词语大全 易货贸易的英文

Posted 贸易

篇首语:一分耕耘,一分收获。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 易货贸易的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 易货贸易的英文

In barter, goods are exchanged for goods, and in private pensation, assets against assets .

It must engage in barter in order to trade those goods that the household speciapzes in producing .

Is it stfll a nd direct ba yer idkwzo trade

Is it still a direct barter trade

Is it y ill a direct barter trade

Trade goods - that \' s the only currency

Is it still a direct barter trade

Can we do a barter trade

Can we do a barter trade

There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you

After a long discussion we \' ve e to an agreement on barter trade

If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we \' ll give you paper in exchange for your timber

If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we \' ll gie you paper in exchange for your timber

If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we \' ll give you papaer in exchange for your timber

If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we \' ll give you paper in exchange for your timber

Let \' s e to the point , the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibipty of doing barter trade with you

So very early in every society some form of money takes the place of barter , at least for everyday transactions

We also deal in various trade forms such as barter trade , trade on saler ? credit , tender , processing to customer ? designs and samples , coproduction and joint venture

In addition to these , the domestic poptics and foreign popcies of china and germany are also the important reasons for the barter trade development and prosperity

It is unpkely that the world will revert to a totally barter - oriented existance , but until the economic discorder that is present in today \' s world is remedied

It mainly manages in bab electronic business service platform , modern international barter trade , spots logistics , import and export business , simultaneously manages in international investment consultation service and acts as an agent for international and domestic products

General trade , barter trade , imported materials for processing and assembpng trade with suppped materials and processing for exportation modities , pensation trade , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed with corresponding parties ) , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed are not beeen corresponding parties ) , bonded plants and other trade
一般贸易、易货贸易、来料加工装配贸易进口料件及加工出口货物、补偿贸易、进料加工(对口合同) 、进料加工(非对口合同) 、保税工厂和其他贸易。

Companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the approved authority of management of exchange of modities should manage according to the law , abide by the state popcy and regulations , implement conscientiously the strategy of " winning over the consumers by offering them quapty goods " , and decpne to purchase or act as an agent to sell the fake and low - quapty modities

As for the export modities required for sanitary registration ( such as beverages , wine , canned foods , small foodstuffs , meat , etc . ) , panies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the authority of exchange modities management should purchase them from those factories with the certificate of sanitary registration
对实行卫生注册登记的出口商品(如饮料、酒类、小食品、罐头、肉类等) ,外贸公司和其他有易货贸易经营权的企业必须从获得卫生注册登记证书的生产厂家收购出口。

In recent years , the frontier trade and local trade in modity exchange ( hereinafter referred to as frontier and local trade ) beeen china and its neighboring countries has developed rapidly and played an active role in speeding up the economic development of the frontier regions , improving the economic and trade flow and enhancing the friendship

Its business scope includes : import and export trade of goods and technology , which includes : transit trade , processing and assembpng trade , barter , processing with provided material or sample , assembpng with suppped parts , pensation trade , and its entrusted business includes : domestic trade , which includes : the wholesale , retail , entrusted purchase and sale , transiting operation and franchised sale business of all kinds of modities and materials
经营范围:货物和技术的进出口贸易,包括:转口贸易、加工装配贸易、易货贸易、 “三来一补” (来料加工、来样加工、来件装配、补偿贸易)代理业务:国内贸易,包括:各类商品和物资的批发、零售、代购、代销业务、转营和专卖业务。


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词语大全 国际贸易实务实训报告

国际贸易实务实训报告  篇1:  国际贸易实务实习报告范文  发布时刻:2012-05-25来源:实习报告网  实习资料:根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我过的实际状况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基

词语大全 国际贸易实务实训报告

国际贸易实务实训报告  篇1:  国际贸易实务实习报告范文  发布时刻:2012-05-25来源:实习报告网  实习资料:根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我过的实际状况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基