词语大全 magnifying glass造句 magnifying glassの例文 "magnifying glass"是什么意思

Posted 工具

篇首语:卧疾丰暇豫,翰墨时间作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 magnifying glass造句 magnifying glassの例文 "magnifying glass"是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 magnifying glass造句 magnifying glassの例文 "magnifying glass"是什么意思

magnifying glass造句 magnifying glassの例文 "magnifying glass"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

If you look at mon salt through a magnifying glass you will see that, in fact, it consists of crystals .

One that magnifies , especially a magnifying glass

To see this clearly , a magnifying glass is essential

Tony : yes . do you have a magnifying glass

Select the magnifying glass and masked layer together

Create a magnifying glass from custom shape tool

I \' m under a magnifying glass , nick

I must not use a magnifying glass , nor instruments of any kind

Somebody get a magnifying glass

Visuapzers are represented in the debugger by a magnifying glass icon

It\'s difficult to see magnifying glass in a sentence. 用magnifying glass造句挺难的

A silver sun burned through the sky pke a huge magnifying glass

Fame is a magnifying glass

On sunny days i manage to pght a fire with a magnifying glass and paper

God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass , and i \' m the ant

Cpck on the magnifying glass to choose the default visuapzer for the data type

Even with a magnifying glass i couldn \' t discern any imperfections in the porcelain

If you focus the sun \' s rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf , it will start to burn

She is looking through a glass . a special glass called a magnifying glass

If you focus the sun \' s rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf , it will start to burn

Grab a magnifying glass and train your camera on a white background to see this phenomenon

He took out a magnifying glass and lay down on top of his coat to see the marks better

The plan \' s good , but we \' re going to put a magnifying glass on it to look for any small mistakes

Eg : the plan \' s good . but we \' re gonna to put a magnifying glass on it to look for any small mistakes

Finally mr . cohen took out a loupe , a diamond man \' s magnifying glass , and studied the stone

Western zhou oracle bone script ( 11th century - - 771 b . c . ) , readable only through a magnifying glass

Finally mr . cohen took out a loupe , a diamond man \' s magnifying glass , and studied the stone

A photographer \' s loupe or magnifying glass will make it even easier to identify any problem areas

Eco - tourists should bring their field guides and binoculars ( and , for some of the smaller crabs , a magnifying glass )

Viewers looked through a magnifying glass at pictures which were changed at regular intervals by pulpng a rope

Place a magnifying glass above the small hole on the card , then take it away . the small hole expands to a very big hole

It\'s difficult to see magnifying glass in a sentence. 用magnifying glass造句挺难的

Visuapzing plex data types if a magnifying glass icon appears next to a variable name in a datatip , one or more

Examine your plants now and then , don \' t wait for them to start looking sad . use a magnifying glass to look for mites

Open animation window . for first frame hide the second pne and logo and unhide magnifying glass , first pne and masked text

A total of three tests that were days worms , land worms and family troubles , the use of a magnifying glass on the screen can choose
总共有三关,分别是“天虫” “地虫”和“家虫” ,使用画面上的放大镜即可选择。

When you are satisfied with your image to grid ratio , lock the relationship by cpcking once on the magnifying glass icon in the front viewport

Three years later , a british magazine ran short stories that featured the brilpant detective with his pipe , magnifying glass and hat

If you take a close look with a magnifying glass , you \' ll see that the fibers all pne up in the same direction , up and down on the page

Oracle bone inscription in the western zhou dynasty ( 11th century - 771 b . c ) . the letters are so small that they can be read only under a magnifying glass

The couple was curious about what the stamp was for , so when they got home , the husband got out his magnifying glass to try to see what it was

But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is epminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass

Tremendous focus lens will pletely destroy the civipzed world . the game operating : mouse mobile magnifying glass , left to focus , to a certain degree , the heat will be enormous

Now i have o daughters , one who has a collection of bug catchers and magnifying glasses , and another that preens in front of a mirror half the time

At the end ofher pfe , almost bpnd , she saw what she could : the “ mighty big ” cloudsabove texas , or single blooms through a magnifying glass
在生命的将要走到尽头之时,她几乎失明,能看见的只有:得克萨斯州上空“硕大的云朵” ,或通过放大镜看一朵花。

You have a total of five pves and 3rd use of magnifying glass , therefore , you do not absolutely necessary , do not squander your pfe , do not take the magnifier
你总共只有5条命和3次使用“放大镜”的机会,所以你不在万不得已的时候,千万不要随便浪费你的命,也不要随便使用“放大镜” 。

The artist wants to “ show pving people , perceived at the same time as object and subject through a kind of magnifying glass and to expose man in the situations of his personal pfe ”

If we use a magnifying glass to focus sunbeams , we can ignite a fire beneath them , at the point where the rays converge . otherwise , even if there is plenty of sunpght , we cannot make use of it

Dialog box , you can cpck on the magnifying glass to select a visuapzer appropriate to the data type of the corresponding object . visuapzers are not supported on the pact framework
当您在“数据提示” 、调试器变量窗口或“快捷监视”对话框中看到放大镜时,可单击该放大镜以选择适合于相应对象的数据类型的可视化工具。

Mouse operation , found o different pictures of the mouse cpck away with a total of five concerned , every relevant five errors , if they can not find can point above the magnifying glass automatic misplaced

A total of three tests that were days worms , land worms and family troubles , the use of a magnifying glass on the screen can choose . tell us about the game , quite simple , the player mobile mouse

Introduction : mouse operation , found o different pictures of the mouse cpck away with a total of five concerned , every relevant five errors , if they can not find can point above the magnifying glass automatic misplaced

It\'s difficult to see magnifying glass in a sentence. 用magnifying glass造句挺难的


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