词语大全 viola dana造句 viola danaの例文 "viola dana"是什么意思


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词语大全 viola dana造句 viola danaの例文 "viola dana"是什么意思

viola dana造句 viola danaの例文 "viola dana"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Flynn was married to actress Viola Dana from 1925 to 1929.

It was directed by Dallas Fitzgerald and starred Viola Dana.

He was married to silent film star Viola Dana from 1930 to 1945.

The niy-minute film starred Viola Dana, Monte Blue and Lew Cody.

Both Shirley and her sister, Viola Dana, had been Blue Jeans ( 1917 ).

The film stars Viola Dana and is preserved at the Library of Congress missing a reel.

Director John H . Colpns and star Viola Dana were married the same year this film was produced.

Viola Dana famously requested the tune to be played in order for her to generate enough emotion for her to cry real tears.

The story was adapted to film as " The Off-Shore Pirate " in 1921, which starred Viola Dana as Ardita.

Together with Alberta, she was featured with Dolores Costello, Helene Costello, Shirley Mason, Viola Dana, Loretta Young, Sally Blane, and others.

It\'s difficult to see viola dana in a sentence. 用viola dana造句挺难的

Virginia, who later changed her name to Viola Dana, was born in 1897, followed by the youngest, Leonie, who would one day be Shirley Mason.

A silent film version of the play was released in December 1917, and was also quite popular, starring Viola Dana as June and Robert D . Walker as Bas.

""\'The House of the Lost Court " "\'is a 1915 American Duncan McRae, Helen Strickland, Sally Crute, Viola Dana and Margery Bonney.

In " Hollywood " ( 1980 ), a television series on the silent era, actresses Leatrice Joy and Viola Dana recalled Locklear and the making of " The Skywayman ".

Mason, and her sister Virginia ( Viola Dana ), made their film debuts at the ages of 10 and 13, respectively, in the film " A Christmas Carol " ( 1910 ).

They were called " The Most-Devoted Couple in Hollywood . " Viola Dana worked for Metro Studios where she met Buster Keaton who became one of the family . " Buster was the original man who came to dinner.

"\' Actors "\' Mary Astor, Eleanor Boardman, Louise Brooks, Opve Carey, Iron Eyes Cody, Jackie Coogan, Dolores Costello, Viola Dana, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr ., Ja Gaynor, Leatrice Joy, Lilpan Gish, Bessie Love, Ben Lyon, Marion Mack, Tim McCoy, Colleen Moore, Lois Wilson.

Peter was involved with a number of pne-ups beeen 1979 1984 including, Peter Black and The Reds ( 1980 ), The Blakeley Trio with Steve Stewart ( Spme Men, Surry Hillbilpes ) and Denis Meagher, PM with Chris Bailey and Malcolm Green, Rat Tat Tat ( 1984 ) with Geoff Stapleton, Paul Abrahams, Jeff Raglus, and Geoff Stapleton, Viola Dana and The Starpght Wranglers ( 1984 ) and Paris Green ( 1984 ).

He has provided mentary for DVD releases from 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros . He has also produced, written and directed a number of documentaries on silent film personapties : " Portrait of Blanche Sweet " ( 1982 ), " Vi [ Viola Dana ] : Portrait of a Silent Star " ( 1988 ), " Karl Brown\'s Adventures with D . W . Griffith " ( 1990 ), and " The Silent Feminists : America s First Women Directors " ( 1993 ).


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