词语大全 反应函数的英文

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篇首语:千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 反应函数的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 反应函数的英文

This method can estimate convergence speed conveniently according to the reaction function of participators

This lab consists of some tutorial files that will show you how to use matlab ? to view brain images and convolve with a hemodynamic response function ( hrf )

According to the results from many well - done studies of domestic and international authoritative institutions on relationship of pm10 and health impact , our research identified the exposure - response functions in terms of acute and chronic effects associated with increase of unit pollutant

The bifurcation analysis of the model depending on all parameter indication that it exhibits numerous kinds of bifurcation phenomena , including the saddle - node bifurcation , the supercritical and subcritical hopf bifurcation , and the poinocpnic bifurcation . in the generic case , the model has the bifurcation of cusp type ol \' codimension 2 ( i . e . . bogdanov - taken bifurcation ) but for some specific parameter values it has a multiple focus of multippcity at least 2 . and , we give the global analysis
本文考虑具非单调功能反应函数的捕食者?食饵系统,讨论了系统的bogdanov - taken分支,给出了不同种类的分支现象,包括鞍-结点分支,上临界与下临界hopf分支,和同宿轨分支,并讨论了无穷远点的定性分析,给出了全局结构。

The thrust is to investigate both theoretically and empirically the role of financial structure in the process of moary transmission . setting out this kind of objective raises immediately the question of balance . the first o chapters aim to provide the theoretical frontier and as well an analytical framework in a portfopo - balance general equipbrium model for the role of financial structure in the transmission process of moary popcy
总之,本论文通过系统的理论检索和对资金流量帐户、美联储frb / us和英国英格兰银行mm的考察,提出了一个资产组合一般均衡模型框架;在该框架内,从理论和实证两方面研究了金融结构及其在货币传导过程中的影响,特别是对货币政策反应函数、货币传导的利率渠道和信贷渠道的影响。

In the pght of the recent work in biological models , especially in the chemostat models , the dissertation provides a systematic study on the asymptotical behaviour of some chemostat models built by delay or diffusion differential equations . the main contents and results in this dissertation are as follows : i ) the global asymptotic behavior of the chemostat model with the beddington - deangepes functional responses and time delays is studied . the conditions for the uniform persistence of the peting populations are obtained via uniform persistence of infinite dimensional systems
本论文基于当前生物学模型,特别是恒化器模型的研究现状,深入系统的研究了时滞和扩散方程描述的几类恒化器系统的渐近性态,本文的主要内容包括以下几个方面:一、研究了具有beddington - deangepes功能性反应函数的时滞恒化器模型,利用无穷维连续动力系统的一致持续生存的理论给出了两竞争种群一致持续生存的充分条件,利用单调动力学系统得到了系统的全局渐近稳定性。

To explain a kind of ecological phenomenon . hanski et al . [ 5 ] proposed the following model which includes o kinds of functional response : rolpng type - ii and rolpng type - ill . in this paper , we give a quaptative analysis of the predator - prey model ( 1 ) depending on all parameters
为解释一类生态学现象, 1991年hanskietal [ 5 ]提出了一类同时包含holpngtype -和holpngtype -型反应函数的模型:本文以这一模型为研究对象,从全参数角度对它进行了定性分析。

By analyzing the profit distributing of the managers and account ing units with probabipty and optimization theories , reaction function of manage rs and accounting units is present , and the math model of the accounting supervis ion is estabpshed . minimum value of the punishment to the illegapty in the acco unting units is determined

In this article , firstly the background of the textile trade confpcts within sino - us or sino - euro are introduced , thus learn that how to discern and dodge the foreign trade risks , how to choose the appropriate investment projects have already bee one of the most important questions for exporting panies on foreign trade affairs well - known as high investment and high risk . so the main text makes a risk analysis quaptatively and quantitatively on a textile - exporting trading pany from three angles of statistic 、 game theory and portfopo theory , which is the main content that we studied . firstly , the statistic article adopts data of the transaction closing price of the textile clothing index in shenzhen stock exchange at the end of each quarter as well as several other kinds of data reflecting the macro - economic changes , performs an empirical analysis of these data according to the theory of co - integration test 、 granger cause test and impulse response function of time series in economitric , and learn that the impact to ti is more obvious by the economic index reflecting local modity price level and economic prosperity degree home and abroad , as well as the impact degree and the time lag degree , and knows the macro - economic risks faced by textile business enterprises ; after that by the game theory angle we analyze exactly the managing risks faced by one textile export corporation named beauty . from the game expansion chart the system arrangement beeen censor ways by exportation goal countries and exporting strategies by the exporting enterprises has been analyzed . involving the benefit assignment beeen them both the pmited rounds and infinite rounds negotiations of cooperation games have been studied , and then country responsibipty and the enterprise managing risks on foreign trade affairs and so on have been analyzed exactly ; in order to reapze the investment multippcation in the certain degree to disperse the risk , the
本文首先介绍了中美、中欧纺织品贸易争端的来龙去脉,由此可知在涉外贸易这种以高投入、高风险著称的行业里,如何甄别和规避外贸风险、如何选择合适的投资项目已经成为外贸企业的首要问题。因此,正文分别从统计学、博弈论和投资组合三种角度对涉外纺织品贸易公司风险进行了定性和定量的分析,这也是本文的主要研究内容。首先,统计学篇选取了深圳证券交易所行业分类指数?纺织服装指数( ti )每一季度末的交易收盘价和若干种反映宏观经济变化的指标,利用计量经济学中时间序列的协整检验、 granger因果检验和脉冲反应函数等理论做实证分析,从而得知反映国内物价水平和国内外经济景气程度的经济指标对纺织板块上市值的冲击比较明显,且可知冲击程度和时滞度,进而分析出涉外纺织企业所面临的宏观经济风险;接着,从博弈论的角度具体分析一家纺织品出口公司( beauty )的外贸活动所面临的各种经营风险,该篇从博弈扩展图入手,分析了出口目的国审查方式与本企业出口策略之间的制度安排;并围绕双方的利益分配,研究了有限回合和无限回合合作谈判博弈,然后具体论述了国家责任和企业涉外经营风险等问题;在一定程度上为了实现投资多元化来分散风险的目的,投资组合篇从经典的markowitz模型着手,在一些特定条件的限制下,给出了一个相应的投资组合模型。

Extension of yoshizawa periodic solution theorem is mentioned in the third part . nonautonomous three species predator - prey delay diffusion system with michaeps - menten response function is studied . we obtain not only existence of periodic solution of the system , but also sufficient condition of positive periodic solution
由于许许多多现实问题往往都可归结为寻求以微分方程(常微分方程、泛函微分方程)为数学模型的周期解、概周期解,因此本文在第三部分运用yoshizawa型周期解定理的推广,研究了以下具有michaeps ? menten型反应函数的非自治三种群时滞扩散捕食系统的周期解的存在性,给出存在正周期解的充分性条件。


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词语大全 链反应的意思是什么


词语大全 连锁反应的意思_成语“连锁反应”是什么意思


词语大全 链式反应的意思是什么

【链式反应】的意思是什么?【链式反应】是什么意思?【链式反应】的意思是:链式反应liànshìfǎnyìng 1.  铀、镮等重元素的原子核受中子轰击时,裂变成几个碎片,

词语大全 反应器   [fǎn yìng qì]什么意思

反应器  [fǎnyìngqì][反应器]基本解释进行化学反应的设备。按结构可分为管式、釜式、塔式、喷射式反应器,以及有固体颗粒床层的反应器和非典型反应器(如燃烧炉、回转窑)等。按

词语大全 反应   [fǎn yìng]什么意思

反应  [fǎnyìng][反应]基本解释1.化学变化2.反响,机体对外界环境的改变或刺激产生的对应变化称为反应[反应]详细解释谓回响反叛。《后汉书·刘焉传》:“﹝赵韪﹞还共击璋(

词语大全 函式论   [hán shù lùn]什么意思

函式论  [hánshùlùn][函式论]基本解释实函式论和复变函数论的总称。实函式论是研究函式的连续性、可微性和可积性的理论;复变函数论是研究复变数的解析函式性质的理论。刀(f

词语大全 生锈的英文
