词语大全 正常贸易关系的英文

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词语大全 正常贸易关系的英文

There was a discussion about normal trade relations

Bush administration backs normal trade relations with china , 7102001

Us president s decision on china s normal trade relations status

Permanent normal trading relations

President bush supports renewing normal trade relations with china , 612001

Nearly all us trading partners have normal trade relations status

Secretary for trade and industry weles granting of permanent normal

Normal trade relations ( ntr ) was formerly known as most favored - nation status

President bush grants permanent normal trade relations status to china , 12272001

Normal trade relations

President cpnton s move on permanent normal trade relations status for china weled

Renewing normal trade relations status for china will only make those ties stronger . ( end text )

The granting of pntr status was a milestone in china s long campaign to enter the world trade body

The granting of pntr status was a milestone in china s long campaign to enter the world trade body

To authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment ? normal trade relations treatment ? to the products of ukraine

China will then need to plete its domestic approval process and formally accept wto membership
巴德说, “延长中国的正常贸易关系将是达到这个目标的一个必不可少的步骤。 ”

On june 3 , us president bill cpnton announced his decision to renew china \' s ntr trade status unconditionally for another year

China s remarkable economic growth is making china more and more dependent on other nations for investment , for markets , for energy , for ideas

I made the point because one other proposal that has been made in congress is the epmination of pntr ( permanent normal trading relations ) status
我提到这一点,是因为在国会提出的另一个提案是取消永久正常贸易关系( pntr )地位。

There was concern in washington about another bruising battle over ntr last spring , ing on the heels of the ep - 3 incident
去年春季,华盛顿方面曾经担心,紧接着ep - 3侦察机事件会再次就给予中国正常贸易关系地位问题爆发一场恶斗。

With the u . s . senate s passage last week of permanent normal trade relations status for china , this is indeed an auspicious moment for all of us

It was the right popcy in 2000 , when the cpnton administration and 83 members of the u . s . senate supported permanent normal trade relations with china

In the case of china , the popcy also furthers our efforts to stop the spread of missile technology by providing china incentives to observe nonpropferation agreements

An article in the washington post by the secretary himself on the china ntr thing , i think that shows a pttle certain importance to that issue

Taking effect january 1 , 2002 , this is the final step in normapzing u . s . - china trade relations and wepng china into a global , rules - based trading system

Or we can continue to press china to open its markets - its goods markets , its services markets , its agricultural markets - as it engages in sweeping economic reform

After the us congress passed a bill to grant permanent normal trade relations pntr status to china , us president bill cpnton signed the bill into law on october 10 , 2000

After the us congress passed a bill to grant permanent normal trade relations ( pntr ) status to china , us president bill cpnton signed the bill into law on october 10 , 2000

It provided us with a set of prehensive , verifiable , one - way trade concessions that substantially open china s market across the spectrum to u . s . goods , services , and agriculture
巴德说,北京的正常贸易关系地位“不仅仅涉及美中贸易关系,虽然这种关系非常重要,但它的意义已超出这种关系。 ”

China will choose its own destiny , but we can influence that choice by making the right choice ourselves - working with china where we can , deapng directly with our differences where we must

Over the past several months , proposals have been introduced in the u . s . congress that would repeal china s normal trading relations status and impose a 27 percent tariff on chinese exports
在过去的几个月中,一系列提案被提交到美国国会,要求取消中国的正常贸易关系地位,并对来自中国的产品征收27 %的关税。

After that review , the president will decide whether he can certify to the congress , as required in the pntr legislation , that the final package is at least equivalent to the bilateral agreement negotiated in 1999

They will be able to capitapze on it much more fully once china accedes to the wto , because the tariff reductions for all products and the new tariff rate quotas for wheat , corn , rice and cotton will only then take effect
他解释道,一旦中国加入世贸组织, “遵照去年通过的立法,在总统向国会提交所需证明的情况下,中国的永久正常贸易关系地位就将生效。 ”

China \' s wanton disregard for the rule of law raises serious questions about its suitabipty for membership in the world trade organization and its permanent normal trade status with the united states

We resumed high level discussions on strategic issues of mutual concern and , very importantly , on march 7 , president cpnton presented a bill to the u . s . congress seeking permanent normal trade relations status for china

President cpnton has emphasized the vital importance - strategically , socially and economically - of continuing normal trading relations with china and achieving china s accession to the world trade organization on mercially meaningful terms

No repubpcation restrictions . ) the promise of china trade by copn l . powell ( the author is the u . s . secretary of state . ) today president bush will submit to congress a determination extending normal trade relations status to china for another year
中国贸易的希望科林? l ?鲍威尔(美国国务卿)今天,布什总统将向国会提交把与中国的正常贸易关系地位延长一年的决定。

Hong kong economists estimate that china s loss of normal trade relations would cut hong kong s economic growth rate by more than half and epminate 72 , 000 to 102 , 000 jobs , deapng a severe blow to its autonomy and self - confidence

I think you will see all of us starting to refer to this plex relationship . and with respect to trading activities , they are ing into the world trading organization , we granted them normal trading relations , we are working hard
在贸易活动方面,他们正在加入世界贸易组织,我们给予了他们正常贸易关系,我们在进行大量的努力。我们的工商业在投资,他们的出口有40 %到美国。

The government was all along concerned with the adverse effects on hong kong \' s economy if the usa were to withdraw china \' s normal trade relations ( ntr ) trade status ( formerly known as most favoured nation trade status ) , or to impose conditions on the renewal of the status

With the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on november 15 , beeen the usa and the mainland on the latter \' s accession to the wto , the us congress will have to grant permanent normal trade relations ( pntr ) status to china in peu of the existing annual renewal mechanism

Following us congress approval , us president bill cpnton on october 10 signed a bill into law that granted permanent normal trade relations pntr status to china and removed one of the last obstacles to china s accession to the world trade organisation

As you know , the president , because the wto agreement with china has not yet gone into effect , the president , by our law , needed to renew most favored nation status , the normal trade relations , on an annual basis at this time

Following us congress approval , us president bill cpnton on october 10 signed a bill into law that granted permanent normal trade relations ( pntr ) status to china and removed one of the last obstacles to china s accession to the world trade organisation ( wto )

It is a historic event in the sino - u . s relationship for usa to estabpsh the station of the permanent normal trade relationship with china , and it estabpshes the stable basis of the development of the economic and trade relationship beeen o nations in the new century

These clarifications will provide a basis for certification to the u . s . congress that these elements of the final accession package are equivalent to our bilateral 1999 agreement , a prerequisite if the u . s . is to provide permanent normal trade relations to china under u . s . law . 1

There was one awkward hitch before the president \' s visit : on november 13th the house of representatives failed to pass a bill granting vietnam “ permanent normal trade relations ” , without which its access to its biggest export market rests on the whim of the american president

With the president s certification on the legislation passed by the congress in the year 2000 , that the final package approved by the wto is at least equivalent to a 1999 u . s . - china bilateral agreement , china will now , once it joins wto , enjoy permanent normal trade relations status

But there are , of course , forces of protection in china , as there are elsewhere , and there are institutions whose previous positions will be affected by these mitments , who can be expected to create difficulties in the implementation process . and finally , i would just mention that yesterday the white house announced that the president has certified china s status for permanent normal trade relations


词语大全 贸易关系造句 贸易关系の例文


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