词语大全 三番五次造句

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篇首语:所谓得体,就是有些话不必说尽,有些事不必做尽。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 三番五次造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 三番五次造句

2、词语大全 几次三番造句_几次三番中英文解释和造句

词语大全 三番五次造句





词语大全 几次三番造句_几次三番中英文解释和造句

几次三番  jǐ cì sān fān







  • 于是,他几次三番想把孔明害死。 As a result, several of the three he wanted to kill Kong Ming.

  • 大夫几次三番地叫我戒烟。 The doctor told me time after time to give up smoking.

  • 他妻子几次三番要他戒酒。 His wife told him time and again to give up drinking.

  • 开工前,他几次三番地和对方谈设计方案。 Started, he and several other three street Tan design programmes.

  • 几次三番要走,可是我们还是说服她留下了。 Tripling her several times to go, but we still had to convince her to stay.

  • 几次三番,她向他暗示鼓励,他却仍是木呐呆傻,不敢开口。 She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained dumb and mute (dumb and numb).

  • 几次三番,她向他暗示鼓励,他却仍是木呐呆傻,不敢开口。 She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought.

  • 周瑜几次三番的想取荆州,但是他的计划三次都被诸葛亮挫败。 Zhou Yu tries to take Jing Province repeatedly but his plans are foiled three times by Zhuge Liang.

  • 蓓丝经过几次三番畏畏缩缩之后,终于光明正大地从边门进去了。 Beth, after two or three retreats, fairly got in at the side door .

  • 他的家人反应尤其厉害,带着人到她家里,摔盆砸碗,恶语相向,几次三番地闹。 His family, in particular severe reactions, people with her at home, throw pots bowl smashed, verbal abuse against one another, several times to make three All rights reserved.

  • 几次三番没能找到坐办公室的工作,她这才开始向网络广告投去简历,决定做保姆。 Unable to find another office job, she replied to an Internet ad for nannies.

  • 自从蒋琦宣布要生孩子,丈夫就几次三番劝她:“升迁仅仅三个月,怎么就能生孩子? Since Jiang Qi announced want to have children, her husband several times on the three Fan advised her : “Just three months promotion, how can children?”

  • 尽管现代西方医学几次三番的向人们保证年度体检的必要性,许多人对此仍然持否定态度。 Many don’t think so, even though modern western medicine is predisposed to ensuring everyone that an annual physical is needed.

  • 他给我看他身上刺的花纹,他在那刺骨的冷风里袒露著胸膛,一点不顾我的几次三番的劝阻。 He showed me tattoo marks, baring his breast in the teeth of the wind and in spite of my remonstrances.

  • 我在书里几次三番的特别提到,对于投资中国,人们还是小心为好,因为中国经济可能有泡沫。 In the book I specifically make the point two or three times that people need to be careful because there may be a bubble developing in China.

  • 祥子照常去拉车,她独自在屋中走来走去,几次三番的要穿好衣服找爸爸去,心想到而手懒得动。 Xiangzi went on pulling a rickshaw while she, left alone in their rooms, paced to and fro. Several times she thought of dressing up to go and see the old man, but her hands were reluctant to move.

  • 几次三番用中文问她,自己做得“好不好”,得到的总是一个响亮而带点笑意的回答─“不好”。 ‘ (‘Good or bad?’) and the answer was always a resounding if chuckling ‘Bu hao. ‘ (No good.

  • 爱德华:“不,你告诉我你干了什么!你是如何和他尽情享受鱼水之欢,又是如何几次三番的欺骗我。” Edward Sumner: No, you tell me what you did! How you fucked him over and over and over, you lied to me over and over and over.

  • 据说广州某家银行分店的业务员,知道某商有钱,但查其在各大银行均无存款,便几次三番上门拉存款业务。 Guangzhou is a bank clerk in the store, a business that money, but no deposits of its major banks, they repeated visits pull deposit business.

  • 巴克退了两三步,福楼沙跟上前去,可他又向后退,这样几次三番后,福楼沙以为巴克害怕挨打,丢掉了棍子。 Buck retreated two or three steps. Francois followed him up, whereupon he again retreated. After some time of this, Francois threw down the club, thinking that Buck feared a thrashing.

  • 就在几天前,我刚刚接到朋友的来信,谈及计划为谢导办85岁生日晚会,谢导几次三番跟他说,不要忘了通知陈冲啊! Several days ago, I just received friend’s ining letter, referred to the plan for Xie Daoban the 85th birthday party, Xie Dao said repeatedly to him, do not forget to inform Chen Chong!

  • 由于王女士家住顶楼,每逢下雨屋顶就漏水,从两年前入住起几次三番找开发商及其指定物业部门要求解决,却始终未能如愿。 As Dr. Wong who went, whenever it rains the roof leaks, from two years ago has been repeated for the designation of the property sector and its requirements for developers to address, but never got.

  • 现在在公司,我都怀念我的哈利,几次三番的打电话回家,问我妈:“哈利好些了没?”害得我妈都吃醋:“你关心它比关心我还多哩!” Now the pany, I miss my Harry, tripled the number of call home and asked my mother: “Harry had better not« “Ma Haide I have Chicu:” Do you care about it more than I care!

  • 此后摩洛哥男的意图开始逐渐暴露,几次三番在极不恰当的时间来电说想我要我到他的公寓有话对我说,而结果每一次所谓有话说也不过是原始的身体语言。 But you will never believe how innocent he looked when we met again in the shuttle bus, and he even tried to persuade me that he loves me, which has turned out to be another lie.

  • 几次三番造句相关



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