倒海的事分做能做到的一件件小事,然后着手去做第一件。 The secret of getting star ted is breaking your plex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

  • 四月初,方下巴的改革者斯皮策,以排山倒海之势,动摇美林公司脆弱的市研声名,并使其岌岌可危。 In early April, a square jawed reformer named Eliot Spitzer shook with Poseidon-like force at Merrill Lynch’s rickety reputation for research and left it in shambles.

  • 表面上和平的神庙下隐藏着一个巨大的炮。他开火时那一场响亮的恐怖雷声给了它一个排山倒海的外号。 Underneath the peaceful temple plex lies hidden a huge gun, nicknamed “EarthShaker” for the vicious thundering noise when it fires, which quite literary shakes the ground.

  • 所以,在选前一片排山倒海的低迷气氛里,42%的票数其实正代表了选民对民进党仍然有很大的期望。 Consequently, in the face of the rather uncertain pre-election atmosphere, (being able to get) 42 percent of the vote represents the fact that the voters still have a lot of expectations for the DPP.

  • 在老百姓当中,蕴藏着排山倒海如火山奔涌般的购房热情,可这种热情一直被压抑著,被冷冻著、被禁锢著。 In the ordinary people are among the earth-shaking as if [the purchase volcanic enthusiasm may have been suppressed with such enthusiasm that was frozen with, was confined to.

  • 面对廉价劳工排山倒海而来的压力,企业主必须改变体质,改善工作环境,以降低离职率,提升士气及良率。 The best way to pete with cheaper labor sources is for employers to provide a positive work environment which insures lower turnover, higher morale and superior productivity.

  • 惟独共产主义的思想体系和社会制度,正以排山倒海之势,雷霆万钧之力,磅礴于全世界,而葆其美妙之青春。 The munist ideological and social system alone is full of youth and vitality, sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.

  • 似乎雅克布奇大部分时间都要对付排山倒海的文件,但几百页被全部或部分涂黑的文件使他的任务重点变得明确。 The document dump seemed to preempt Mr Iacobucci’s review. But the hundreds of fully or partially blacked-out pages highlight the monumental task he faces.

  • 足球运动排山倒海的豪迈气概—-体现人类理想的崇高;足球运动连贯起伏的流畅风格,体现人类追求的自由。 Soccer star heroic – embodies the lofty ideal of human beings, Football and smooth style, the coherent mankind pursuit of freedom.

  • 为奥巴马胜利而感到的激动如排山倒海,特别是在经过了一个把同性恋当作公众头号敌人的保守派总统当政的八年后。 Enthusiasm for Barack Obama’s victory was overwhelming, especially after eight years of a conservative president who, at times, made gays Public Enemy No. 1.

  • 我们半划著桨,半被风驱赶着,大约走了四海里多。忽然一个巨浪排山倒海从我们后面滚滚而来,无疑将给我们的小艇以致命一击。 After we had row’d, or rather driven about a League and Half, as we reckon’d it, a raging Wave, Mountain-like, came rowling a-stern of us, and plainly bad us expect the Coup de Grace.

  • 奥巴马的资金优势是使他能够用排山倒海般的电视、网络和广播电台的广告信息,甚至在视频游戏中插播广告,来压倒麦凯恩的信息。 Obama’s financial advantage is making it possible for him to drown McCain’s message in a flood of TV, web and radio ads. Obama is even advertising in video games.

  • 他仍记得光阴冢附近的小山上,闪烁的冰晶排山倒海般吹向废墟的情景,还有伯劳鸟那长满金属荆棘的不可思议之树泛著的钢铁寒光。 He remembered the glint of ice crystals blowing through the tumbled ruins on the low hills near the Time Tombs and the colder gleam of steel on the Shrike’s impossible tree of metal thorns.

  • 因为我知道,如果我下第一滴泪,那盒子里所积蓄的泪水就会排山倒海似的倾泻出来,也许会将我毁灭…我组织这次采访就是为了那天的到来。 I cannot. For I know that if I shed one tear, all the tears in the box will e pouring out and just may consume me…I am conducting this interview in preparation for that day.

  • 排山倒海造句相关



    词语大全 排山倒海造句_排山倒海中英文解释和造句

    排山倒海  páishāndǎohǎi排山倒海的意思和解释:推开高山,翻倒大海。形容力量强盛,声势浩大。排山倒海的出处《资治通鉴·齐纪高宗建武二年》:“昔世祖以回山倒海之威,步骑数

    词语大全 排山倒海造句_排山倒海中英文解释和造句

    排山倒海  páishāndǎohǎi排山倒海的意思和解释:推开高山,翻倒大海。形容力量强盛,声势浩大。排山倒海的出处《资治通鉴·齐纪高宗建武二年》:“昔世祖以回山倒海之威,步骑数

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    搅海翻江  jiǎohǎifānjiāng搅海翻江的意思和解释:搅:搅拌;翻:翻腾。江海翻腾。比喻声势或力量很大。搅海翻江的出处元·马致远《荐福碑》第三折:“他那里撼岭巴山,搅海翻

    词语大全 搅海翻江造句_搅海翻江中英文解释和造句

    搅海翻江  jiǎohǎifānjiāng搅海翻江的意思和解释:搅:搅拌;翻:翻腾。江海翻腾。比喻声势或力量很大。搅海翻江的出处元·马致远《荐福碑》第三折:“他那里撼岭巴山,搅海翻

    词语大全 排山倒海造句

    排山倒海造句  一:表演结束,全场观众爆发出排山倒海的掌声和欢呼声。  二:一股强有力的反抗精神在他身子里排山倒海似的汹涌起来。  三:可怕的山洪暴发,排山倒海地淹没了整个部落。  四:暴动的群众排山

    词语大全 排山倒海造句

    排山倒海造句  一:表演结束,全场观众爆发出排山倒海的掌声和欢呼声。  二:一股强有力的反抗精神在他身子里排山倒海似的汹涌起来。  三:可怕的山洪暴发,排山倒海地淹没了整个部落。  四:暴动的群众排山

    词语大全 回山倒海的成语意思及歇后语 成语大全


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    词语大全 拔地摇山造句_拔地摇山中英文解释和造句

    拔地摇山  bádìyáoshān拔地摇山的意思和解释:翻动大地,摇撼山岳。形容声势极大。拔地摇山的出处《英烈传》第四十九回:“乌龙镇上驻不赤龙舟,搅得翻江震海;大全港中做不得周全

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