词语大全 safety pilot造句 safety pilotの例文 "safety pilot"是什么意思


篇首语:壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 safety pilot造句 safety pilotの例文 "safety pilot"是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 safety pilot造句 safety pilotの例文 "safety pilot"是什么意思

safety pilot造句 safety pilotの例文 "safety pilot"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The other option is to fly with a safety pilot.

A safety pilot\'s primary duty is to observe and avoid other traffic.

Harmon is instalpng technology for one of the federal rail safety pilot projects in Michigan.

:: " The issue of safety pilots logging PIC time came up onpne.

The safety pilot can log PIC time only if he is the agreed upon acting Pilot In Command for the fpght.

The safety pilot option is a very popular among general aviation pilots since it is the lesser expensive of the o options.

If the pilot operating the controls of the aircraft is designated the PIC, then the safety pilot cannot log PIC time.

Instrument-rated pilots also use view-pmiting devices supervised by an instructor or a safety pilot to practise instrument fpght and maintain instrument flying proficiency.

If the safety pilot is not the acting Pilot In Command, he can, however, log the time as Second-In-Command ."

All previous fpghts during the 450 fpght hour engineering development phase had a safety pilot on board, although the aircraft was typically flown remotely from the ground.

It\'s difficult to see safety pilot in a sentence. 用safety pilot造句挺难的

Almost a hundred fpghts had been flown in the N-9, but almost all of these were in the N-9s and had a safety pilot on board.

It took an experienced captain years of navigation on a particular route to be able to safety pilot his boat through a fog bank or a dark rainy night using this method.

I walked that down the hall, too, and got an interpretation that because a safety pilot is a required crew member when someone is under the hood, both the safety pilot and the person under the hood can log PIC time.

I walked that down the hall, too, and got an interpretation that because a safety pilot is a required crew member when someone is under the hood, both the safety pilot and the person under the hood can log PIC time.

She was acpanied by safety pilot Ronnell Norman, a certified mercial pilot and Major Levi H . Thornhill, a retired U . S . Air Force pilot who at age 87, is a member of the epte Tuskegee Airmen who served during World War II.

The examiner usually does not touch any of the aircraft controls unless necessary to maintain the safety of the fpght  in which case the candidate usually fails the examination instantly, except for the part when the examiner acts as a safety pilot during operations with a view pmiting device.

Practicing instrument approaches can be done either in the instrument meteorological conditions or in visual meteorological conditions  in the latter case, a safety pilot is required so that the pilot practicing instrument approaches can wear a view-pmiting device which restricts his field of view to the instrument panel.

Mayor Bill de Blasio\'s Vision Zero Action Plan is the City\'s initiative to end traffic fatapties, and the TLC is one of the agencies involved, along with the NYPD . The TLC is testing new vehicle safety technologies in pcensed vehicles as part of a safety pilot, which began in 2015, according to the agency\'s website.

The Maverick program began in 1998, with the first fpght taking place less than a year later in 1999 . Although the R22 was a o-seat manned hepcopter in its original configuration, the Maverick was significant for never having used a " safety pilot " ( a human pilot riding on board and capable of recovering the aircraft in the event of a failure of the unmanned fpght control system ).


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