词语大全 莫衷一是的意思
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词语大全 莫衷一是的意思
【莫衷一是的近义词】 无所适从
【莫衷一是的反义词】 一针见血
【莫衷一是的举例】 关于这部电影人们众说纷纭;莫衷一是。
词语大全 莫衷一是造句_莫衷一是中英文解释和造句
莫衷一是 mò zhōng yī shì
说好的说好,说坏的说坏,莫衷一是。 Some people say “good” and others “bad”, I don’t know who is right.
说好的说好,说坏的说坏,莫衷一是。 good or bad, no one knows the truth.
然而,来自其它国家的证据都莫衷一是。 However, the evidence from other countries has been quite mixed.
对这个问题的说法众说纷纭。莫衷一是。 There’s a wide spectrum of opinions on this problem.
所有这些眼花缭乱的报道让百姓莫衷一是。 All these reports so that the ordinary people no dazzled.
我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。 The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts.
但众口一词与莫衷一是就存在于排他与妥协之间。 But between exclusivity and promise lie consensus and ambivalence.
对中国美学的看法一直以来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 The opinions about the Chinese aesthetics are widely divided, unable to be decided which is right.
关于审判委员会制度,学术界众说纷纭、莫衷一是。 Concerning the judge mittee system, academic circles profusion of different opinions.
在“以人为本”的理论探讨中,关于主体的问题莫衷一是。 We can’t agree with each other on the principal part when probing into the theory of “people-oriented”.
关于婚内强奸行为的定性问题,理论界众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 There are different opinions towards the legal nature of the rape happening in marriage.
而我们谈论最多的以下十个问题,也始终处于莫衷一是的混沌之中。 And we most talked-about ten issues of the following, it is always in the very different opinions.
关于“所”字结构中的“所”字的词性,也是百家争鸣,莫衷一是。 About ” suo ” in character structure ” suo “character lexical category, also is hundred school of thought contends, unable to agree.
在法学理论界很早就被提出,对于答案则莫衷一是,尚无统一定论。 The topic has been put forward in the legal theoretical field for a long time, but still with no definite answer.
房地产业的大亨和专家纷纷走上前台,发表见解,说涨说跌,莫衷一是。 The purpose and real estate experts have step forward, express views that could say or varies.
长期以来,西方学者对基督教与科学之间的关系探讨众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 The studys of relation between science and religion have had many different doctrines conducted by western scholars long time ago.
各种唱名方法的应用中究竟孰优孰劣,国内音乐界争论了几十年,莫衷一是。 It has been discussed for many years that which sol-fa training method is better in the internal music field.
但在司法实践中,如何界定黑社会性质组织这一问题,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 But in the judicial practice, how limits the organized crime nature to organize this question, has wide divided opinions, unable to agree.
两个涉及房地产业的主管部门观点令苦于高房价的消费者和房地产企业莫衷一是。 The two departments involved in the real estate industry perspective to suffer from high prices to consumers and the real estate business naturally.
老师们对这个女孩的意见莫衷一是,有的认为她不应受责备,有的希望她受到处罚。 The teachers disagree over the girl; some think she cannot be blamed, others want her to be punished.
高校思想政治理论课教学实效性一直以来是学术界关注的焦点,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 The teaching effectiveness of the course “Ideological and Political Theory” in colleges and universities is highly controversial.
针对它的时代归属、创作权及摹本时代等问题,学者们见仁见智,各执己见,莫衷一是。 Scholars have expressed their ideas about the time of its creation, the authorship of the painting, and the copy of it, but their ideas differ from one another.
虽然国语的结果式在近二十年来引起热烈的讨论,但关于其论元体现的方式至今仍莫衷一是。 Although resultatives in Mandarin Chinese has been an intensely debated topic over the last two decades, no clear consensus on how the verbal arguments are realized has emerged.
只是他不知女人究竟如何,所有想像,当然怪诞离奇,莫衷一是,更是从来不敢与师兄弟提及。 However, his imagination of such affairs was somehow strange for he had so little knowledge of woman and rarely told it to his disciple brothers.
当前比较文学与世界文学学科,提出了许多令人关注的问题,人们对这些问题的看法莫衷一是,众说纷纭。 The current development of parative literature and world literature as a school course has raised many issues of great concern, on which views are various.
虽然在评价他的世界观和他的作品时人们莫衷一是,可对他的文体风格人们却一致认为在世界文坛独树一帜。 People may have different opinions while setting a valuation on his world outlook and his writings, but unanimously agree that his style is unique in the literary circles of the world.
由于维特根斯坦独特的思考方式和写作风格,在哲学史上引起了针对私人语言的激烈争论,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 Because of his unique way of thinking and style of writing, the private language argument has inspired furious disputation among many bright philosophers. So far, there is no assent conclusion.
在西方思想史上,众多思想家,从古希腊的苏格拉底到近代的罗尔斯,提出各种各样的正义观,对何为正义莫衷一是。 In the history of Western thoughts, numerous thinkers, from the ancient Greek Socrates to the modern Rawls, put forward various kinds of views on justice, but they held no mon view.
且不说专家们对房地产市场究竟有无泡沫这样的基本问题莫衷一是,有的专家甚至对房地产业究竟“热不热”的态度都很暧昧。 Quite apart from the experts on the real estate market is not a bubble such basic issues among some experts even for the real estate industry is “hot-hot” attitude is ambiguous.
莫衷一是 mòzhōngyīshì莫衷一是的意思和解释:不能决定哪个是对的。形容意见分歧,没有一致的看法。莫衷一是的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第三回:“诸将或言固守待援,或言决一死战
莫衷一是 mòzhōngyīshì莫衷一是的意思和解释:不能决定哪个是对的。形容意见分歧,没有一致的看法。莫衷一是的出处清·吴趼人《痛史》第三回:“诸将或言固守待援,或言决一死战
莫衷一是造句 一:关于教育本质的讨论长达多年,莫衷一是。 二:由于劳资双方对于薪资多寡始终莫衷一是,导致这次和谈不了了之。 三:关于不真正连带债务的定义观点纷呈,莫衷一是。 四:该理论问题十分
莫衷一是造句 一:关于教育本质的讨论长达多年,莫衷一是。 二:由于劳资双方对于薪资多寡始终莫衷一是,导致这次和谈不了了之。 三:关于不真正连带债务的定义观点纷呈,莫衷一是。 四:该理论问题十分
词语大全 一是一,二是二的意思_成语“一是一,二是二”是什么意思
词语大全 说一是一,说二是二的意思_成语“说一是一,说二是二”是什么意思