词语大全 胆战心寒造句_胆战心寒中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 胆战心寒造句_胆战心寒中英文解释和造句
胆战心寒 dǎn zhàn xīn hán
时而忽跃冲天,时而忽坠深渊;处此危急之中,他们胆战心寒。 They rose up to the heavens, sank to the depths; their hearts trembled at the danger.
一想到明天还得受这份儿罪,就应该胆战心寒,夜里他们怎么居然还睡得着觉呢? How can they sleep at night for dreading the tortures of next day?
那个安全军官不由胆战心寒,后退了几步,他更希望机器人来帮他解决问题,而不是亲自与他们交战。 The security officer stepped back, unwilling to engage. He expected the droids to do his fighting for him.
我追寻爱的第二个原因,爱可以消解孤独——多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆战心寒。 I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness — that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.
我追寻爱的第二个原因是爱可以消解孤独——多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆战心寒。 I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness–that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.
我追寻爱的第二个原因,爱可以消解孤独——多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆战心寒。 I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness — that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the unfathomable lifeless abyss.
原则上他虽是一名热衷于大欧洲的狂热份子,但在1970年至1973年就任欧共体委员期间,他仿佛再度受伤。欧共体的官僚作风所分泌的“慢性毒素”让他胆战心寒。 Though an ardent enthusiast for Europe in principle, his stint as an EEC missioner in 1970-73 left him appalled by the “perniciousness” of its bureaucracy.
词语大全 胆战心惊造句_胆战心惊中英文解释和造句
胆战心惊 dǎn zhàn xīn jīng
你的声音,一个个顿时胆战心惊。 Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear.
我们的隆隆炮声使敌人胆战心惊。 Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
这个胆战心惊的男孩双手发抖,不敢出声。 The frightened boy dared not say a word, with his hands trembling.
不要把生命浪费在犹豫不决和胆战心惊上。 Do not waste life in doubts and fears.
胆战心惊的心理会妨碍外交人员的健康成长。 A climate of fear would arrest a healthy maturation of diplomatic personnel .
每一处都令人胆战心惊,这是珠峰南线最危险的地段。 Universally terrifying, it is the most dangerous part of the southern route on Everest.
我还是不明白。我只是知道他的想法足以让我胆战心惊! I really have no idea. All I know is that the thought of him really curls my hair!
被抢林弹雨包围的居民们胆战心惊,在混乱中慌忙逃走。 Terrified residents ran in panic and confusion as gunfire crackled around them.
低沉浑厚的鼓声,缓缓的表现出黑夜险境,令人胆战心惊。 Deep and vigorous beating of drums, slowly showing dangerous situation at dark night, making one fear-ridden.
被人问起时,我说奎尔的言语会使全美国的消防栓胆战心惊。 When asked about it, I said Quayle’s claim would strike terror into the heart of every fire hydrant in America.
这很难引起我的同情——这使我胆战心惊;但我还是不愿就这么离开他。 It hardly moved my passion–it appalled me: still, I felt reluctant to quit him so.
在那时候真是胆战心惊,但现在回过头想想,这是我做过的最好的决定之一。 It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
仁慈象王一听到这个可怜的迷路人那胆战心惊的哭叫,立刻就满怀怜悯和同情。 The Elephant King Goodness heard the sound of the poor lost man’s frightened weeping. Immediately he was filled with pity and passion.
在此期间,卢克·天行者和玛拉·杰德在尼劳安胆战心惊地发现:一个发育中的索龙克隆人。 During this time, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade made a chilling discovery on Nirauan: an incubating clone of Thrawn himself.
在十二个月之前的巴黎,随着雷曼兄弟公司的倒闭,汽车行业胆战心惊——山雨欲来风满楼。 Twelve months ago in Paris, in the wake of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the mood was dread—the knowledge that something terrible was about to happen.
然后利用胡雪峰和易立的快攻或者外线得分,江苏这套内外结合的战术体系足以令任何球队胆战心惊。 Then and easy vertical to quick attack or the out wire score using Hu Xuefeng, the tactical system which inside and outside Jiangsu this set unifies makes any team to tremble with fear sufficiently.
要是你有恐惧心理,这并非你一人如此。我们大多数人都惧怕某种事情,一生中至少有一次叫你胆战心惊。 If you have fears, you are not alone. Most of us are afraid of something – at least once in our lives.
娜塔莎说。尽管如此,这天夜晚娜塔莎时而激动不安,时而胆战心惊,带着凝滞的目光久久地躺在母亲床上。 But in spite of this answer, Natasha lay a long while in her mother’s bed that night, her eyes fixed before her, excited and scared by turns.
现在,当我有了类似冲动想去攀巖或是探索巖洞或是别的什么胆战心惊的活动,我就会提醒自己我不必证明什么。 Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I do not have to prove a thing.
现在,当我有了类似冲动想去攀巖或是探索巖洞或是别的什么胆战心惊的活动,我就会提醒自己我不必证明什么。 Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I don’t have to prove a thing.
这并不奇怪,目前已有研究表明,92%的伊拉克儿童都患有学习障碍,其主要原因是令有令人胆战心惊的氛围。 There was also a study done, that not surprisingly, 92% of the children in Iraq had learning impediment, due to a climate of fear.
第一个男人胆战心惊的说,魔鬼啊,你能飞起来,并且高过这片树林吗?魔鬼很轻易的做到了,便杀死了这个人。 Even more frightened the second man whose name was Eggbert said spell my name backwards a million times really quickly, the genie did acplish the task thus killing the man.
第一个男人胆战心惊的说,魔鬼啊,你能飞起来,并且高过这片树林吗?魔鬼很轻易的做到了,便杀死了这个人。 Nervously the first man said fly high above the trees, the genie did so and killed the man.
穿橙色球鞋的门将常常易于做出一些冲动的决定或者是让人胆战心惊的动作,显然他也可以做出一些世界级的扑救。 Your orange booted goalkeeper can be prone to impulsive decision making and heart stopping gaffes. Obviously, he can also pull off exceptional world-class saves, drawn from the top of the top drawer.
又是一阵炮火过后,一批敌人乱喊乱叫、胆战心惊地爬上高地,突然一颗颗手榴弹从防空洞里飞出,敌人又倒下一片。 It is after a fire, a group of enemiesluan han luan jiao , scared to climb the hill, suddenly from the air-raid shelter for many years out of grenades, the enemy has fallen one.
他对体育的执著精神与顽强的竞争意识使他的对手胆战心惊,但是他和蔼可亲,这使他成为美国,乃至世界人们的偶像。 His athleticism and fierce petitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an American and international icon.
我们大家都知道,家居装修,最让人头疼的问题除了质量与造价等问题外,还有一个让人胆战心惊的问题,就是居室的环保问题。 As we all know, home decoration, the most headache in addition to the quality and cost issues, there are a people tremble with fear, is the home of environmental protection.
他的做法使整个非洲和部分亚洲地区感到胆战心惊,因为在这些地方有许多类似的价值数十亿的土地合同已经签订或正在谈判之中。 He sent a chill through Africa and parts of Asia, where dozens of similar land grabs worth billions of dollars have been signed or are under negotiation.
曼联肯定会胆战心惊地揣测我们在痛失联赛冠军之后将会以虎狼之势赢得这场决赛获得足总杯冠军后那兴高采烈的心情他们必然要等到下个赛季才能体会到。 Man Utd will have the feeling that we had after losing the Premiership. They will have to wait until next season to get that winning feeling back.
像邦奇威尔士,拉夫阿尔斯通,和麦克詹姆斯这些名字不会让你胆战心惊,但是如果你把太多注意力都放在麦蒂和姚明身上的话,他们中任何一个人都可能拿下20分。 Names like Bonzi Well, Rafer Alston, and Mike James don’t exactly strike terror in your heart but if you concentrate too much on McGrady and Yao any of those guys could drop 20.
胆战心惊 dǎnzhànxīnjīng胆战心惊的意思和解释:战:通“颤”,发抖。形容十分害怕。胆战心惊的出处元·无名氏《碧桃花》第三折:“不由我不心惊胆战,索陪着笑脸儿褪后趋前。
胆战心惊 dǎnzhànxīnjīng胆战心惊的意思和解释:战:通“颤”,发抖。形容十分害怕。胆战心惊的出处元·无名氏《碧桃花》第三折:“不由我不心惊胆战,索陪着笑脸儿褪后趋前。
胆破心寒 dǎnpòxīnhán胆破心寒的意思和解释:形容由于恐惧而伏帖的样子。胆破心寒的出处胆破心寒的例子胆破心寒造句胆破心寒造句相关成语也有谦词和敬词之别,这和人物称谓有谦称
胆破心寒 dǎnpòxīnhán胆破心寒的意思和解释:形容由于恐惧而伏帖的样子。胆破心寒的出处胆破心寒的例子胆破心寒造句胆破心寒造句相关成语也有谦词和敬词之别,这和人物称谓有谦称
胆战心惊造句 一:在我生命中的大部分时刻,自我都胆战心惊地处理著和金钱关联——一边想要它,一边又厌恶这种想法,就好像金钱是肮脏的一样。 二:但是每一代都成长为受人尊敬的父母,都会由于下一代的死亡而
胆战心惊造句 一:在我生命中的大部分时刻,自我都胆战心惊地处理著和金钱关联——一边想要它,一边又厌恶这种想法,就好像金钱是肮脏的一样。 二:但是每一代都成长为受人尊敬的父母,都会由于下一代的死亡而
词语大全 心惊胆战造句 心惊胆战の例文 "心惊胆战"是什么意思
心惊胆战造句心惊胆战の例文"心惊胆战"是什么意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!他当然
词语大全 胆颤心寒 [dǎn chàn xīn hán ]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
胆颤心寒 [dǎnchànxīnhán][胆颤心寒]成语解释颤:颤抖;寒:忧惧,战栗。形容极度惊慌恐惧。[胆颤心寒]成语出处明·许仲琳《封神演义》第96回:“半空中一声霹雳,只震