词语大全 自始至终造句_自始至终中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 自始至终造句_自始至终中英文解释和造句
自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng
词语大全 始终不懈造句_始终不懈中英文解释和造句
始终不懈 shǐ zhōng bù xiè
完美的品质始终是我们不懈的追求; Perfect quality has always been our relentless pursuit;
拿破仑宣称:胜利属于始终坚持不懈的人。 Napoleon declared, “Victory belongs to the most persevering. “”
在他开始大学学习以后,他始终中不懈的努力着。 After he started his college study, he was making an unrelenting effort in it.
“创造精品,追求卓越”是新欣企业始终不懈的信念。 It is untiring conviction of”XIX”Enterprise that creating precision and pursuing outstanding.
始终如此坚持不懈直到你将表上所列的事情全部做完。 Keep doing this until you’ve gotten to the end of your list.
“健康天然、优质高效”是大健康公司始终不懈的追求。 “Healthy natural, high quality and efficiency” is the pany’s ongoing pursuit of health.
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,艰难的人始终不懈,坚持到底。 Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out.
艰难岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people slick it out.
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Tough times never last, tough people do. Tough people stick it out.
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Toughtimes never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out.
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Yes, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,但是坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out.
——艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。 Tough times never last , but tough people do . Tough people sick it out .
同仁人将始终以自己不懈的努力,贯彻执行厂“守规则质量接轨; Tongren person will always be in their own efforts to implement the plant, “Shou-quality standards rules;”
对此我们有充分的思想准备,也一定会始终不懈地把这项工作开展下去。 We are fully prepared for this mentally and we will surely carry on the job unswervingly.
集中注意于一个目标始终不懈,具有这种能力便能在任何领域取得成功。 The ability to devote unswerving attention to a task can produce success in any field.
对于那些试图种植自己食物的人来说,他们必须始终不懈地努力才能达成其梦想。 For those who try to produce their own food, they must fight an uphill battle to achieve their dreams.
他们对他那种不怕艰苦的精神和勇气,以及他那种始终不懈的虔诚,都称赞得无以复加。 They had no words high enough to praise his energy and courage under all hardships, and his unfailing devotion.
我坐在一号座位上,他挨着我站着,左手紧紧抓住扶手,右手始终不懈地继续用那把伞不停地打我。 I took the first seat. He stood right beside me, and held on to the railing with his left hand. With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella.
八年抗战,中国人民始终坚持不懈,即使在最困难的时刻也未放弃,最终打败了侵略者,取得了胜利。 Eight-year war, the Chinese people always persevere, even in the most difficult times did not give up, eventually defeated the invaders, and achieved victory.
虽然他很少有欢乐,却始终不懈地探索人生的意义,而且从青少年时代起就对文学和哲学怀有较大的兴趣。 Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.
多年来,我们始终不懈地把各级领导、信息与电力领域的伙伴及广大客户的无限关爱化作无限发展的源动力。 Over the years, our ongoing leadership at all levels, the field of information and the power of partners and customers unlimited care into the development of the unlimited power source.
作为经济上先进但又脆弱的国家的公民,我们必须始终不懈地提高技术质量,否则我们的生活水平就会下降。 As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode.
我始终不懈努力,让事情朝着正确的方向发展,给更多人梦想成真的机会,振奋人们的精神,把大家凝聚在一起。 I always tried to keep things moving in the right direction, to give more people a chance to live their dreams, to lift people’s spirits, and to bring them together.
我公司有60多位员工,经不懈努力,始终致力于机器设备的改进及再设计工作,只为实现一个至高目标:完美。 Our Company more than 60 employees who continually refine and re-engineer the machines to obtain that exclusive goal: perfection.
以“精益求精、拼搏创新”为企业宗旨,创鑫螺杆始终不懈努力,时刻追求更高的目标是创鑫企业快速发展的原动力。 With the tenet of “KEEP IMPROVING AND STRIVING FOR INNOVATION”, the Chuangxin Screw will never stop the development all time.
我是幸运的,我的父母一直用爱支持着我,看到他们多年来始终不懈地与病魔抗争,我告诉自己,我不是一个人,我并不孤单。 I was lucky that my parents have always supported me with love, for many years to see their ongoing struggle with the disease, I told myself, I am not a , I am not lonely.
艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。历史告诉我们,每一个难题都有始有终,任何难题都不会永远存在。 Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out. History teaches us that every problem has a lifespan.
在不断吸引和发展专业采购人才的企业战略下,CPC致力于打造开明坦诚的企业文化,注重有效领导力的开发,始终不懈地重视人才的培养和开发。 With an organizational strategy focused on attracting and developing the top procurement talent in China, CPC has created a positive and open work environment for our staff.
始终保持与时俱进的精神状态是我们贯彻和实践党的思想路线必须始终不懈追求的崇高境界,是不断开拓马克思主义理论发展新境界的重要动力,是学习和贯彻“三个代表”的内在要求。 The mental state of keeping making progress with times is not only a lofty realm that we attain unremittingly to carry out and practice the Partys ideal.
始终不懈 shǐzhōngbùxiè始终不懈的意思和解释:自始自终一直不松懈。始终不懈的出处始终不懈的例子始终不懈造句完美的品质始终是我们不懈的追求;Perfectquality
始终不懈 shǐzhōngbùxiè始终不懈的意思和解释:自始自终一直不松懈。始终不懈的出处始终不懈的例子始终不懈造句完美的品质始终是我们不懈的追求;Perfectquality
欢欣鼓舞 huānxīngǔwǔ欢欣鼓舞的意思和解释:欢欣:欣喜;鼓舞:振奋。形容高兴而振奋。欢欣鼓舞的出处宋·苏轼《上知府王龙图书》:“自公始至,释其重荷……是故莫不欢欣鼓舞之
欢欣鼓舞 huānxīngǔwǔ欢欣鼓舞的意思和解释:欢欣:欣喜;鼓舞:振奋。形容高兴而振奋。欢欣鼓舞的出处宋·苏轼《上知府王龙图书》:“自公始至,释其重荷……是故莫不欢欣鼓舞之
始终不渝 shǐzhōngbùyú始终不渝的意思和解释:渝:改变,违背。自始自终一直不变。指守信用。始终不渝的出处《晋书·谢安传》:“安虽受朝寄,然东山之志始末不渝,每形于言色。
始终不渝 shǐzhōngbùyú始终不渝的意思和解释:渝:改变,违背。自始自终一直不变。指守信用。始终不渝的出处《晋书·谢安传》:“安虽受朝寄,然东山之志始末不渝,每形于言色。
词语大全 终始不渝 [zhōng shǐ bù yú]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
终始不渝 [zhōngshǐbùyú][终始不渝]成语解释自始至终,一直不变。[终始不渝]成语出处《旧唐书·姚(王寿)传》:“卿早荷朝恩,委任斯重。居中作相,弘益已多;防边训兵,
感谢Nancy君的投递时间:2016-12-3011:34来源:本站查询 ,