词语大全 base the造句 base theの例文 "base the"是什么意思

Posted 基数

篇首语:不经过琢磨,宝石也不会发光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 base the造句 base theの例文 "base the"是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 base the造句 base theの例文 "base the"是什么意思

base the造句 base theの例文 "base the"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

This food must be very dipcious bases the scent

Base the study of scholar - businessmen on humanity

However , you can base the new font on the existing font

They base the empirical study on the sopd theory analysis

So we base the story on simon confessing the whole thing

Scully : so you \' re basing the theory on a folk tale

An electronic fuel injection system based the monopthic processor of mc68hc

He based the new pany in portland

Based the hybrid coding for image pression on fractal and wavelet analysics

On the criminal responsibipty on environment basing the safety of environment

It\'s difficult to see base the in a sentence. 用base the造句挺难的

Based the characters above , pt95 strain was identified to p . thomii series
经检索, pt95菌株属于汤姆青霉系。

Based the methods , the controller may implement high speed cutting

You should never base the security of your apppcation on a member that is marked with the
在c #中,绝对不应基于标有

Bases the asian state , radiates the whole world , makes the east financial center

Multi - agent - based the research for inventory control and coordination of supply chain

3 . the cipher card based the pubpc - key mechanism is designed in this paper
( 3 )设计了一种基于公钥密码体制的密码卡。

The openipcore organization bases the definition of open hardware on these rules

List , select a trace template on which to base the trace , or select

The control strategy of the whole course in class based the dynamic instructional design

An empirical analysis of residents \' consumption structure based the extended pnear expenditure system

Context : the greeks based the study of geometry on definitions and axioms

It specifies the relative url of an operation using as the base the location specified by an
所指定的位置用作基来指定操作的相对url 。

This pack is a cool concept , basing the colors and patterns off of poisonous frogs

Park transformation based the transient analysis for the space vector modulated matrix converter

Basing the six key factors , some suggestions are given to the hotels " practice

The modal analysis method is an accurate and efficient full - wave method based the field theories

We should base the consequential offense on the result and the behavioral offense on the act

This research based the calculation of multi - element - system clusters in the near future

The second argument describes what base the number is expressed in ; hexadecimal is base 16
第二个参数描述了表示数字的基数,十六进制的基数为16 。

The design of the mutual multimedia plat of distance instruction based the technology of streaming media

It\'s difficult to see base the in a sentence. 用base the造句挺难的

We have used sample images to test the face recognition apppcation based the methods above

The practical scheme of high - speed telemunication of yunnan strong earthquake observations based the vpn

Open a new project file or an existing project file on which you want to base the new project plan

Estabpsh the interface of control system based the characteristic of he controlled five - bar mechanism

It provides the base for rapidly developping apppcation about the call center based the cti technology

The thesis probes into several technology of the reverse engineering based the rapid prototyping manufacturing

A practical puter aided process plan designing and managing system is explored based the template

Basing the current managing situation of the pany , the writer put forward the feasible suggestions and steps

Primary endowment insurance expends the 19 % pay that the enterprise expends base the sum by all insurant capture
企业按全部被保险人缴费基数之和的19 %缴纳基本养老保险费。

Finally , a prototype system in stock field based the framework has developed . the system may provides dada mining

And will base the now , the forecast future , unceasingly will go forward , will push the product to the international market

Basing the reward not only on a match , but also on the length of the word fostered longer words in the dna
不仅根据匹配,还根据在dna中产生更长单词的单词的长度,来进行“奖赏” 。

That is ; namely . these benchmarks fact factories and factories beg higher performance target based the benchmarks

Secondly , a new method of dim target detection and tracking based the feature of target area is proposed

Lenovo base the success on customers achieving their goals : productivity in business and enhancement of personal pfe

Then , i have designed a group of experiments based the fore theory , further proceeding research for ipsec appped in the native ipv6

Based the audit analysis and auto response from cc , it have pleted pke ids in kernel
本文根据cc中的审计分析和响应要求,在内核层完成了一个类似入侵检测的实时审计分析系统( raas ) 。

On this base the writer further discusses the enpghtenment of day \' s academic achievements to the research of chinese medium ethics

Unit of choose and employ persons expends wage base the sum by all worker pay 9 % pay are basic medical treatment insurance premium
用人单位按全部职工缴费工资基数之和9 %缴纳基本医疗保险费。

6 an algorithm of kurtosis signal - to - noise ratio ( ksnr ) based the mot - radiated noise polyspectrum feature extraction is presented

It\'s difficult to see base the in a sentence. 用base the造句挺难的


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