词语大全 挖空心思是什么意思及造句 成语大全

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1、词语大全 挖空心思是什么意思及造句 成语大全

2、词语大全 挖空心思造句_挖空心思中英文解释和造句

词语大全 挖空心思是什么意思及造句 成语大全

中文发音: wā kōng xīn sī


成语出处:清 俞万春《荡寇志》:“今此贼挖空心思,用到如许密计,图我安如泰山之郓城。”


词语大全 挖空心思造句_挖空心思中英文解释和造句

挖空心思  wā kōng xīn sī







  • 挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了。 He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing .

  • 这成各大广告主成天挖空心思琢磨的问题。 This major advertisers into their brains all day long pondered the question.

  • 家庭主妇们总是挖空心思用棉制品扮靓居室。 Housewives are always trying to pick cotton products premises.

  • 为了达到这个目标,它会挖空心思,不遗余力。 In order to achieve this goal, it will rack their brains, to spare no effort.

  • 圣诞节前的教室布置比赛,让学生挖空心思、互打擂台。 A classroom decoration contest before Christmas had the students racking their brains to be number one.

  • 我潦草地书写…我挖空心思地想复杂的中文字写在纸上。 I scribbled away…emptying my vast knowledge of plex Chinese characters into the paper.

  • 他们总是挖空心思,想出些捞钱的点子。听我的话,别去参与。 They are always dreaming up some money-making scheme or other. Take my tip and have nothing to do with them.

  • 无论什么主题,开发商都挖空心思的制造一种依山伴水的人文意境。 Whatever theme, develop business the humanitarian artistic conception that the production of rack one’s brains acpanies water one kind according to hill.

  • 这次事件,再一次反映骨灰位严重短缺,使人挖空心思,以图赚取暴利。 The affair again shows cinerary urn spaces are in such short supply that many have racked their brains to make huge profits.

  • 各国都千方百计为保住本国人才资源,发达国家挖空心思地争夺别国人才。 All of the countries try in every possible way to preserve the national talent resources. The developed countries rack their brains trying to fight for talent in other countries.

  • 当时还以年息10%向员工集资,更别提挖空心思从金融系统高息贷款了。 At that time also to raise funds to staff at 10%, not to mention any direct high-interest loans from the financial system.

  • 我的范妮是世界上最聪明的女人,我一直在挖空心思找她的缺点,可就是找不到。 My Fanny is the most intelligent woman in the world. I have been searching and searching to find a flaw in her –but there’s not one.

  • 强权就会产生腐败,大家开始挖空心思去讨好他,贿赂他,搞得整个小团体乌烟障气。 Might can generate corruption, everybody begins rack one’s brains to please him, boodle he, do whole barrier of smoke of small group black is angry.

  • 强权就会产生腐败,大家开始挖空心思去讨好他,贿赂他,搞得整个小团体乌烟障气。 Power will be corruption and everyone started trying to curry favor with him, bribe him, the small group out cigarettes over Ukraine gas.

  • 更为严重的是,一些开发商还挖空心思,采取“假按揭”等不正当方式骗取银行贷款。 Even more serious is that some developers have always taken a “false mortgage” improper means for bank loans.

  • 呵呵,这个故事告诉我们,要找一个老实可靠的男朋友,这样就不用整天费心挖空心思。 If you would only show me a few of your smiles I would show you all of mine.

  • 你知道么,亲爱的雅,为了节目的收视率,每天我都得挖空心思想一些奇妙的东西来报道。 Do you know how hard it is to e up with another fascinating tidbit every day?

  • 当然,情况并不像外表那样单纯,业界为了牟利,无不挖空心思,力求改变智慧电脑的应用功能。 Of course, the situation was not as simple as it seemed. In order to win profits, business organizations had done their best to change the applications of the AI Computer.

  • 当别人挖空心思摆弄子虚乌有的办公室棋局的时候,你可以积极把时间用来赢取你周围人的信任。 While some people spend their time playing an imaginary game of office chess, you can be actively earning the trust of key players around you.

  • 也有玩家表示,不管哪家公司都在挖空心思地赚玩家的钱,“只要能把玩家放在第一,谁代理都一样”。 Also the player expresses, no matter which pany is in ground of rack one’s brains to earn the player’s money, “Want to be able to put the player in the first only, whose representative is same ” .

  • 从去年开始,北京房地产市场的竞争越来越激烈,开发商挖空心思炒概念、找卖点,以吸引买房人的注意力。 Starting last year, Beijing’s increasingly petitive real estate market, developers always speculation concept, a selling point to attract the attention of buyers.

  • 结果,从新的纤维、复杂的混纺、新的整理技术,延伸到全新的产品用途、成本、效果、生产、挖空心思的营销战略。 Result, anew fiber, plex blending, new arrange a technology, outspread the sale strategy to brand-new product use, cost, effect, production, rack one’s brains.

  • 小鱼们听了,各自挖空心思,绞尽脑汁,构想设计最佳方案,既能吃到美味,又不至于丢掉性命,什么方法才能两全其美呢? The small fishes think about the question, and rack their brain, and try to design a way to not only eat the earthworm but also avoid the fishhook. But how to make the best of both the worlds?

  • 眼下进入“两节”销售旺季,商家们也是挖空心思推出一系列黄金理财收藏新品,并纷纷着重打出了“文化”招牌吸引投资者。 Now entered a “2” sales season, merchants have also racked his brains to introduce a series of new gold collections management, and have focused on making the “culture” signs to attract investors.

  • 千年前老子所挖空心思写出来的“道德经”,庄子以及后来无数学者参与的批注,特别是林语堂所著述的“老子的智慧”一书等。 Laotse finished Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu finished Chuangtze thousand years ago. Countless scholars interpreted and remarked on the two books, especially Lin Yutang’s Laotse’s wisdom.

  • 骗子:这些作品中,许多角色都挖空心思愚弄或欺骗他人。细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。 Tricksters: many characters in these works try to fool or deceive others. Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create edy.

  • 它的目的不仅仅是用自己挖空心思找到的最喜欢的一个形容词“进步”来惹恼工党,它承诺的是“通过保守党的手段来实现进步的终极目标”。 This purports to be more than just a bid to irk Labour by pinching one of its favourite adjectives, promising to realise “progressive ends by conservative means”.

  • 一个别总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,~,然后在某个不经意的霎时,你会发明,向来是挖空心思想要忘记的事件真的就那么忘记了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

  • 出席的人聚集于华盛顿,他们对文献断章取义,政治丑闻活动者和极端的利己主义者喧闹著以吸引人们的眼球,他们挖空心思唤起人们对以往政治斗争的回忆。 The present crowds the mind in Washington: briefing papers, spin-doctors and big egos clamour for attention, blotting out memories of political battles that seemed equally pressing in their time.

  • 说起来也奇怪得很,他在人们心目中受到了同样的尊重,同样的敬畏,然而他却处之泰然,而且还挖空心思地使大家不受拘束,黑根一如既往,自愿处于不引人注目的地位。 In some curious way he inspired the same respect, the same awe, and yet he was perfectly natural, at pains to put everyone at their ease. Hagen as usual remained in the background.

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