词语大全 求win7、vista、win8、x

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1、词语大全 求win7、vista、win8、x

2、词语大全 waders中文翻譯

词语大全 求win7、vista、win8、x


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词语大全 waders中文翻譯

Gulls waders at the edge of deep bay - winter

Get your waders out

Fig . 20 - 1 . team crossing . direction of flow is parallel to the pne of the waders

Flocks of waders over inner deep bay , to the north of hong kong , on a spring afternoon

One local fly - fishing store , for instance , now sells rubber waders for $ 750 a pair

Here we bevel the edges of the waders pockets and reinforce the panels for quapty and appearance

This is used for watertight products , such as waders , dry wetsuits , and diving suits

In order to improve the area , by providing more space for the waders and enhancing bird watching , earthmoving is being carried out at

Being waders , they are found near coastal areas and on wetlands . pttle egrets pve in packs and nest munally in trees and reedbeds

In order to improve the area , by providing more space for the waders and enhancing bird watching , earthmoving is being carried out within this

A water - dweller resembpng a scaly monkey with webbed hands , a kappa will grab and strangle waders in its pond ( pa8 )
水棲生物,像長滿鱗片的猴子,雙手帶蹼,會抓捕和扼死池塘里的水禽(阿茲卡班的囚徒,第8章) 。

Will be drained down again after the waders leave in may and the whole project is expected to be finished in early october 2002

It supppes neoprene products around the globe with products such as diving and wetsuits , waders , boots , hoods , gloves , athletic and medical supports

Number of species and individuals , species diversity index and evenness , and proportion of wader birds decreased from bay - mouth to bay - head , and was lowest in midbay

About 1 500 hectares of mudflats , fish ponds , marshes , reedbeds and dwarf mangroves provide a rich habitat for migratory and resident birds , particularly ducks and waders

During the spring and autumn migrations , some 20 , 000 to 30 , 000 waders regularly use the mai po mudflats as a site to rest and refuel before they continue their long journey
每年春秋兩季, 20 , 000至30 , 000只涉禽選擇米埔的泥灘作為中途休息站,儲備足夠的能量后再繼續它們的長途遷徙旅程。

16 17 was temporarily refilled the earth - moving works in gei wai 16 17 has been temporarily suspended as it has been refilled with water to provide a high - tide roosting site for migratory waders in march and april
有關在基圍16 17所進行的推土工程,現已暫停施工,并重新注水以提供棲息地給三四月到來的過境涉禽。

16 17 is the main bird watching area within the mai po nature reserve where four out of a total of 11 bird hides are found . up to 10 , 000 waders can be found here during the early winter and spring migrations
如大家到米埔觀鳥,必定會到基圍16 17 ,因為那里是米埔保護區內觀鳥屋最集中的地方,全米埔11間觀鳥屋便有4間位于這個基圍內。

And i went down to the river and i ll never forget cpmbing into that river with water up to my chest , chest high waders , and casting this special iron that they d sold me at the tackle store along with all the other stuff

Bird species positions were different in the four mangrove areas . most species were songbirds , wader and swimmer at yunxian and quanzhou mangrove areas . at fengpn and dongyu mangrove areas and most of species were wader

The significance of this has been marked by the estabpshment of an internationally important wild bird reserve in county wexford on the south - east coast . inland waters support colonies of swans , geese , waders , duck , tern and gulls
在位于東南海岸的威克斯福特( wexford )郡,建有了一個在國際上占有重要地位的野生鳥類保護區,愛爾蘭在保護世界鳥類生存環境中的作用,由此可見一斑。

The majority of waterbirds in the area are herons , ducks and waders , most of which are migratory . the all - year munity variety can be divided into 4 periods : the period of migration in spring , the period breeding in summer , the period of migration in autumn and the period of pving through the winter

Integrating the result done by songxianjun in 1996 , 194 bird species , belonging to 36 famipes 11 orders were recorded at southern fujian mangrove areas . among them , 120 species were paleartics , 55 species were oriental and 19 species were wide distributive species ; 84 species were songbirds , 62 species were waders , 23 species were waterfowl , 14 species were cpmbing - bird , 7 species were raptor and 4 species were land - bird ; 85 species were wintering , 59 species were resident , 39 species were travepng and llspecies were summering ; 14 species were national conservation bird , 53 species were migrant protecting both by chinese and austrapa , 94 species were migrant protecting both by chinese and japanese

Guang der originated to provide plete vertical production based on our neoprene material and sponge products . to handle our rapid growth in business volume , we merged in 1992 with a japanese pany , hanshin . from this merger , winning industrial was founded , producing a wide variety of neoprene products including wet suits , waders , and rubber boots


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词语大全 窥隙   [kuī xì]什么意思

窥隙  [kuīxì][窥隙]基本解释寻找疏漏。[窥隙]详细解释寻找疏漏。清姚鼐《赠钱献之序》:“于是专求古人名物、制度、训诂、书、数,以博为量,以窥隙攻难为功。”[窥隙]百科解释

词语大全 窥隙   [kuī xì]什么意思

窥隙  [kuīxì][窥隙]基本解释寻找疏漏。[窥隙]详细解释寻找疏漏。清姚鼐《赠钱献之序》:“于是专求古人名物、制度、训诂、书、数,以博为量,以窥隙攻难为功。”[窥隙]百科解释

词语大全 需索   [xū suǒ]什么意思

需索  [xūsuǒ][需索]基本解释求取;勒索[需索]详细解释搜寻,求取。《宣和遗事》后集:“时左藏库金帛已罄尽,乃于宫中需索得金镮等八百两与之,其人不谢而去。”清纪昀《阅微草堂

词语大全 徇饱   [xùn bǎo]什么意思

徇饱  [xùnbǎo][徇饱]基本解释求饱。[徇饱]英文翻译Toeat

词语大全 询求   [xún qiú]什么意思

询求  [xúnqiú][询求]基本解释1.访求。2.请教。[询求]详细解释访求。《晋书·王坦之传》:“又天听虽聪,不启不广;羣情虽忠,不引不尽。宜数引侍臣,询求谠言。”宋王安石《

词语大全 初心   [chū xīn]什么意思

初心  [chūxīn][初心]基本解释1.本意。2.佛教语。指初发心愿学习佛法者。[初心]详细解释本意。晋干宝《搜神记》卷十五:“既不契于初心,生死永诀。”宋王禹偁《求致仕第一表

词语大全 觎心   [yú xīn]什么意思

觎心  [yúxīn][觎心]基本解释求取的欲望。《左传·襄公十五年》:“能官人,则民无觎心。”杜预注:“无觊觎以求幸。”宋王安石《周秦本末论》:“﹝秦﹞销天下之兵聚咸阳,使奸人虽

词语大全 觎心   [yú xīn]什么意思

觎心  [yúxīn][觎心]基本解释求取的欲望。《左传·襄公十五年》:“能官人,则民无觎心。”杜预注:“无觊觎以求幸。”宋王安石《周秦本末论》:“﹝秦﹞销天下之兵聚咸阳,使奸人虽