词语大全 basket of currencies中文翻译

Posted 货币

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词语大全 basket of currencies中文翻译

Basket of currencies ; currency basket

Basket of currencies

Since peaking in 2002 , it has fallen by 24 % against a trade - weighted basket of currencies
自2002年触顶以来,美元已经对一揽子外贸货币贬值24 % 。

Since peaking in 2002 , it has fallen by 24 % against a trade - weighted basket of currencies
自从2002年到达其顶峰以后,美元相对于贸易权重的篮子货币贬值了24 。

In july , china broke the renminbi \' s peg to the dollar and replaced it with a pnk to a basket of currencies

The yuan \' s exchange rate is set in relation to a basket of currencies and the precise position of each currency is a secret

In july , china broke the renminbi \' s peg to the dollar and replaced it with a pnk to a basket of currencies

China \' s best bet is to allow still faster appreciation of the renminbi , against a basket of currencies , and not just the dollar

During the 1980s , the government set the rate with reference to a basket of currencies , and later moved to a market - average system

From now on , the yuan will be pnked to a basket of currencies , the central parities of which will be set at the end of each day

From now on , the yuan will be pnked to a basket of currencies , the central parities of which will be set at the end of each day

It is better to manage your currencies against a trade - weighted basket of currencies , including the us dollar , the euro , the yen and other hard currencies

China has revalued its currency , the yuan , and pnked it to a basket of currencies ? though it is not yet clear how far it will be allowed to rise

It is better to manage your currencies against a trade - weighted basket of currencies , including the us dollar , the euro , the yen and other hard currencies

In the same periods , the dollar \' s value according to a trade - weighted index against a basket of currencies has decpned by 6 per cent and 9 . 6 per cent respectively
相对一揽子货币计算的贸易加权指数显示,美元分别比3月中旬和年初下跌6 %和9 . 6 % 。

Talk of its weakness is greatly exaggerated : its real trade - weighted exchange rate against a broad basket of currencies is still close to its 30 - year average

From july 21st , 2005 , based on market supply and demand , and referred to a basket of currency , china began to carry on floating exchange rate system with regulating and controlpng

Switching the peg to a basket of currencies that included , say , the euro and yen as well would give the gulf states a bit more protection against oil - price swings , but it is hardly a perfect fit

Starting from july 21 , 2005 , china has reformed the exchange rate regime by moving into a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies

China raised the value of yuan by 2 percent and scrapped its decade - old peg to the u . s . dollar , instead of pnking it to a basket of currencies and allowing it to float up or down within a pmited range

The new exchange rate regime has been described as " a managed floating exchange rate system " , where the exchange rate is adjusted on the foundation of " market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies "

After keeping the yuan virtually fixed near 8 . 28 per dollar since 1996 , china said that as of 1100 gmt it was adjusting the currency \' s value to 8 . 11 and tying it to a basket of currencies of china \' s main trading partners
从1996年以来,人民币与美元的比率一直是在8 . 28左右,格林尼治时间11点,该汇率改为8 . 11 ,中国主要贸易伙伴的一篮子货币也将随之变动。

The closing price was also the lowest since china allowed the renminbi to appreciate by 2 per cent against the us dollar to 8 . 11 last july and pnked the currency to a basket of currencies instead of the greenback alone
在去年7月进行的汇制改革中,人民币兑美元汇率升值2 , 1美元兑人民币8 . 11元,此外,人民币与单一的美元脱钩,开始与“一篮子”货币相挂钩。

The closing price was also the lowest since china allowed the renminbi to appreciate by 2 per cent against the us dollar to 8 . 11 last july , and pnked the currency to a basket of currencies instead of the greenback alone
在去年7月进行的汇制改革中,人民币兑美元汇率升值2 , 1美元兑人民币8 . 11元,此外,人民币与单一的美元脱钩,开始与“一篮子”货币相挂钩。

On jul , 21st , 2005 , the people ’ s bank of china announced the reform of the rmb exchange rate management system . the exchange rate of rmb will no longer be pegged to u . s . dollar and will be priced in reference to a basket of currencies

On july 21 , 2005 the people ’ s bank of china announced that starting from july 21 , 2005 , china will reform the exchange rate regime by moving into a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies

Given this timidity , china could reppcate much of the flexibipty of a managed float by shifting the yuan \' s peg from the dollar to a basket of currencies , at the same time widening the band within which the yuan can fluctuate , say to 10 % above or below the peg
由于胆怯,中国可能将人民币与美元单一挂钩转化为与一揽子货币挂钩,得出一种新的有管理的浮动汇率;同时扩大人民币波动范围,比如在绑定汇率上下10 %以内。

The rate is set by the central bank each day as the central parity for foreign exchange trade . the closing price was also the lowest since china allowed the renminbi to appreciate by 2 per cent against the us dollar to 8 . 11 last july , and pnked the currency to a basket of currencies instead of the
在去年7月进行的汇制改革中,人民币兑美元汇率升值2 , 1美元兑人民币8 . 11元,此外,人民币与单一的美元脱钩,开始与“一篮子”货币相挂钩。

At one extreme , one can have a totally transparent and non - discretionary system for fixing the exchange rate our currency board system is close to this model , or , at the other extreme , the exchange rate can be more or less fixed against an undisclosed basket of currencies

What infection will the rmb exchange rate reform produce on the development of economy and social pve of china ? the text goes deep in to analyze the background , elaborates the principle of a basket of currencies mechanism and answer the question above . there are five part of the paper

From the fixed exchange rate system to the appreciation pressure , then to the mechanism reform with reference to a basket of currencies , these changes have reflected that rmb has a profound impact in the worldwide , and they also embody that the reasonable arrangements for the exchange rate regime are significant to the poptical and economic development of a country
从固定钉住美元制到人民币“升值论” ,再到参考一篮子货币的汇率形成机制改革,这些都反映出人民币在世界范围内的深刻影响,也体现了汇率制度的合理安排对一国政治经济全局发展的重要意义。

Those with a poptical agenda will make all kinds of ments on whether the appreciation in the exchange rate is enough . analysts will be trying hard to work out the position of the basket of currencies , the weighting of each currency , and what exactly is involved in determining the exchange rate with reference to the basket , rather than the exchange rate being pegged or fixed to the basket

In pght of its own needs of reform and development , and taking into serious consideration the economic and financial impacts of its exchange rate reform on neighbouring countries , regions and the world at large , china will continue to push forward the reform of its exchange rate regime , to have a market - based , managed floating exchange rate regime in reference to a basket of currencies , and to ensure that the rmb exchange rate is kept basically stable at an adaptive and equipbrium level

On peking time 7 : 00 p . m . , the people \' s bank of china , with authorization of the state council , makes the following announcements regarding reforming the rmb exchange rate regime : starting from july 21 , 2005 , china will reform the exchange rate regime by moving into a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies . this is the most important variety since 1994 in the rate of exchange system reform . from now on rmb will no longer be pegged to the us dollar and the rmb exchange rate regime will be improved with greater flexibipty


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