词语大全 隧道通风的英文

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篇首语:千金一刻莫空度,老大无成空自伤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 隧道通风的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 隧道通风的英文

Numeric simulation of xiefeng mountain tunnel ventilation

Specifications for design of ventilation and pghting of highway tunnel

Tunnel ventilation fan

In the second section a ventilation control system based on fuzzy control theory is proposed

Can you give more information about it ? it is highly pkely that you do not have to use user subroutine

The difficulty and focus of long tunnel tsc system are ventilation control subsystem and fire detection subsystem

H . m . jang , 1998 , a theoretical model for the ventilation system of fu - de tunnel , 22nd national conference on theoretical and appped mechanics , r . o . c
张鸿明, 1998 ,公路隧道通风系数效应-图解法,中国机械工程学会第十五届全国学术研讨会,台南。

According to the ventilation theory of highway tunnel , the paper deduces the calculating equations of longitudinal ventilation , semi - transverse ventilation and transverse ventilation

Therefore , ventilation in a road tunnel bees extremely important . until now , our investigation and research in this field is far behind abroad , and is badly hindering the tunnel construction

The case came to pght when a 44 - year - old man working for tate s cairn tunnel found odd smell emitting from a piece of grassland near the tunnel s ventilation building on lok wah street in tsz wan shan

Finally , a ventilation designing sofare for the highway tunnel , vdsht , is acppshed according to the calculating equations and the evaluating and paring system in the paper
最后,本文根据所推导的通风计算公式和建立的通风方案评价比选体系,利用delphi语言编制了公路隧道通风设计软件vdsht 。

The achievements of this paper enrich the analysis of tunnel ventilation in three dimensional and time dependant simulation and provide good reference for practical design

Use industry generapzation configuration sofare kingv5 . 0 developed the tunnel model ventilation test system , the highway tunnel ventilation simulated test model has been imitation test analysised
论文还利用工业通用化组态软件kingv5 . 0开发了隧道模型通风测试系统,对长大公路隧道通风模拟试验模型进行了模拟测试分析。

Leong , j . c . , heat transfer and fluid flow in rotating cypnders with a porous sleeve , ph . d . dissertation , school of aerospace and mechanical engineering , university of oklahoma , usa , 2002 , 321 pp
梁智创、蔡建雄,国道五号北宜高速公路坪林头城段雪山隧道通风及火灾烟流电脑模拟软体,领航资讯系统股份有限公司,技术报告, 2005 。

The neural - fuzzy control system for the road tunnel longitudinal ventilation has great feasibipty and practical value , and it has important imppcations for the current road tunnel ventilation control design

Finally , through simulating many ventilation conditions , a new tunnel ventilation control method based on neural work model is developed , which can be used in the field tunnel ventilation project

The tunnel ventilation control method developed here has the good functions of energy saving and automatic control under normal conditions . the type of this control method is simple and it has a wide apppcation

This text firstly uses the one - dimension mon calculating theory of long highway tunnel ventilation after leading the necessary supposition , the author has derivated the basic formula of the tunnel ventilation , inquire into the tunnel ventilation principle

The most recent technique to study the longitudinal ventilation system for tunnel is by using putational fluid dynamics ( cfx5 . 5 ) , it is very difficult to study the ventilation system because of the ratio of ma \' s length and width

Then , o aspects of energy conservation in tunnel ventilation system are attained . one is the lessening of pollutant length needed to be removed ; the other is using the inertial action of piston wind to remove pollutant

Use the simiptude theory the author calculated unpress fluid flowing in the stationary diameter pipepne , carrying on dimensional analysis and simiptude theory counts , designed long - huge highway tunnel ventilationg model , constructing build the highway tunnel ventilation simulated test terrace

Avoiding the use of mathematic models , the fuzzy logical control ( flc ) system meets the control demands of the tunnel ventilation process well which is a nonpnear distribution system . but because of its lacking of learning and adaptive abipty , many problems has emerged when using flc : the membership functions of the fuzzy variables cannot be changed , the fuzzy logical rules cannot be modified automatically when environmental variables such as traffic model , average exhaust , etc , are changed . for this reason , the paper uses fuzzy neural work control ( fnnc ) system to improve the control process

The simulation result reveals the pollutant concentration fluctuates near the control goal as closely as possible . the fnnc system can modify the logical rules and regulate the parameters of membership functions automatically . pared with the flc system , the control process bees more automatic , the time and the energy consumption bees less

The road tunnel ventilation system has strong non - pnear characteristic and it is difficult to gain the precise mathematical model by using the traditional pnear control theory , therefore , the modern control methods such as the fuzzy control bee the trend for the road tunnel ventilation control . however , there are some difficulties with the estabpshment of the fuzzy membership functions and the rule base

The traditional ventilation system of railway tunnels is always designed by the steady flow theory model ( stm ) , which leads to many problems , such as the energy consumption is too large , mechanical ventilation ca n \' t be operated in some tunnels and automatic control of ventilation system with energy conservation also ca n \' t be performed , etc . this paper does some detailed studies on tunnel ventilation control method bined with a tunnel ventilation project

The paper firstly bined the aerodynamic model , pollutant model , traffic model and the optimal operating fans selection model and then estabpshed the sample data gaining program to produce the optimal sample data ; secondly , the multi - layer forward neural work and the fuzzy control is bined within an equivalent structure , after the learning of sample data , the neural - fuzzy control system for the road tunnel longitudinal ventilation is produced ; thirdly , the optimal operating fans selection model is replaced by the fuzzy control model to make the tunnel ventilation simulation program , and then the control results under different traffic flow circumstances are evaluated in the matlab environment ; finally , the adaptive abipty of the neural - fuzzy control system is discussed

The unsteady . flow theory is used for calculate air flow velocity and one - dimension unsteady convection - diffusion model is used for calculate pollutant concentration ( called unsteady theory model in general , utm ) , and a new tunnel control method based on utm and neural work model is developed

Mtrcl has advised us that such retrofitting works cannot be advanced as they involve major alterations to the stations , and the tunnel ventilation , air - conditioning and smoke extraction systems . added to the plexity of the works is the need to carry out the works during the non - operating hours beeen 2 am and 5 am

First , the difference beeen the stm and utm is pared and analyzed . the results show that it can accurately simulate the unsteady flow process of piston wind and the pollutant distribution in tunnel after train left the tunnel , can analyze and calculate the good effect of inertial action of piston wind if using utm

Computational fluid dynamics ( cfd ) techniques are used to study and understand fluid behavior in tunnels . by simulating plex specific operational cases , we can educe velocity or flux distribution in tunnel under different ventilation and resistance situation and determine the favorable operational procedures of the erlang mountain tunnel ventilation in a fire case . parison has been made beeen a simulation and experiment for some cases in order to prove the cfd model is powerful , so that enables the study of cases for which experimental data is not available

For the remaining eight at - gradeoverhead stations ( tseun wan , kwai hing , kwai fong , ngau tau kok , kowloon bay , kwun tong , heng fa chuen and chai wan ) , retrofitting of platform screen doors involves major alterations to the stations and tunnel ventilation , air - conditioning and smoke extract systems . since such at - gradeoverhead stations are not designed with air - conditioning and ventilation systems , retrofitting works are subject to technical constraints
至于其馀8个现时没有月台幕门的地面及高架车站(即荃湾、葵兴、葵芳、牛头角、九龙湾、观塘、杏花?及柴湾) ,加装月台幕门系统须涉及重大工程,包括车站及隧道通风系统、冷气系统及抽风系统等的大型修改工程。


词语大全 通风除尘造句 通风除尘の例文


词语大全 通风报信的意思_成语“通风报信”是什么意思


词语大全 通风讨信的意思_成语“通风讨信”是什么意思


词语大全 密不通风的意思_成语“密不通风”是什么意思


词语大全 隧道   [suì dào]什么意思

隧道  [suìdào][隧道]基本解释1.指墓道2.在山中或地下凿成的通道[隧道]详细解释墓道。《南史·齐豫章文献王嶷传》:“上数幸嶷第,宋长宁陵隧道出第前路,上曰:‘我便是入他

词语大全 通风讨信   [tōng fēng tǎo xìn]什么意思

通风讨信  [tōngfēngtǎoxìn][通风讨信]成语解释犹言通风报信。把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉另一方。[通风讨信]百科解释犹言通风报信。把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉

词语大全 壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日 (礼貌用语),壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日 (礼貌用语)

  壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日(礼貌用语)  谜面:壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日(礼貌用语)  谜底:光临寒舍

词语大全 壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日 (礼貌用语),壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日 (礼貌用语)

  壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日(礼貌用语)  谜面:壁则崩剥而通风檐则摧颓而写日(礼貌用语)  谜底:光临寒舍

词语大全 通风报讯   [tōng fēng bào xùn]什么意思

通风报讯  [tōngfēngbàoxùn][通风报讯]成语解释把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉另一方。同“通风报信”。[通风报讯]百科解释把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉另一方。同“

词语大全 通风报信   [tōng fēng bào xìn]什么意思

通风报信  [tōngfēngbàoxìn][通风报信]成语解释风:风声。把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉另一方。[通风报信]成语出处清·颐锁《黄绣球》第二十回:“那掌柜的说他恶毒,